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Okay, so I've been playing catchup on all of BSG for the past few weeks. I've watched four seasons! And I just watched what I believe is the latest episode: entitled "No Exit"


I really liked the show when it started out, from a hard SF perspective. FTL drives that basically meant you're causally disconnected from where you "jumped" from after you jumped? That's cool. I liked it!


But more and more, I'm not liking the end. This episode did about as much as they could to reveal the "final Cylon" without revealing him (OR HER??? lol not spoiler) And let me say I am... confused?


UMM SPOILER ALERT STOP READING HERE IF YOU REALLY CARE. Whatever you do don't highlight the stuff below. Please. If you do I am not to blame! I tried, really!


[hide]Two "final cylons"? And "Daniel" as the final Cylon? Who's Daniel? A new character introduced at the very very very end of the show? Can this ending really be cool?[/hide]

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Regarding that cylon:


I just started to write a spoiler hidden post, but realized if you are on "No Exit" then you still have "Deadlock" to watch. At the moment I can't recall if it explains that further or not. I've been rewatching the series as well as the new episodes so my continuity may be a bit off.



As for how the ending could tie together: I am cautiously optimistic, they've managed to convey a lot of interesting scenarios and concepts so far.


One of the stranger fusions in the show is the "hard scifi" and all the religious elements. All the strange visions and God(s) plans and such combined with all the coincidental timing strike me as either leading to a disappointingly simple religious answer or a disappointingly simple mundane answer... but I am withholding judgment until those episodes air.

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The "final" Cylon was the one who it was stated to be on the show; the one who explains Daniel. Daniel is not one of the final five - he was model 7. There are 13 models, and not 12 as was stated in the first season. Ronald D. Moore's original account of Cylon humanoid society has been contradicted by subsequent episodes.

Ronald D. Moore stated in the podcast for 'No Exit' that Daniel is merely a plot device to explain the numbering mistake and to expand on Cavil's character. Whether this is true or not remains to be seen as Moore has been known to contradict himself when asked about the Cylons. In the enhanced version of No Exit, Ronald Moore states that the seventh Cylon model is a springboard for Caprica, the upcoming series. Daniel is both the name for a Cylon and a main character played by Eric Stoltz.



I don't think any reason has been given yet as to why the number of models is the same as the number of colonial worlds



When I saw the thread title I thought this thread was going to say that you have finished building and we're good to go :-(

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The "final" Cylon was the one who it was stated to be on the show; the one who explains Daniel. Daniel is not one of the final five - he was model 7. There are 13 models, and not 12 as was stated in the first season.


Maybe when they borrowed story elements and Edward James Olmos from Blade Runner they also borrowed the missing replicant and surrounding continuity errors :doh:

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Okay, so I've been playing catchup on all of BSG for the past few weeks. I've watched four seasons! And I just watched what I believe is the latest episode: entitled "No Exit"


I really liked the show when it started out, from a hard SF perspective. FTL drives that basically meant you're causally disconnected from where you "jumped" from after you jumped? That's cool. I liked it!


But more and more, I'm not liking the end. This episode did about as much as they could to reveal the "final Cylon" without revealing him (OR HER??? lol not spoiler) And let me say I am... confused?


UMM SPOILER ALERT STOP READING HERE IF YOU REALLY CARE. Whatever you do don't highlight the stuff below. Please. If you do I am not to blame! I tried, really!

The last episode was Deadlock


[hide]Two "final cylons"? And "Daniel" as the final Cylon? Who's Daniel? A new character introduced at the very very very end of the show? Can this ending really be cool?[/hide]


I think that Daniel is Kara. Ellen talked about how artistic and sensitive to the world Daniel was and Kara was painting the way to Earth since before she left Caprica. Ellen also said that someone(probably Jon[Cavil]) contaminated the amniotic fluid in which the Daniels were grown and messed up the genetic formula(which would let Daniel become a female).

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The last episode was Deadlock


I have since seen it.


I guess I should watch Razor now, or something. That apparently explains all these weird little bits I'm missing? (how the Final Five came to be, the origin of the Hybrids, etc.)


I think that Daniel is Kara.


I think there's been substantial foreshadowing that Starbuck is a Cylon. That'd be a fitting end.


Of course, it could just be that this is all a last ditch attempt to explain a numbering error. :)


It seemed like they were retroactively trying to keep the continuity by saying that there are "12 models of Cylon" because there weren't any more sevens. So there are 12 models of Cylon now, but there used to be 13.



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Yeah, I'm trying to overlook what appears to me to be auctorial "cheating". I really hate that. I don't like stories that essentially lie to keep you from figuring it out. Knowing there were 13 could have been quite useful for plot prediction long ago. And it almost seems like they knew that, and purposely kept it at 12. That's a big reason why Kara was so mysterious to me, I couldn't label her a cylon and explain anything.


But I'm trying not to pre-judge and let this show have its way with me until the end. I really liked the harder sci-fi approach of this series and I particularly hope this will help inspire a generation of more realistically presented sci-fi entertainment.


Rumor has it The Gap Series might make it to film, as the rights have been optioned, and that would almost certainly be a harder sci-fi presentation. And would likely correct Donaldson's mistakes.

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