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Shaving Cream


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Dudde said in post #5 :

to reduce friction between the razor and your skin, so you don't get "razor burn" and/or cut yourself to ribbons

(take a razor and swipe it across your chin/neck a few times...)


oh, like Homer Simpson, and have to clog up the cuts with tissue paper



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Just think deodorant, Most aerosol cans contain 10-15% propellant by weight., the only real hazards are if punctured, contents may be released so forcefully, that injuries could result. Extreme temperatures may cause cans to rupture, resulting in a release of the contents with potential to harm the air, water or land. Not to mention moisture may cause them to rust.

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I used so much shaving foam once, it completely covered up my nose and mouth. I horsed around for a bit, with my foam beard and all I looked like santa, you see. But soon I realized I couldn't breathe. I blacked out for a while, after seeing stars. I only managed to survive by placing my head into the toilet bowl to wash off the excess foam. They found me there after a while, but I explained the incident away by explaining I liked the smell in the bowl.


Lesson to learn there, I feel.

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