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The forces of the mind and the physical realm: A path to heaven in this universe

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Chapter 1: Euclid’s Elements
The entire structure of the universe cannot be found until one understands Euclid’s elements. While what I’m talking about is actually the axiomatic system we use today in mathematics, which from Feymann’s lectures states that it starts from base axioms, Euclid still remains the father of the axiomatic system because of his work on two-dimensional flat plane geometry. Euclid’s Elements is a book where axioms are used and combined with reasoning tools like common notions to work up to more sophisticated shapes. A more general case is to imagine fundamental axioms and work these axioms up to infinity to give rise to proof beyond any doubt. And it’s proof beyond any doubt because if you can go to infinity but also stop at any point. When you can do that you would have proven the general case of the unknowns.

Chapter 2: Ultimate kindness can be proven to hold for as many people as possible
What do I mean by kindness? And what is ultimate kindness? There is a video on YouTube made with the famous author Simon Sinek explaining what it means for kindness to be powerful and the gist is that kindness is grounded in the brain with the chemical oxytocin. Ultimate kindness is just extending regular kindness where you get oxytocin, just this time applied to everyone on earth who can understand you first, and then to those who can never understand you. Why do I call it ultimate kindness? Well, because it can literally go on to trillions of people and we all still treat each other as if the other person is ourselves, and so the question is really, how is it not ultimate kindness? Why treat each other in such a way that other people are almost literally us? Well, because we all came from the same singularity that created everything and so how is it that if I hurt you, I’m not hurting myself? If we were once a singularity, we were all literally united but after many billions of years we forgot about that and now we are mean to each other. Kindness is better. Kindness when pushed by a resolve to maximize kindness wins.

Chapter 3: Understanding our universe
Here is how you understand the universe using my theory of complexity. It is very simple. First, you have a singularity where mass and energy don’t even seem to exist. Then there is a big bang and then you have fundamental particles. Along with fundamental particles, you have four fundamental physical forces, namely, the gravitational force, the electromagnetic force, the weak nuclear force, and the strong nuclear force. I’m not a big expert on the exhaustive details of the fundamental particles or the fundamental forces but I know that the long list of details leads to the factors of mass and energy and forces that sometimes have the potential to bring more mass and energy together. And so all I need to do is to say if there is a higher concentration of mass and energy held together by the natural forces of the universe, then the complexity of the thing in question has increased. That goes for the different levels of complexity that can exist in the universe and it goes for DNA also. DNA is so complex, that it has parts that become less complex, parts that stay the same complexity, and parts that become more complex. Then what of the two pillars of modern physics? The two pillars very accurately explain, describe, and predict using mathematics when the matter is fundamental and when the matter is highly complex. The two pillars in question are quantum mechanics and relativity as I have learned by listening to quotes from actual experts. Unifying theories according to my understanding are now to unify the forces or to unify the pillars of quantum mechanics and relativity. Therefore, and I may be wrong on this, the ultimate dream is to know what the singularity we came from is like and possibly even go further than the point of singularity to understand the multiverses that spawned before us.

Chapter 4: Understanding the mind and the four forces that can enlighten it
The four fundamental forces of the mind that I have found are the force of kindness, the force of truth, the force of understanding, and the force of beauty. I will start first with kindness. Kindness to me seems to have a natural power to influence and solve the issue of imbalance with regard to the physical states of human beings. Human beings even when twins do not share an exact history. There will be those who are stronger, those who are smarter, and those who are wiser but if we make kindness a priority, the imbalance in strengths matters less because I can count on the ones who have more to have my back. Then of course the question is what is equality? What does it mean when we say we are all equal? To me, what is equality goes to the force of beauty. If we mutually find each other beautiful and give each other credit and kindness, we both move into the abstract plane together in the stories that may be written and it is not just the abstract plane, if husband and wife find each other beautiful, they may be very different but in marriage, they become equals and their child lives on as their physical legacy. Next, the power of truth can vary depending on the field of study but of course, ultimate truth comes from proofs beyond all doubt and we have already mentioned that only in the axiomatic system of mathematics can you have proof beyond any doubt. The power of understanding is the last to be explained but it is no less important. Understanding is contrasted with expertise. An expert can list more exhaustively than most people and some can claim to be able to list the characteristics of a phenomenon completely exhaustively but listing exhaustively is not understanding. Understanding is knowing the fundamental axioms or factors, along with the rules or forces that compel the axioms or factors to change. The most general way to put it is understanding a phenomenon is understanding the elements and forces of a given situation such that one only needs to compute the consequences of the elements being driven or compelled by the forces.

Chapter 5: Reconciling head and heart to make moral decisions in the physical world
The two champion frameworks of ethical debates are undoubtedly that of Immanuel Kant and Utilitarianism. For simplicity, I will put Kant’s work as the ultimate kind heart and Utilitarianism as the rational but at times greedy head. Why Kant as the heart? Well, because Kant believes in humanity as an end and also in a categorical imperative, and so what better way to merge humanity as an end and a categorical imperative than to say we should be maximally kind to each other to the point that it almost seems like other people are literally us. Humanity as an end means that humanity treats each other kindly even though we are by nature built to be different, built to be able to do more together, built to experience different important perspectives and share these perspectives to achieve a satisfactory resolution. With such a heart in the lead, there is nothing that can stop humanity from manifesting its destiny of achieving a heaven-like state in the universe. All we need is the head to work out the details of how to achieve the most perfect possible kindness in our current reality, taking into account all physical and mental realities that may act as barriers to more kindness. And so I conclude, the kindest should lead with the head acting as the architect to achieving the most kindness possible.

Chapter 6: Transcendence and the manifestation of heaven in this universe

We should go onwards forever with our rights to a long and happy life and our rights to transcendence both in the physical and mental realm, so long as we contribute to the achievement of progress while we are in this universe. No man, woman, child, or anyone or anything in between should be forgotten if they truly have contributed to the manifestation of progress towards a better world, towards a better universe. We want a future where all our greed, envy, propensity for violence, and everything else that destroys us are gone from our being and we can do it with time by rewarding those that contribute more good with more opportunities to have their own kids. With a perfect understanding of the physical realm, imagine the things we can do and build. With a more powerful mind, imagine the beauty and utopia that can be manifested for generations to come. Suffering may have been everywhere for the Buddha, or so I was told but it could largely disappear if we keep progressing forward.


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