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There are a few ways to increase seratonin levels without the aid of SSRI's i.e regular exercise, balanced diet etc but if you are taking Celexa on prescription for depression/anxiety, it's really something you should be discussing with your doctor.


Anti depressants are well known to be problematic in that the side effects are numerous and vary greatly between people. Usually it takes a little trial and error on the doctors part find the right dosage and prescription to suit you. However if you want to stop taking medication completly you should way up the pro's and cons decide whether it would really be beneficial for you to stop.

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there is also St. John's Wort which has apparently been shown to be as effective as certiain SSRIs (sertraline, fluoxetine) for *mild* depression, (1)with fewer side effects, BUT although it is available over-the-counter it interacts with many drugs INCLUDING SSRIs like Celexa so do not just go and use it without consulting your doctor. Perhaps next time you see your doc ask about SJW.


Some of its effect may be placebo, but that's also the case for SSRIs often which is why it is hard to design a study that is truly conclusive.



(1) http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?db=pubmed&cmd=Retrieve&dopt=AbstractPlus&list_uids=12053635&query_hl=5&itool=pubmed_docsum

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I can't stress what abciximab said enough, DO NOT TAKE OR SWITCH TO ST. JOHN'S WORT UNTIL YOU'VE SEEN YOUR DOCTOR AND TALKED WITH HIM OR HER ABOUT IT. There are some potentially serious drug-interactions.


To answer your original question, you'll have to see your doctor as well. Anti-depressants, particularly SSRIs and TCA's, are very dirty drugs (lots of nasty side-effects).

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Agreed, St Johns wart is a DRUG, just because it's made by a plant rather than a machine, doesn't make it any less of a drug, and it doesn't make it automatically safe to use haphazzardly. The active ingredient in White spotted fly mushroom(it should be toadstool) for example is also a "natural" substance and it's rather toxic.


However the good thing is that your Doc should know all about St Johns Wart(if he professes ignorance find another doc), and how best you can switch over to it, and if it doesn't work your doc can switch you back.



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