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Getting to the Super-Sub-Concious state.


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You know that feeling when you are right between awake and sleep?  When your dreams are most vivid and vibrant?  Sometimes it's called the trance state or hyper-concentration.




Anyway, sometimes I find that I can almost force myself into that state from sleep or wakefulness but it's very hard.


I was just wondering if any of you are able to do this effectively and how you do it.. barring illegal drugs... legal ones are fine ;)




I just find this state to be extremely useful for coming up with melodies or beats for my tunes.




(BTW, I'll be releasing a song onto my site in a couple hours that I did after a night of drinking between the hours of 4 and 6 in the morning.  I was pretty much in a trance state that whole time.  Download "5 AM Synergy" if you're interested.  www.djglacial.com)

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Well, DPT is currently legal because the DEA hasn't heard of it, and its essentially equivalent in effect to DMT (see the hallucinations thread)... and in lower doses (10-15mg insufflated) would produce those effects.


You could also try the dissociative DXM (found in some cough syrups), but that's linked to severe brain damage.

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well... i tried to self teach myself meditation. i can attain that state quite easily.


1) start meditating (i have no idea if i am actually meditating... but it works)

2) focus on passing a surge of electricity slowly through your brain. pass that surge slowly through your nerves. (this is how i started, but i have no idea if it works for everyone or if this is evan a good way to do it)


there's really not much to it, just meditate and focus on your brain.

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Apparently there are lots of different ways of meditating, ranging from methods of a sort of self-hypnosis all the way to good ol sitting down and trancing like buddah


BTW your page had some troubles loading....

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One time, when I meditated, I thought 15 minutes passed when only 2 minutes passed. Either that or there was a power outage and it stopped the clock! I never meditated again. It felt so long for such a short time.


Another weird experience happened when I was sick. Every 5 minutes I would look at the clock, the digital clock, and only 1 minute passed. I stayed awake the whole night. It appears that there was no power outage, because the sun dawned at the time it was supposed to.


Another weird experience had to do with delusions. I was awake, except I couldn't get up. I tried to get up but I was stuck to the bed. I was in a maze. It's hard to describe but I was puny and I was walking through a maze on my bed. My big self, the one sleeping on the bed, felt the maze walls with his skin. I was in two places at once. On the bed and in the maze. There was not actually a person in the maze, just a "thought of me" was trying to find a way out. Pretty weird. I couldn't get out and I panicked. Ours later I found myself still in the maze. Hmm..I might be an insomniac.

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