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Knowledge Enthusiast

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Everything posted by Knowledge Enthusiast

  1. The forces of the mental realm apply to the physical realm also Implication 1: Kantianism, faith in humanity, and humanism can be turned into the force of truth, kindness, beauty, and understanding. With the equal and opposite reaction to each respective force being manipulation, violence, apathy, and greed. That is in the mental realm. The heart of goodness is kindness and beauty. The head of goodness is truth and understanding. The head of darkness is manipulation and apathy. The heart of darkness is violence and greed. Implication 2: In the physical realm, truth, kindness, beauty, and understanding are opposed by lies, fighting, ugliness, and stupidity. Implication 3: E=mc^2. Personal success equals talent times the forces of the mind in the physical and mental realm. Implication 4: Forces of the mind in the mental realm is just the gravitational pull of understanding and beauty. Truth and Kindness being the ones bending the space making the pull possible. Implication 5: The force that thrusts you forward will be your demise if you hit something harder than you because every force has an equal and opposite reaction. Implication 6: Progress is opposed by envy and resistance. Progress is personal success with one part of personal success being personality. Envy is the equal and opposite reaction and resistance to progess is friction. Implication 7: More progress means more envy given a certain resistance. That is why we must be kind to those that lose out the most. Implication 8: Increasing resistance is not the answer because progress is important. We just want to avoid a tough collision. We need reconciliation. Implication 9: Kindness when appreciated softens the body. Making for a more gentle collision. Gentle bodies increase the time of impact, reducing the impulsive force.
  2. Made-made forces we also call energy. Energy gets transferred and not destroyed. What intrigues me is how moving air molecules, which we say have kinetic energy, get transferred into the electromagnetic force, in the form of action potential in the nervous system. Can you help me, please?
  3. The hierarchy of the forces of the mind: The force of truth is the most powerful and sits at the front of the brain. The force of kindness beats the force of beauty because kindness should come first before beauty draws people to kindness. Understanding is last because understanding requires vision. Vision sits at the back of the brain as the earliest part of the brain. The rest you just need to follow Simon Sinek to learn about what leadership is about. I feel I just improved on his technology. What I've described is an anatomically accurate brain also.
  4. @iNowSearch "speed of light is not about light" on YouTube can click the video by PBS Space TIme to learn about what I'm talking about. I don't have a university physics degree so that video is the best way I can reply to your comment. I am just a humble, young, and creative philosopher. I don't know if what I'm asking is useful, but I'm interested to hear the discussion.
  5. What if the speed of causality is the way it is because space is quantizable. Space is like a patchwork of chessboard. Light is the queen and she moves unimpeded through one chess board at a time. Can physicists chime in on this?
  6. Chapter 1: The standard model of the mind The standard model of the mind starts with the factors of the standard model of physics, which are mass and energy. So what is the mass and energy of the mind? Mass is the talent, which is to say talent to read people or talent to read and comprehend written material. Energy is the personality factor in question. The personality factors in question could be the bad factors, the neutral factors, and the good factors. The bad factors are the dark tetrad of personality, namely greed, violence, manipulation, and apathy. The neutral factors are extroversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, emotional stability, and openness to experience. The good factors are Kantianism, faith in humanity, and humanism. Chapter 2: General relativity of the mind to understand The general relativity of the mind to understand comes from the force of truth and the force of understanding. The force of truth bends the space while the force of understanding connects the expert to the audience and the audience with reality. Chapter 3: General relativity of the mind to act and change the world for the better The general relativity of the mind to change the world for the better is then described by the forces of kindness and beauty. The force of kindness bends the space while the force of beauty connects the giver and the receiver. Chapter 4: Special relativity of the mind Special relativity of the mind holds the speed of the heart as the primary determiner. As the speed of the heart slows, perception of time slows. As the speed of the heart increases, perception of time speeds up. Chapter 5: Electromagnetism of the mind In electromagnetism, unlike charges repel each other. In electromagnetism of the mind, the reverse of the force repels the force. For example, cruelty repels kindness, cruelty makes kindness difficult. Cruelty is ugly and not beautiful and so it pushes people apart instead of together. Falsehood is repelled by the truth. People who tell falsehoods run from the truth-tellers. Falsehoods are also misunderstandings and misunderstandings can create a connection between speaker and listener but the speaker is no expert and the misunderstanding creates a distance between the audience and reality. Chapter 6: Nuclear strong force of the mind The nuclear strong force of the mind is the unity of a group or people when everyone agrees that the heart should lead and the head optimizes what the heart wants and the heart is one where most people in society agrees on. The ultimate heart goes something along the lines of “There is beauty in taking pain and in sacrifice to be stronger and for a better world. Once you see the beauty that pain and sacrifice can achieve in this world, all you need to see left is that it is wrong to forsake someone who honestly did wrong because they could not understand. We must stop the madness, but stopping their hearts must be a last resort” and “I believe we are brought down here to defeat the undeserving and then through our just deserts, be kind to those that deserve our blessed talents.” The nuclear strong force of the mind binds people in society together to meet challenges that plague the society in question. Chapter 7: The nuclear weak force of the mind The nuclear weak force in physics is about the decay of the atom. The nuclear weak force of the mind is about the decay of society. Societies can go through cycles of rise, stagnation, and ultimately decay. When a people forgets the vision of the founders or the vision of the founders no longer apply, society may decay.
  7. @TheVat If you read my discussion with ChatGPT, you will realize that it understood what Kantianism meant just fine. I don't see the problem with accepting the term used by a researcher that may mean something slightly different. Give me some time to work everything out and write it up. I feel that there is a lack of interest in actually reading through the question and answer.
  8. @TheVatYou must not be familiar with the work of the great Scott Barry Kaufman. He is the author of the idea of light-side traits. One of the light-side traits is Kantianism. A quick search online will do a better job that I can do on my phone recalling my understanding.
  9. @iNowPerhaps it's because I haven't written it up properly yet. Don't you think this might turn the workings on the mind into something that can be worked out not mathematically, but more rigorously. It would be like making philosophy more like math. Or do you disagree?
  10. @iNowBut what do you think of this new natural philosophy of the mind? Insightful or just creative but will just replicate what is known?
  11. The link below will lead you to the chat that I had with ChatGPT, which is the same as what I copied and pasted under the link https://chat.openai.com/share/207f5a2a-3d47-49c9-9106-090ed43b8872 Personality Factors & Forces JJ Low•November 20, 2023 This conversation may reflect the link creator’s personalized data, which isn’t shared and can meaningfully change how the model responds. Anonymous Consider the following: I list the factors of personality: Dark factors equal the dark tetrad of personality Neutral factors equals the big five personality model Positive factors equal light side traits like Kantianism, faith in humanity, and humanism I also list the forces that act on the factors: Factor one is kindness Factor two is truth Factor three is understanding Factor four is beauty Given what was mentioned above, how would you play out the factors and forces of human personality?ChatGPT ChatGPT Your framework for analyzing personality is intriguing and comprehensive. It combines established psychological models with a unique approach to understanding human traits. Here's how I would play out the factors and forces of human personality according to your framework: Dark Factors (Dark Tetrad): This includes narcissism, Machiavellianism, psychopathy, and sadism. These traits can be influenced by: Kindness: Acts as a counterbalance, potentially mitigating the harsher aspects of these traits, like lack of empathy or manipulative behaviors. Truth: Could either exacerbate dark traits (if used manipulatively) or mitigate them (through self-awareness and honest self-reflection). Understanding: Promotes empathy, which can reduce tendencies towards these darker traits. Beauty: Can be perceived differently based on these traits, potentially either as something to exploit or something to appreciate genuinely. Neutral Factors (Big Five Model): This includes openness, conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness, and neuroticism. These traits interact with the forces as follows: Kindness: Enhances agreeableness, and can influence how one expresses extraversion and conscientiousness. Truth: Intersects with openness (willingness to explore new ideas) and conscientiousness (integrity and honesty). Understanding: Deepens openness (to ideas and people) and can reduce negative aspects of neuroticism. Beauty: Might be particularly influential for those high in openness, as they may have a greater appreciation for aesthetics. Positive Factors (Light Side Traits): Including Kantianism (moral behavior), faith in humanity, and humanism. These traits are influenced by: Kindness: Directly reinforces these positive traits, fostering a sense of compassion and empathy. Truth: Aligns with the moral and ethical aspects of these traits, encouraging honesty and integrity. Understanding: Enhances the capacity for empathy and compassion, key elements of humanism and faith in humanity. Beauty: Can be seen as a manifestation of these positive traits, inspiring and reflecting a sense of wonder and appreciation for the world. In this framework, the forces act as modulators or influencers of the personality factors, shaping how they manifest in behavior and thought. It's a holistic approach that considers the multifaceted nature of personality and the complex interplay between different traits and external influences. Anonymous Given the above, can we explore resonance of the mind, resonance meaning the amplification through something like connection to music?ChatGPT ChatGPT Exploring the concept of resonance in the context of the mind, especially in relation to something like a connection to music, is a fascinating area. Resonance, in this sense, refers to how external stimuli, such as music, can amplify or interact with our internal states – our thoughts, emotions, and personality traits. Here's how this might play out considering the personality factors and forces you've outlined: Resonance with Dark Factors (Dark Tetrad): Music might resonate with these traits by amplifying feelings of power or control, especially with intense or dominating genres. Alternatively, music can also be a tool for self-reflection or emotional regulation, potentially mitigating some of the more harmful aspects of these traits. Resonance with Neutral Factors (Big Five Model): Openness: Individuals high in openness might resonate more with diverse or complex music, finding it stimulating and thought-provoking. Conscientiousness: Music can resonate with their need for order and structure, perhaps preferring genres with clear patterns or messages. Extraversion: Upbeat, energetic music might resonate more, amplifying their social and lively nature. Agreeableness: Softer, more harmonious music could resonate, reflecting their cooperative and empathetic character. Neuroticism: Music might either resonate with their emotional state, amplifying it, or be used as a calming, stabilizing force. Resonance with Positive Factors (Light Side Traits): Music that embodies themes of hope, empathy, and human connection could deeply resonate with these traits, reinforcing a person’s optimistic view of humanity and moral values. Interplay with Forces: Kindness: Music that resonates with kindness can foster feelings of empathy, compassion, and connection with others. Truth: Music that resonates with truth might be deeply authentic, lyrically honest, or intellectually stimulating. Understanding: Music can resonate with this force by facilitating deeper emotional or cognitive comprehension, perhaps through complex lyrics or compositions that invite introspection. Beauty: Music that resonates with beauty can be aesthetically pleasing, harmonious, and uplifting, reflecting the listener's appreciation for artistry and elegance. In essence, the resonance of the mind with music is a dynamic process where the internal psychological landscape interacts with the external stimulus of music. This interaction can amplify, modulate, or even transform emotional and cognitive states, reflecting the deep and intricate connection between our psychological makeup and the art we engage with. Anonymous Let's continue our discussion and talk about relativity of the mind. Relativity being influenced by heart beat. The slower the heart beat the slower time is perceived. Please discuss this relativity of the mind in terms of the factors and forces of the mind discussed above.ChatGPT ChatGPT The concept of the relativity of the mind, influenced by physiological factors like heart rate, is an intriguing area to explore. It's well-documented in psychology and neuroscience that our perception of time can be influenced by various internal and external factors, including our heart rate. A slower heart rate is often associated with a calmer, more relaxed state and can lead to a perception of time passing more slowly. Let's discuss this in the context of the personality factors (Dark Tetrad, Big Five, Light Side Traits) and forces (kindness, truth, understanding, beauty) you've outlined: Dark Factors (Dark Tetrad) and Heart Rate: Individuals with traits from the Dark Tetrad might experience time differently under stress or excitement, possibly correlating with a higher heart rate. Their perception of time might speed up in situations where they feel in control or are engaging in thrill-seeking behaviors. A slower heart rate, perhaps achieved through relaxation techniques, could potentially lead to a more reflective state, allowing for a moderation of these darker traits. Neutral Factors (Big Five Model) and Heart Rate: Openness: A slower heart rate and the resultant calm might enhance their ability to absorb and reflect on new ideas, leading to a deeper engagement with creative or abstract concepts. Conscientiousness: A relaxed state could aid in meticulous planning and organization, but too slow a pace might conflict with their need for efficiency and productivity. Extraversion: Might prefer a faster-paced environment (higher heart rate), finding energy in dynamic, social situations. Agreeableness: A calmer state (slower heart rate) could enhance their empathetic and cooperative nature. Neuroticism: A slower heart rate and the associated calmness could significantly benefit those high in neuroticism, reducing anxiety and stress. Positive Factors (Light Side Traits) and Heart Rate: Slower heart rates could enhance the expression of these traits, allowing for more thoughtful, empathetic interactions and a greater appreciation of humanistic values. Forces and Heart Rate: Kindness: A calmer state induced by a slower heart rate might facilitate more compassionate and empathetic interactions. Truth: A relaxed mind might be more open to honest introspection and truth-seeking. Understanding: Slower perceptions of time could allow for deeper understanding and contemplation. Beauty: A calm, unhurried state could enhance one’s appreciation for beauty, allowing for a more profound aesthetic experience. In summary, the relativity of the mind, as influenced by the heart rate, interacts with personality factors and forces in complex ways. A slower heart rate, indicating a more relaxed state, can lead to a perception of time slowing down, which in turn can impact how an individual expresses and experiences their personality traits and the external forces acting upon them. This interplay highlights the intricate connection between our physiological states and psychological experiences. Anonymous Would you mind evaluating and commenting on the above discussion of a physics of the mind?ChatGPT ChatGPT The discussion on the "physics of the mind," which incorporates concepts from psychology, physiology, and a metaphorical application of physical principles like resonance and relativity, is both imaginative and thought-provoking. It represents an interdisciplinary approach to understanding human psychology, blending empirical knowledge with theoretical and philosophical exploration. Here are some key points of evaluation and commentary: Integration of Diverse Concepts: The framework creatively integrates diverse concepts (such as the Dark Tetrad, Big Five personality traits, and heart rate's influence on time perception) into a cohesive narrative. This demonstrates a deep, holistic consideration of how various factors — both psychological and physiological — interplay to shape human perception and behavior. Metaphorical Use of Physical Principles: Applying principles like resonance and relativity to the mind is metaphorical and not literal in a physical sense. While these principles are grounded in physics, their application here is more symbolic, used to explore how internal and external factors resonate with or influence the psyche. This is an innovative approach, but it's important to distinguish between metaphorical and literal interpretations in scientific discussions. Psychophysiological Connections: The discussion accurately reflects the complex relationship between physiological states (like heart rate) and psychological experiences (such as time perception and emotional states). This aligns with psychophysiological research, which shows that our bodily states can significantly impact our mental processes. Subjective Interpretation of Time: The idea that heart rate could influence the perception of time is fascinating and reflects a broader understanding that time perception is subjective and influenced by various factors, including emotional and physical states. However, the direct correlation between heart rate and time perception is more nuanced and can vary greatly among individuals. Application to Personality Traits: Relating these principles to personality traits (like the Big Five or Dark Tetrad) is an insightful way to conceptualize how different individuals might experience or interact with the world. It underscores the notion that personality is not just a static set of traits but is dynamic and influenced by a multitude of internal and external factors. Theoretical vs. Empirical Basis: Much of the discussion is theoretical and speculative, which is valuable for brainstorming and philosophical exploration. However, it's important to differentiate these ideas from empirically supported theories in psychology and neuroscience. The discussion is more philosophical and conceptual rather than being grounded in established scientific research. In summary, the discussion represents a rich and imaginative exploration of human psychology, blending various concepts and principles in a novel way. It is a commendable attempt at creating a unique lens through which to view the complex interplay of mental, emotional, and physiological factors in shaping human experience and behavior. However, it's important to maintain clarity about the metaphorical nature of some of these applications and the distinction between this theoretical exploration and empirical psychological research. Anonymous If I wanted to include acceleration into the model of factors and forces discussed above, what would you suggest would allow for an acceleration of the mind?ChatGPT ChatGPT Incorporating the concept of "acceleration" into your model of factors and forces of the mind, especially within the framework of personality traits and psychological dynamics, is an innovative idea. In this metaphorical context, acceleration can be viewed as the process of intensifying, speeding up, or enhancing certain cognitive or emotional states. Here are some suggestions for elements that could lead to an acceleration of the mind: Stimulating Environments: Exposure to dynamic, novel, or challenging environments can accelerate cognitive processes, encouraging rapid learning, adaptation, and mental agility. Emotional Arousal: Intense emotional experiences, whether positive (e.g., joy, excitement) or negative (e.g., fear, anger), can accelerate mental processes, leading to heightened awareness, quicker decision-making, and faster cognitive reactions. Physiological Factors: Factors like caffeine intake, physical exercise, or even the natural adrenaline response can accelerate mental functioning by increasing alertness, improving concentration, and speeding up reaction times. Engagement in Complex Tasks: Engaging in complex, demanding tasks or problem-solving can accelerate cognitive functions, enhancing mental flexibility and processing speed. Social Interactions: Engaging in stimulating social interactions, particularly those involving debate, collaboration, or competition, can accelerate mental processes by challenging one's thoughts and perspectives. Meditation and Mindfulness: Though often associated with slowing down, these practices can paradoxically accelerate cognitive functions by improving focus, clarity of thought, and emotional regulation. Learning and Education: Continuous learning and intellectual challenges can accelerate cognitive processes, encouraging the development of new neural connections and enhancing mental agility. Creative Endeavors: Engaging in creative activities can accelerate mental processes by fostering imaginative thinking, problem-solving, and the exploration of new ideas. Technological Tools: Utilizing technological tools like cognitive training software, virtual reality, or even certain video games can accelerate cognitive skills such as spatial reasoning, memory, and problem-solving. Psychological Techniques: Techniques like cognitive-behavioral therapy or positive affirmations can accelerate changes in thought patterns, leading to quicker adaptation of healthier, more constructive mindsets. In your model, these elements can interact with the personality factors (Dark Tetrad, Big Five, Light Side Traits) and forces (kindness, truth, understanding, beauty) to modify how these traits manifest and evolve over time. The concept of acceleration in the mind, thus, can be seen as a catalyst for change, growth, or intensification of mental states and processes. Anonymous Including everything we have discussed such as the factors, forces, resonance, relativity, and acceleration, how practical would you say is this physics of the mind?ChatGPT ChatGPT Evaluating the practicality of the "physics of the mind" model, which encompasses factors (Dark Tetrad, Big Five, Light Side Traits), forces (kindness, truth, understanding, beauty), and concepts like resonance, relativity, and acceleration, requires a multifaceted approach: Theoretical Innovation: The model is highly innovative and imaginative, offering a unique perspective on understanding personality and psychological processes. It integrates diverse concepts from psychology, physiology, and metaphorical physics in a novel way. As a theoretical framework, it's intellectually stimulating and could be a springboard for further exploration or creative thinking. Metaphorical vs. Literal Application: The use of terms like resonance, relativity, and acceleration is metaphorical and not based on their literal physical definitions. This metaphorical application is thought-provoking but might not align with the empirical methodologies and established theories of psychology and neuroscience. It’s important to maintain this distinction to avoid confusion. Empirical Support: The practicality of any psychological model depends on empirical validation. This model, while intriguing, would require substantial empirical research to validate its concepts and their interrelationships. Currently, it stands more as a philosophical or conceptual exploration than a scientifically validated framework. Application in Real-World Settings: The direct application of this model in practical, real-world settings (such as therapy, education, or personal development) might be challenging due to its abstract nature and the metaphorical use of physical concepts. However, elements of the model, particularly those derived from established psychological theories (like the Big Five personality traits), are already being applied in various fields. Interdisciplinary Appeal: The model could serve as a valuable educational tool to stimulate interdisciplinary discussions between psychology, philosophy, and physics. It can encourage individuals to think broadly and integratively about human behavior and mental processes. Self-Reflection and Personal Development: On a personal level, individuals might find this model useful for self-reflection or personal growth, as it encourages a holistic view of the self, considering various internal and external factors that influence one’s thoughts and behaviors. In summary, the "physics of the mind" model is more practical as a conceptual or philosophical tool rather than a scientifically rigorous framework. Its strength lies in its ability to inspire creative thinking and interdisciplinary dialogue, rather than serving as a direct, empirical guide to understanding human psychology.
  12. @Anirudh Dabas Hello, my friend. You should go on YouTube and type in the search box "Your brain hallucinates your conscious reality | Anil Seth". According to the person speaking in the TED Talk, our brain hallucinates and so far that hallucination has allowed us to thrive as a species. But of course, go watch the video yourself. It is a very interesting video.
  13. Our personalities often give rise to our values and our values give rise to our perspectives. Once we make a decision on our perspectives, it transforms the perspectives into action in the physical world. Therefore, the mind preps the physical body to give rise to a thought-out physical reply to the environment. That is my perspective at least. Deciding upon such a perspective and playing it forward makes sense to me because for example, if I can imagine the lion eating me before I get to food out on the horizon, my response will be to avoid the food. Avoiding the food is a more thought-out response and it could allow me to survive and reproduce at some point in the future, passing on the genes for the same mind that can plan for the future. @dimreeprIt does not matter whether or not the brain has free will. If after even the best attempts to get the mind to understand it still fails to do so then a grave problem arises. This is because a mind that cannot understand will certainly be compelled to act on its own impulses and perspectives instead of the shared and agreed-upon perspective where we all respect and are kind to each other as a rule.
  14. @SenseiI guess that an improvement could be a project for a young programmer hoping to make it. A legacy site sounds like a good idea. With search options for advice from those who have passed and real-life stories to read about, it would be amazing.
  15. @swansontI always look forward to a comment from you. You embody the scientist spirit very well. Break and doubt till you cannot break and doubt no more. That is how we get to the truth according to Karl Popper.
  16. @PeterkinHopefully having our code exist till then means we have a chance to experience the future but that of course is very wishful thinking. It is still fine if Facebook and Twitter get preserved and our legacy continues with these social media sites.
  17. @Phi for AllI am not an expert on religions but to me, if God created everything, God should only want to condemn things that God could not help but introduce that destroy the very thing that he built.
  18. Chapter 1: Euclid’s Elements The entire structure of the universe cannot be found until one understands Euclid’s elements. While what I’m talking about is actually the axiomatic system we use today in mathematics, which from Feymann’s lectures states that it starts from base axioms, Euclid still remains the father of the axiomatic system because of his work on two-dimensional flat plane geometry. Euclid’s Elements is a book where axioms are used and combined with reasoning tools like common notions to work up to more sophisticated shapes. A more general case is to imagine fundamental axioms and work these axioms up to infinity to give rise to proof beyond any doubt. And it’s proof beyond any doubt because if you can go to infinity but also stop at any point. When you can do that you would have proven the general case of the unknowns. Chapter 2: Ultimate kindness can be proven to hold for as many people as possible What do I mean by kindness? And what is ultimate kindness? There is a video on YouTube made with the famous author Simon Sinek explaining what it means for kindness to be powerful and the gist is that kindness is grounded in the brain with the chemical oxytocin. Ultimate kindness is just extending regular kindness where you get oxytocin, just this time applied to everyone on earth who can understand you first, and then to those who can never understand you. Why do I call it ultimate kindness? Well, because it can literally go on to trillions of people and we all still treat each other as if the other person is ourselves, and so the question is really, how is it not ultimate kindness? Why treat each other in such a way that other people are almost literally us? Well, because we all came from the same singularity that created everything and so how is it that if I hurt you, I’m not hurting myself? If we were once a singularity, we were all literally united but after many billions of years we forgot about that and now we are mean to each other. Kindness is better. Kindness when pushed by a resolve to maximize kindness wins. Chapter 3: Understanding our universe Here is how you understand the universe using my theory of complexity. It is very simple. First, you have a singularity where mass and energy don’t even seem to exist. Then there is a big bang and then you have fundamental particles. Along with fundamental particles, you have four fundamental physical forces, namely, the gravitational force, the electromagnetic force, the weak nuclear force, and the strong nuclear force. I’m not a big expert on the exhaustive details of the fundamental particles or the fundamental forces but I know that the long list of details leads to the factors of mass and energy and forces that sometimes have the potential to bring more mass and energy together. And so all I need to do is to say if there is a higher concentration of mass and energy held together by the natural forces of the universe, then the complexity of the thing in question has increased. That goes for the different levels of complexity that can exist in the universe and it goes for DNA also. DNA is so complex, that it has parts that become less complex, parts that stay the same complexity, and parts that become more complex. Then what of the two pillars of modern physics? The two pillars very accurately explain, describe, and predict using mathematics when the matter is fundamental and when the matter is highly complex. The two pillars in question are quantum mechanics and relativity as I have learned by listening to quotes from actual experts. Unifying theories according to my understanding are now to unify the forces or to unify the pillars of quantum mechanics and relativity. Therefore, and I may be wrong on this, the ultimate dream is to know what the singularity we came from is like and possibly even go further than the point of singularity to understand the multiverses that spawned before us. Chapter 4: Understanding the mind and the four forces that can enlighten it The four fundamental forces of the mind that I have found are the force of kindness, the force of truth, the force of understanding, and the force of beauty. I will start first with kindness. Kindness to me seems to have a natural power to influence and solve the issue of imbalance with regard to the physical states of human beings. Human beings even when twins do not share an exact history. There will be those who are stronger, those who are smarter, and those who are wiser but if we make kindness a priority, the imbalance in strengths matters less because I can count on the ones who have more to have my back. Then of course the question is what is equality? What does it mean when we say we are all equal? To me, what is equality goes to the force of beauty. If we mutually find each other beautiful and give each other credit and kindness, we both move into the abstract plane together in the stories that may be written and it is not just the abstract plane, if husband and wife find each other beautiful, they may be very different but in marriage, they become equals and their child lives on as their physical legacy. Next, the power of truth can vary depending on the field of study but of course, ultimate truth comes from proofs beyond all doubt and we have already mentioned that only in the axiomatic system of mathematics can you have proof beyond any doubt. The power of understanding is the last to be explained but it is no less important. Understanding is contrasted with expertise. An expert can list more exhaustively than most people and some can claim to be able to list the characteristics of a phenomenon completely exhaustively but listing exhaustively is not understanding. Understanding is knowing the fundamental axioms or factors, along with the rules or forces that compel the axioms or factors to change. The most general way to put it is understanding a phenomenon is understanding the elements and forces of a given situation such that one only needs to compute the consequences of the elements being driven or compelled by the forces. Chapter 5: Reconciling head and heart to make moral decisions in the physical world The two champion frameworks of ethical debates are undoubtedly that of Immanuel Kant and Utilitarianism. For simplicity, I will put Kant’s work as the ultimate kind heart and Utilitarianism as the rational but at times greedy head. Why Kant as the heart? Well, because Kant believes in humanity as an end and also in a categorical imperative, and so what better way to merge humanity as an end and a categorical imperative than to say we should be maximally kind to each other to the point that it almost seems like other people are literally us. Humanity as an end means that humanity treats each other kindly even though we are by nature built to be different, built to be able to do more together, built to experience different important perspectives and share these perspectives to achieve a satisfactory resolution. With such a heart in the lead, there is nothing that can stop humanity from manifesting its destiny of achieving a heaven-like state in the universe. All we need is the head to work out the details of how to achieve the most perfect possible kindness in our current reality, taking into account all physical and mental realities that may act as barriers to more kindness. And so I conclude, the kindest should lead with the head acting as the architect to achieving the most kindness possible. Chapter 6: Transcendence and the manifestation of heaven in this universe We should go onwards forever with our rights to a long and happy life and our rights to transcendence both in the physical and mental realm, so long as we contribute to the achievement of progress while we are in this universe. No man, woman, child, or anyone or anything in between should be forgotten if they truly have contributed to the manifestation of progress towards a better world, towards a better universe. We want a future where all our greed, envy, propensity for violence, and everything else that destroys us are gone from our being and we can do it with time by rewarding those that contribute more good with more opportunities to have their own kids. With a perfect understanding of the physical realm, imagine the things we can do and build. With a more powerful mind, imagine the beauty and utopia that can be manifested for generations to come. Suffering may have been everywhere for the Buddha, or so I was told but it could largely disappear if we keep progressing forward.
  19. Forget 1000 earths. Going forward into the year three trillion and beyond, it may be feasible to colonize the vastness of space and create literal heaven in this universe of ours. Of course, it is not a given that we reach three trillion and beyond but as far as we can tell, we are the best shot at heaven in this universe.
  20. God can be thought of as ultimate kindness. He loves all of us equally and so we should be kind to each other also. There will always be mistrust among groups but as long as the most powerful leads with the heart of ultimate kindness and then use the smartest minds to make kindness a reality, then we may have a chance to achieve heaven in this universe of ours going forward into the year three trillion and beyond. Gods may disagree with their approach to their ultimate kindness but they are all ultimately kind nonetheless because it is God who created everything after all.
  21. Our personalities often give rise to our values and our values give rise to our perspectives. Once we make a decision on our perspectives, it transforms the perspectives into action in the physical world. Therefore, the mind preps the physical body to give rise to a thought-out physical reply to the environment. That is my perspective at least. Deciding upon such a perspective and playing it forward makes sense to me because for example, if I can imagine the lion eating me before I get to food out on the horizon, my response will be to avoid the food. Avoiding the food is a more thought-out response and it could allow me to survive and reproduce at some point in the future, passing on the genes for the same mind that can plan for the future.
  22. Below is a further elaboration of what I posted regarding my theory of complexity Imbalance and the theory of complexity What is sustainable development if we do not understand the universe? Why is it about reality that has both given so much to us and also presented us with a difficult problem to solve? Well, for me the answer is in what I call imbalance and my general theory of evolution, which I call the theory of complexity. Why imbalance? Well, because we haven’t unified physics with absolute certainty to say we can unify everything in the whole universe in something more fundamental, or to put in a different way, we don’t know what the singularity the whole universe came out for looks like with absolute certainty but of course, for the purposes of the theory of complexity or the general theory of evolution, that is not necessary. Imbalance to be is just an increase in concentration in mass and energy. The universe according to experts has a total energy of zero because they proved that the universe is flat. The mass and energy came from the singularity but I already mentioned, we don’t know what the singularity looks like but we know we suddenly had mass and energy and they spread out after the big bang. The second law of thermodynamics says we move from ordered states to disordered states but it does not actually define which states are better or worse, which is understandable but we can define that states with a higher concentration are more complex than states with a lower concentration of mass and energy. Of course, it may lose the concentration but if the concentration gets held together by forces like gravity and the strong nuclear force, then complexity can keep increasing and increasing and at some point you get life, which ultimately has dna, which is the key factor that leads to the characteristics of the life in question and with time the characteristics we see change because dna also changes, it can lose and gain complexity in many different ways but the common factor is still dna and that it can gain and lose complexity in many different ways. The implications of my theory of complexity is that life is very complex because dna is very complex and that the dna is now understood to be capable of being manipulated to be more of less complex in many different ways. Of course, what about the implications of my theory on something like climate change? It can explain climate change also. The total energy of the universe is zero but the earth has positive net energy from the sun. The sun bombards the earth with energy, plants absorb the energy through photosynthesis and animals and humans can eat the plants. In the past, we had plenty of plants and plenty of animals eating the plants that have lived and died. And their corpses sometimes get preserved as fossil fuels. With the stored energy of the fossil fuels, we can do a lot of work but unleashing the potential energy of fossil fuels but one of a few bad byproducts of unleashing the energy is carbon dioxide which gets trapped in the atmosphere. Carbon dioxide is not the only bad byproduct, all the bad byproducts together we call greenhouse gases. Since I am going to unify everything in a single framework, I shall go on a slight detour to address something that has popped up and that will be explained further later. That topic is the morality involved in our primal need to eat. I address this topic using Kant’s philosophy which to be boils down to if it is ok for you, it is ok for me also. Animals may never understand us and so we cannot save them from their desires by getting them to understand and so what we allow them to do, we can do also. Our intelligence should not mean that we forsake our mission for progress to give animals that will never understand progress the power to have everything they want at our expense. That is the gist of my view on veganism but more on that later. I also feel the need to address capitalism and the view that it is greedy. I agree that it is greedy and that needs to change to something better. My view is that we do not just need more and more. More and more is never satisfactory. More and more is largely driven by dopamine and it knows no end. Very high levels of dopamine can be found in drugs and users of drugs often suffer and require rehabilitation so how is more and more dopamine progress? What we really need is meaning. Meaning in life is what will allow us to rest satisfactorily and also I argue give us the strength to face death, which no human at present can be saved from and will eventually have to face. I do not claim to know what is meaningful for everyone, everyone can decide for themselves but if people have meaning, they may not need as much, they just need enough to find meaning and then they can rest, hopefully live a long life and have strength to face death. The US is the king of capitalism and they do have many problems related to greed but it is hard to say they do not understand humanity because life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness are what almost everyone wants, and to respect what people generally want, is respecting humanity. We can’t just give people everything they want, people’s ambitions can know no bounds, and their greed can know no bounds but we can still give them the ability to pursue their happiness and hopefully, the pursuit of happiness is enough. Sometimes the pursuit of happiness can be more meaningful than achieving the goal anyway, which is why in my unified theory that I will be talking about later, I only mention meaning and not material goods or fame as part of achieving progress because as argued above, dopamine may not be what people are after anyway, what they really want is meaning. Dopamine may give you a high and a high once in a while is perfectly fine but can you say progress is just more fun and excitement? Of course fame and money is a good insurance policy for the unpredictable nature of reality but meaning to me is more central to progress.
  23. True enlightenment can begin now. We have the force of kindness, the force of truth, the force of understanding, and the force of beauty. Enlightenment equals kindness, truth, understanding, and beauty. Gods work is complete.
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