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UAL Story Debacle


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I wasn't sure where to put this, it's kind of a "current events" story, but it wasn't political and it wasn't computer science, so this seemed like the logical place.


Check out this Forbes story:



To break it down, apparently this morning at 10:53am some financial analyst happened across a 6-year-old story about UAL declaring bankruptcy, and thought it was a NEW news story, so he published it to his financial subscribers. Within ten minutes 24 million shares of UAL stock had changed hands, with the stock crashing from $12.45 to $3! NASDAQ halted its trading at 11:06am, just 13 minutes after the error, but of course by then the damage was done. Yowsa!


Wired has a shorter story on it here:



I think it's an interesting story about the pitfalls of hyper-connected information sources in the digital age.

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