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viXra.org is an "alternative" to arXiv.org intended for those who do not like the restrictions imposed on the arXiv. It seems to me so far to be full of "non-mainstream " physics.


There are even names on it that we have seen here!


Is such a website useful? Is it in fact harmful?


Remember that in reality the arXiv does not reject many papers. One critique of the arXiv is that it does not reject enough, if you have a mainstream point of view. If you are more on the fringe you may disagree.


My personal view is that it is not needed and could be detrimental to science.


Have a look at the institute of physics news report.

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viXra.org is an "alternative" to arXiv.org intended for those who do not like the restrictions imposed on the arXiv. It seems to me so far to be full of "non-mainstream " physics.


There are even names on it that we have seen here!


Is such a website useful? Is it in fact harmful?


Remember that in reality the arXiv does not reject many papers. One critique of the arXiv is that it does not reject enough, if you have a mainstream point of view. If you are more on the fringe you may disagree.


My personal view is that it is not needed and could be detrimental to science.


Have a look at the institute of physics news report.

It can't be as bad as Conservapedia.

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I don't think anyone can say that it is peer review, but then neither is the arXiv although there are some restrictions.


What we would not like is people to hold viXra on par with the arXiv.

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  • 2 months later...

ViXra has "239 e-prints in Science and Mathematics" according to the front page.


It has also been brought to my attention SPIRES includes preprints form ViXra. Maybe the HEP community is taking this site seriously?

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  • 1 month later...

"An alternative archive of 356 e-prints in Science and Mathematics serving the whole scientific community"


Anyone been keeping an eye on it?


My general feeling is that it contains plenty of rubbish. This makes it difficult to take any possibly better work very seriously. This is the cost of complete freedom.


Lets have a look at an abstract.


A String Theorist Meets the Fisherman's Son

Authors: David Martin Degner


The last lines of his abstract "My theory can be understood by everyone over the age of ten or twelve and at a deep level by all adults. My theory makes common sense and is intuitively pleasing and self-evident."


How wonderful!

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  • 3 weeks later...

You know I think it is, LOL.


Notes on Utility: Some Factors Which Contribute to Individual Achievement and Plausible Relation to Welfare


Authors: V. Christianto


We love you all nations, but time is very limited. Be hurry, be hurry to repent and receive Me, Jesus Christ. Me will come again very very soon, and you should know that it is good not for your health to do not repent and do not receive Me, Jesus Christ. This paper describes a simple experiment in order to redefine utility term from the viewpoint of experimenter. We discuss how individual achievement can be broken down into a number of factors. We consider a number of factors which can be verified experimentally, and that's why this paper is original and new in nature. A discussion of implications of these factors for economics study is given.

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  • 4 months later...

Why would the presence of "rubbish" make it difficult to take other work on the site seriously? It is just an e-print archive, not an editted journal.


The same situation exists on arXiv.org and there are plenty of controversial papers there. In fact since arXiv.org is moderated it should be more of a concern that crazy articles can appear there.


Try these for example


Does God So Love the Multiverse? http://arxiv.org/abs/0801.0246


Test of Influence from Future in Large Hadron Collider; A Proposal http://arxiv.org/abs/0802.2991

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As a rule, if a paper gets moved from one of the specific subject areas to general physics then it is usually of little worth. I would take it as an insult myself.


So, yes there is some rubbish on the arXiv especially in the gen-phy section however I think that for quite an open archive there is surprisingly little. Mathematics generally fairs better and their are far less "quack papers".

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It is the stated purpose of viXra to accept all reasonable submissions of scientific papers. However we reserve the right to reject or withdraw papers and we are likely to do so if we become aware of the following:


* Vulgarity

* Racism

* Potential libel

* Plagiarism

* Misleading information that could be dangerous

* Commercial Marketing Hype

* Copyright violation

* Multiple submissions of essentailly the same work


We do not accept works of art, literature, journalism or similar categories that have no scientific content.


Some real junk has got through, feel free to try it yourself! :eyebrow:

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Anyone considered trolling them with an intentionally fake-as-possible paper full of indecipherable language and see if they accept it?
I say a collaborative effort would be in order.


A Unified Application of String Theory to Pre-Cellular Rotoplexes in Retrograde Fourier Acids


In this paper we prove that...

Anyone want to continue a la exquisite corpse?

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