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Why is it that any time you post something asking a question about anything interesting that may be considered dangerous moderators shut your thread down? Surely its better to give the info out and then let us decide whether its something that we want to try at our own personal risk? someone answer me, especially if you're a damned moderator.



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I believe in telling kids about the bad stuff. If people could actually sign away their right to sue, I'd say let's get them to sign an agreement that says they know the risks and accept them and no matter what they or their parents claim later, they will not sue us right off the web.




All the moderators are damned, actually, they sold their souls to get the position.
I would show you the Moderator's Position, but posting that sort of picture is also against the forum rules.
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Because not everybody will be informed enough to know if what they attempt is safe or not. As lawsuit-happy as America is, we'd probably get sued if someone tries an experiment and gets their face melted off.


Well, i agree that lots of people might not know what is safe or not are a bit in danger, but anyone with a GCSE in chemistry (christ knows what that is in america, high school or something?) will know what is safe and what isn't. And any way, being from England, i don't have what seems to be a selectively american litigation compulsion - it just wouldn't work.

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I would answer the original question with:

Because this is a science forum, not a hobby forum.


If you wish to make acetylene (burns very hot), KNO3 (for gunpowder), reactive nitrates (for making TNT or some other nitro-compound) or sodium (also to make a nice *boom*, I guess), then I suggest that you go to the nutcase-forum for potential terrorists.

If you really wish to learn something and become a scientist, then I suggest that you stay here, and post some decent questions that suggest that you actually wish to acquire some knowledge, in stead of wanting to acquire just a *boom*…


Besides, 12 year old kids can also read all our contents, and that cannot be checked. And a 12 year old has no sense of danger yet, but is very interested to show off to his/her friends. They're barely able to distinguish between the terms "metal" and "iron" and shouldn't be trusted yet with a chemical more dangerous than hot water, until they can distinguish between "molecule" and "atom".


Finally, there is something called the “war on terror”, and both Europe and America are involved and spend significant amounts of money to spy on everything and everyone. Personally I do not wish to be involved in a forum where one silly special agent could conclude that terrorists get trained. I spend my time and effort on making the world clean, not to break it down... and I don't want anyone to think otherwise.


Did that answer the question?

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I would show you the Moderator's Position, but posting that sort of picture is also against the forum rules.

Stop being funny. I can't give reputation points fast enough to keep up, and feel bad going off-topic just to say "zing!"

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I don't think that twelve year old kids can really understand chemical forulae and proper terms though ... so they should have a bit of a problem with that aspect of this forum.

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Yes, well we aren't going to bank on your personal incredulity.


There are plenty of forums which allow people to work on their Darwin Awards. This isn't one of them. This is a site which concentrates more on why things go bang, and less on how to make the bang as loud as possible.

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