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When you think 10 minutes pass and only 1 minute passes


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This happened to me a long time ago, when I was sick. I woke up at around 3:00 A.M. I tried to fall asleep but I couldn't. It felt like 10 minutes passed, but when I turned around and looked at the digital alarm clock, only a minute passed. I turned around to try and sleep again. It felt like 10 minutes again, but only a couple of minutes passed. I did this for a couple more times, and I concluded that the alarm clock must be broken. A half hour later, I decided to stare at the clock to see if my counting coincided with the clock. I counted seconds in my head when the next minute appeared. I counted about 100 seconds to one minute on the clock. Then I counted out loud. I counted like forty something out loud. I couldn't fall asleep.


Anyways, when it was like 6 AM I decided to get out of bed. I thought that everyone would be awake because the clock was messed up. It turns out the clock wasn't messed up and all the clocks in the house and computers, etc. said approximately the same time.


Imagine how long those three hours really were. It felt like a whole day passed, and I was just sitting there counting or just lying down trying to sleep.


This happened to you before? What's going on?

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I've had a problem (occasionaly, but now it doesn't happen) where everything seems to go fast. I think I'm walking faster, and everything that makes a periodic noise reminds me of something, but I don't know what. Things like that, and it gets aggravating after a while because I feel like I'm going nuts.


Perhaps Glider will stop by and explain it for us.

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I have no clue why this happens, but I get that a lot. I used to get more sleep than I do now and back then I would wake up around three (after falling asleep around 11) every night and just lay there awake for what felt like forever but only was about a half an hour. Then every morning around 5:30 I would wake up again and fall asleep around 6:30 only to be awoken for school at 6:45. This would happen just about every day at the same times. I found that it was some great time to think about what had to be done for the day or just think about some neat things I had just read in a sciencey book. I almost began to not mind it after a while. I don't have enough time for that anymore, though.

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Yeah, I noticed the times didn't fluctuate much either. I sleep between 10-11 and wake up at 1. It doesn't happen anymore.


Later, as I kept alert, I found out that sprinklers went off at around 2 sometimes. When I was a kid, I was very paranoid and scared, especially at night. When I heard a creak, I thought it would be a burglar or a murderer. So maybe hearing the sprinkler subconsciously at night set off an alarm in my head to wake up at an earlier time, like 1.

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well this is a very complicated question i hope you will get the answer that this world has four dimensions X , Y, Z and the fourth according to Alber Einstein is the time, we see things in 3 dimensions because we dont have the control of time you can say that God binds us in 3 dimension but we saw dreams in 4 dimensions that why we see many things places days in just a night so there is a way when we are relaxed our brain frequency changes and comes to such a state when we are relaxed called the alpha state that we start thinking in 4 dimensions and thus we gets the control of time and we think too much in just a minute or according to Einstein you can say that brain start working soo fast that it overcomes the time.

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well this is a very complicated question i hope you will get the answer that this world has four dimensions X , Y, Z and the fourth according to Alber Einstein is the time, we see things in 3 dimensions because we dont have the control of time you can say that God binds us in 3 dimension but we saw dreams in 4 dimensions that why we see many things places days in just a night so there is a way when we are relaxed our brain frequency changes and comes to such a state when we are relaxed called the alpha state that we start thinking in 4 dimensions and thus we gets the control of time and we think too much in just a minute or according to Einstein you can say that brain start working soo fast that it overcomes the time.

Whatever you say...

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well this is a very complicated question i hope you will get the answer that this world has four dimensions X , Y, Z and the fourth according to Alber Einstein is the time, we see things in 3 dimensions because we dont have the control of time you can say that God binds us in 3 dimension but we saw dreams in 4 dimensions that why we see many things places days in just a night so there is a way when we are relaxed our brain frequency changes and comes to such a state when we are relaxed called the alpha state that we start thinking in 4 dimensions and thus we gets the control of time and we think too much in just a minute or according to Einstein you can say that brain start working soo fast that it overcomes the time.


I thought Einstein said time isn't the fourth dimension. He considered space and time the same thing. The fourth dimension is just another dimension which is expanding, causing space-time to expand, too.


I've heard of the alpha state and stuff. But the alpha state happens when you're listening to music or watching tv. Theta state is where you are in a deep trance and you can't feel pain as much as you would. Delta waves occur when you are sleeping.


Do you think that maybe if one's brain frequency is at delta mode, or perhaps lower, one loses normal time perception? *Psychokinesis, if it exists, might be tied into this.


You know, I don't think it is that I had control of time. It was like I lost my perception of time. If one minute felt like five and I was trying to wake up, then morning would've came earlier. But it took forever.


I read that computers and age might also affect time perception. Maybe that's why some people, when they grow old, fall asleep more often.


There was also that experiment done, where someone went lived underground for a while. She had no sunlight, and her perception of day and night changed. Even her menstrual cycle was off. In other words, she lost track of time.

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psi, just to point something out, that girl living underground was not physically controling time. She was changing a cycle (or number of cycles) that rely on her awareness of other "constents," by going underground, she did not stop, or mess up time, she just disoriented herself. When one sets a clock diferently, they may change their lifestyle, but the rest of the world revolves. When one puts a sheet over their eyes, everything has not vanished, one has just blocked the energy of everything from reacvhing ones eyes.

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Albert Einstein said in his special theory of relativity that time is the 4th quadrant and the delta state of which you are talking occurs after deep theta when you are in a deep sleep and this just occurs for 30 mili seconds and prolonged delta state will take you in comma, and for controling the time as in the last post you have to increase your velocity so much that your speed is more than that of light then only you can control or defeat the time.

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ya you are right that when you are relaxed then you go in alpha but deep alpha is the state in which you are having day dreams and almost all the famous peoples of this world like leornado da vinci , Einstein, Bohr they think in alpha coz in this state the brain is working too fast with its maximum resources with the body relaxed we can also do this but there is a whole process to reach this state in this state you can even experience the spritual super natural things your six sense is at its fullest.

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Albert Einstein said in his special theory of relativity that time is the 4th quadrant and the delta state of which you are talking occurs after deep theta when you are in a deep sleep and this just occurs for 30 mili seconds and prolonged delta state will take you in comma, and for controling the time as in the last post you have to increase your velocity so much that your speed is more than that of light then only you can control or defeat the time.


Please, please, please stop mangling SpecRel.

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well this is not the part of the brain well brain is just the processor and the mind is the operator these are the two different things well think about it and then say something and if you disagree then tell me in which part of the brain the thoughts, came

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