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Independent Filmmakers


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Well, I was reading a series of short stories written by someone, and I was talking to her about them. They were really good, and I suggested possibly turning them into a film, but the stories would need some special effects to make it to the big screen. However, neither of us have the money to do such a thing, nor the programs to start, though we have places to do so. Then we went into a discussion about local independent filmmakers, and how we might get one of them to help us. However, we know nobody. We'll keep searching, but in the mean time, what do you guys think about independent filmmakers? None of the major company types, but ones that you can only see in your town?

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Hmmm.... I have a few friends who are interested in making films, and in fact I know one person who's just finished making 2. They're not very major or famous(yet!), but if you want I could tell them. As for making films, this is something I have been much interested in myself. However I acknowledge there is a very big difference between having a fanciful desire to do something and pursuing and putting a lot of work into bringing it to fruition.

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One of the great things about the modern film industry (though it has many failings) is that it's a mostly egalitarian and open-minded industry, at least at the creative level (and surprisingly so at the money level as well). Evidence of that exists in the simple fact that virtually every working director today started out as an independent filmmaker. Back in the "heyday" of the old studio system that was almost never the case. That's not to say that it's an easy process by any stretch of the imagination, and good ideas and sufficient motivation to enact them are two very different things. But it does mean that, for the most part, the cream rises to the top.


Have you checked your local area for film societies?

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Well, I live in a major film area, but I have no idea where to find anyone who might be willing to help. I've searched the internet, but couldn't find anybody who could help (that wasn't really famous). I don't know whether or not there are any film socities, but I can check... To the phone book!

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Well, I live in a major film area, but I have no idea where to find anyone who might be willing to help. I've searched the internet, but couldn't find anybody who could help (that wasn't really famous). I don't know whether or not there are any film socities, but I can check... To the phone book!


It's not always a bastion of honest advertising, but you might try Craigslist. Also, if there's a local college/university, check there... whether they have a film department or not.

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