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is GOD just our imagination?


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This argument can only hold if you pre-define what dark energy is. Since you yourself have admitted we don't know what it is, simply that it exists, this entire paragraph is moot.

Really it was an irrelevant topic to begin with. With dark energy there is discussion about what the term means and a goal for everyone's discussion about the possible existence of dark energy to have a common definition of the term.


With "god" everyone wants to argue about it's existence with no apparent attempt or desire to do so with a common definition. The term "dark energy" was a poor choice to compare with the term "god".

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Your inability to refute the point makes me think it was a fairly good example; I thought it showed nicely that a single definition is not necessary to hold a meaningful debate. To try to hamstring a debate by insisting on impossible or unlikely terms of reference is counter-productive. The imposition of scientific rules of engagement to a discussion of religion is of very little use - I will re-post a quote taken from laurie taylor ( a noted humanist, sociologist, and broadcaster in the UK


It is no more possible to prove (or disprove) the existence of God scientifically than it is to prove the world is round musically. (orig Laurie Taylor I think)

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It is no more possible to prove (or disprove) the existence of God scientifically than it is to prove the world is round musically. (orig Laurie Taylor I think)

According to what definition of "god"? According to Pantheists there is no doubt that god by their definition exists because it is simply another term for nature. According to Christians, God is some great granddaddy in the sky that listens to and answers their prayers. Exactly which god are you referring to?

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  • 3 weeks later...

For many years Scientist have always argued about proving God's existence scientifically,but can science be applied to a supreme being to whom we cannot apply any of our weak technology.He has given us enough evidence of his existence,including the most important evidence which is the fact that we are self aware and seek answers outside of our self.


There is a scripture that says God has set eternity in the hearts of men so they will revere him.It is that eternity that he has set in the hearts of men that causes them to continually look further into the universe or wonder where the universe ends.Even scientist sub-consciously search for God even if they don't want to admit to searching for someone bigger than themselves.

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For many years Scientist have always argued about proving God's existence scientifically,but can science be applied to a supreme being to whom we cannot apply any of our weak technology.


No, science can't be used to detect or determine the existence of a God. By definition, a hypothetical God would not be bound to the laws of nature. I agree here.


He has given us enough evidence of his existence,including the most important evidence which is the fact that we are self aware and seek answers outside of our self.


I disagree here. We are self aware yes. How does the existence of a god follow from that? Could we not have naturally evolved to be self aware? I'm not just playing devil's advocate here. I've always been confused when people make this claim "We are aware therefore God exists". I can't follow the logic, please explain further.

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  • 3 weeks later...

No he ain't. I saw him. Tall black man with white clothes, had the hope of the whole people with him. They would all have died with him, so I didn't hurt him much. But he was not that powerfull at that time. That's just people and I had this hammer that was much more powerfull. It was made from 2 galactic black holes that I helped quench the thirst of by some unknown interaction with eachother. You wouldn't understand how close it was that you all died that time. This is me Thor wrighting, and you may quote me any time you like.

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  • 2 weeks later...

No he ain't. I saw him. Tall black man with white clothes, had the hope of the whole people with him. They would all have died with him, so I didn't hurt him much. But he was not that powerfull at that time. That's just people and I had this hammer that was much more powerfull. It was made from 2 galactic black holes that I helped quench the thirst of by some unknown interaction with eachother. You wouldn't understand how close it was that you all died that time. This is me Thor wrighting, and you may quote me any time you like.



In Norse mythology, Ragnarök is a series of future events, including a great battle foretold to ultimately result in the death of a number of major figures (including the gods Odin, Thor, Týr, Freyr, Heimdall, and Loki), the occurrence of various natural disasters, and the subsequent submersion of the world in water. Afterward, the world will resurface anew and fertile, the surviving and reborn gods will meet, and the world will be repopulated by two human survivors. Ragnarök is an important event in the Norse canon, and has been the subject of scholarly discourse and theory.


NARRRRRR thor died, you seem like loki


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i have been reading over some religious idea's covered by most theologians and it became self evident i dont belong to any particular religion, however i do have spirituality and self awareness, im willing to overlook all the fallacy's of religion to see what is meant behind the metaphors and such but i dont believe in any particular being as god, this brings me to my conundrum, imagination, what is it?, where did it come from?, is it the force that made us evolve or is it just the force that helps us prosper once were alive? after all these questions are answered i think every believer in god needs to ask himself or herself a single question to fully overstand the existence of their personal god, WOULD GOD EXIST IF YOU COULDN'T IMAGINE IT? we all have biases of what we imagine god to be, for example i quite enjoy imaging god as all the laws we must abide, the laws of physics, laws of nature and laws we created ourself via politics, all these laws are very real and we live our lives by them (or most of us, those who aren't in prison) this is what i IMAGINE god to be, someone else however, perhaps a Christian may idealise god in his/her imagination as a HUGE white bearded male in which our universe makes up a small sub-atomic particle of HIS beard (or lungs or guts or heart) all that being said you are still only imagining god and if imagining god makes god real then what does that make our imagination? any idea's on the matter would be greatly appreciated as im trying to come to terms with the human imagination (or life on the whole) thanks for reading guys...


Can you explain or describe what you mean by saying you have spirituality? I would say that mirages, hypnosis, magic, and near-death experiences are mysterious, but are they examples of the spiritual that you mention? All of them are readily explainable. Would you consider belief in Santa Claus as "spiritual?"


First of all, I would suggest that you take the position of all science in being that you do not believe in something the existence of which cannot be verified. That is a good starting point. You cannot, for example, verify the existence of Santa Claus in the same way you cannot verify that of "God" or any god. In fact, you cannot verify even the existence of any spirits at all, including a self-spirit or "soul' capable of living after the death of your body and brain.


If you only accept such logic and even get used to it, a whole new world will opened up to you. You will see everything as being "natural." That is, the universe operates according to natural cause and effect. No longer is there any need to fear the unknown, to see fortune tellers, avoid hauted houses, wonder what "evil" ("Satan's work") is, and be fooled by magic. You become a truly modern man.


When you recognize that there is no god and never was, you will undertsand that it will continue to be true long after humanity outgrows and brings to an end its too-protracted spirit-believing Age.


I also suggest you give up the idea that there is a inteliigent force (god) determining natural law. The so-called laws of nature have evolved through centuries and are either mathematical forumations or generalizations or both. They will continue to evolve. As with all human understanding, there is no arbitrary, rigid and inflexable "Truths" or "Laws." Gods come and go in history, but man has always improved his understanding of himself and the universe. We will always need science to continue doing so.




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