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Light vs.Gravity


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Im sorry if this doesant make sence,but If the gravity inside a blackhole pulls

light into it when light is trying to escape but cant:wouldnt the invisible fource of gravity be faster than the speed of light? Because Gravity is a constant,where as light has its limitations.

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The question should be "What is the speed of gravity?" How do we know gravity moves at light speed?


wiki on "speed of gravity":




"The speed of gravity, and of all disturbances, is more often called the speed of light c. Within the well accepted theory of special relativity, the parameter c is not about light, it is a unit conversion factor for changing the units of time to the units of space in a Lorentz transformation. It is then also the only speed which does not depend on the motion of the observer, and equals the speed of gravity and of light and of any other massless particle."

Edited by Airbrush
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