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Reasons for violence in Iraq?


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One Iraqi parliament speaker blames the Jews. He's claming that 'the Jews' are financing acts of violence in order to discredit 'Islamists.' It seems people will make all sorts of ridiculous claims to shift responsibility away from themselves.


I find it funny how they think that 'The Jews' can act like a single organization that functions to fund conspiracy theories. Sigh... maybe I should stop reading the news.



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a brief background (please consult a site like wikipedia for a more indepth history). the area we think of as iraq was carved out of the old ottoman-turk empire after the 1st world war as a british mandate. it aquired independence as a nation in the late thirds, but pro-nazi leanings during wwii lead to re-occupation by the british who setup a monarchy based on rulers from the ottoman days.

in 1958 a military coup' overthrew the monarchy, with various military leaders ruling, and over throwing each other till the late 60's when the ba'ath party came to power amoung whom was suddam.


the country is made up of 3 main ethnic-religious groups. kurds in the north, sunnis in central iraq, and shi'ites in the south. sunnis have had main conrol over the nation, with both kurdish and shi'ite groups looking for independant nations. (perhaps some one could explain difference between sunni and shi'ite believes, through both are islamic).


so it is best think of iraq as composed of three groups that were declared a country by western powers after the world wars. a somewhat simular european counter part being the former nation of yugoslavia, a collection of smaller nations formed into a single nation by the communist backed joseph tito in the 40's. and unforunately as in both places yugoslavia and iraq to hold them together as nations a strong leader with a large military and forceful internal security police is what is needed to hold those types of nations together.

europe saw what happen to yugoslavia after tito's death, and with suddam gone will now see a simular situation in iraq. where groups based upon ethic and religious allignment seek to form their own nations instead of remaining as one.

in iraq there may have been, and still maybe, a chance of the formation of a multicultural nation. but fundamentalist forces when failing to unite the nation in a war to expell the americans(coalition) have decided to incite a civil war and break apart the nation instead. better to get to rule a new smaller nation than none at all i think would be their reasoning.


mr d

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