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Quantum Theorists: Amateur Projects


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So Im new and figured id Present myself to the the community as an Amature Thorist to Quantum Physics that most of the general public ignores complicated mathmatical problems now adays; so I started a thread? My name is XxEarthxX and I have a long ongoing battle with Computers and Binary! I have been steadliy working on a Project that involves PC binary and its Powering on to reprogram the PC to run a Positive rate at 360 to Exact time Module Specs use at 365 on their Universal standard format, while wording what I have been working on for 8+years has become difficult to word. So I will finish my introduction and attempt to Explain my Problems with current PCs being sold at the binary they are manufactored on and my Projects leading to possible new Scientific advancements<or outdated that have not made it to my time spectrum that are not currently in effect to the general public!

I am 32 and have been working on patenting a 4d holographic imagry Device to compete with or accompnay current manufacotrers as new development that may be introduced to the general public in the future. I have may different Projects I work on on a daily basis and have a full-time job as a dishwasher. 


So Where to Start?


So Its difficult for me to word where I started what My Project is and why it may be new Leading Scientific Research to a Complete Unsolved Historic Theory to Quantum Physics. I do not normally upload My work or present it but am at the point where I almost have to. So in my Pdf I have mapped out a simple function that introduces .0015 and 50050.0050 as the entire Sheet representing numbers in a positive forum or a backwards forum. Within the sheet .31515264 would be the starting number as -.01 or 1 Expressed as https://www.google.com/search?q=−4.0955239e%2B50+%2F+2860.0439472+x+8.046137e%2B125&sxsrf=AOaemvLeovyd7_M9GixU7ONjabGFrxPocQ%3A1635969472915&ei=wOmCYdCnN5C4tQae77OoAg&oq=−4.0955239e%2B50+%2F+2860.0439472+x+8.046137e%2B125&gs_lcp=Cgdnd3Mtd2l6EAM6BQghEKsCSgQIQRgBUPLgCViF7glgpPgJaAJwAHgAgAGlAYgB8QSSAQMwLjSYAQCgAQGgAQLAAQE&sclient=gws-wiz&ved=0ahUKEwjQh6-a_fzzAhUQXM0KHZ73DCUQ4dUDCA0&uact=5

Understanding that a number is like a magnet once added multiplied or divided its allready accounting for is counter effect as affect and of course the affects effect and where it goes before it goes there similar to dropping an object the end result is it lays on the ground. the most simplistic function would be Function
1=2 2=3 ect
0.31515264 - 0.19803960=0.11711304

but that half of the equation at power on as at the drop of the object or at the click of power on the inital first missrepresented accounted number would be -1675.500003693666 and allready negative (using software as an example to the Power on) its essentially powering off  according to 4d technology where as 3d tehnology supports just turning on seeing .50000 in 3693666  as the last 666 and 3 before the 3666 the software would be counting 360 within the last 6 unless there is a much larger problem? Which I do believe I have stumpled upon after working this problem down to Earths current Year! as Whithin this philisophy I have managed to Cap 2021 into seconds on a standard 60 sec = 1 as 1 min and 1 min= 60min as 3660 as hrs representing - years with milliseconds representing current years going negative as a time space of preception and preceiving of information as I keep my work to Pcs>byte alloction  I have managed to work out



the exact numbers to the same equation as to 1 min = to my function of 1=2 2=3 ect
0.31515264 - 0.19803960=0.11711304

where 39628904.148130701×1.87104941×10²⁰×.000000004 as 0x16 = -0x8 as the missrepresented 3d figure to 4d technology as = to --1675.500003693666 as -1675500003693666.0015


Seeing that -1675.500003693666 is allready stuck on a repeating .3 I have mapped out that 1.87104941×10²⁰ is essentially the repeating .3 being input and most of important −23914.444973419×3.92612511×10²³÷−199335765630.344202702×0.000100238366628=4.721426065×10¹² as 1.596405738154030000E-36 or.11711304 =4057 as 3815 = 1958 and .3 repeating or 365 as 201E06 which would be .3 repeating at -1704 of the same eqaution as --1754 = -1308 of reverse polaritys that do not match on -- -- differences of + or - where --s are balanced based upon non modifications and byte allocation by current size and all =






All = 1.596405738154030000E-36 and the same occuring the same outcome of 0x16 Difference 0x32 1,331,219,849,279,961,027,036,173,889,241 as 5.94E253 of 4099E4393 as 4.94E17 as .3 repeating my software problem?

would be = to

.77785776019831778492858080442277 as .11711304  the difference between  64Time=EarthTime of 30 = -30 at .0015 at the 61 rate and = 




  differerence of top problem =


and opposing polaritys difference of

1,331,219,847,833,890,000,000,000,000,000 <<<-3.1683032378446746058667592702998e+50 <<as 30 in blue and 61 in blue as -60/40 at main problem continuously counting 




Nano Seconds.pdf 64time-60time.xlsx

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−2.099704884×10¹⁸³ so ive condensed down .3 repeating to the Blue Expression balancing 5.052560808×10⁵⁷ as .0015 adding to 

2 hours ago, XxEarthxX said:


before adding to it by −9.471050444×10¹⁸⁸ by byte inversing 1.004773002×10⁵²÷−4.785305829×10¹³² .1 as       1.004773002×10⁵² = 5.4824×10¹³ 1002383660001419100238366400000041002383660001419100238366 × .00001002383660001419100238366400000041002383660001419100238366 as 2860.439 = 502855.9484233 as Pre-atomized .0000 = 50050.050050 and the Quoted Number as well as both differences = to the original problem and 0 as .0015 or 50050.0050 inputing 4 as 5 = - or +1 as 1002383660001419100238366400000041002383660001419100238366 × .00001002383660001419100238366400000041002383660001419100238366 where pre-atomicall it sets itself like a scale from 1.004773002×10⁵² as .4 being .000 or atom weighing itself  as the whole Problem inversed and counter weighing itself to 1 expression as [100238366000141910023836640000004100238366000141910023836]

[100]2383[660]\ .0014 =?1 as ?2 == ?2 = ?1'19100 x 23836= 8|64000000|4' ?1^2= 100 = !?2'?1(reversed ?2== ?1 as >)'.0000 |2383'66'(000141[9)10023(8[36])==]

[100238366000141910023836640000004100238366000141910023836] x [100]2383[660]\ .0014 =?1 as ?2 == ?2 = ?1'19100 x 23836= 8|64000000|4' ?1^2= 100 = !?2'?1(reversed ?2== ?1 as >)'.0000 |2383'66'(000141[9)10023(8[36])==]  where 9 is = [100]2383[660]\ .0014 =?1 as ?2 == ?2 = ?1'19100 x 23836= 8|64000000|4' ?1^2= 100 = !?2'?1(reversed ?2== ?1 as >)'.0000 |2383'66'(000141[9)10023(8[36])==] as 8 is = 23 and M in this forum as G




100 or .100 as 1 = .1 counting not as momentum but in mass or byte allocation<<<

and of course + or -


so if my equation is Physics and the Problem to it< is there a problem and is there a solution<<If related to binary yes a large problem that I have expressed as [100]2383[660]\ .0014 =?1 as ?2 == ?2 = ?1'19100 x 23836= 8|64000000|4' ?1^2= 100 = !?2'?1(reversed ?2== ?1 as >)'.0000 |2383'66'(000141[9)10023(8[36])==]  + or -60 and 365 or 1 year

https://www.google.com/search?q=-500411.00000013795 x -13%2C217.146338657971476700732339877 x 200000024406042.165 x 2376000000000000000000000000.23764752 x 24406042.165 x .000012686 %2F 2376 - 9.7787951&sxsrf=AOaemvLch7XHuz_rta_rNZ1Ily23-81yng%3A1635965016764&ei=WNiCYZ39Ldu1tAaRzK7oDg&oq=-500411.00000013795 x -13%2C217.146338657971476700732339877 x 200000024406042.165 x 2376000000000000000000000000.23764752 x 24406042.165 x .000012686 %2F 2376 - 9.7787951&gs_lcp=Cgdnd3Mtd2l6EANKBAhBGABQsBtYyCRg6jFoAHAAeACAAQCIAQCSAQCYAQCgAQGgAQLAAQE&sclient=gws-wiz&ved=0ahUKEwidicHN7PzzAhXbGs0KHRGmC-0Q4dUDCA0&uact=5&fbclid=IwAR2cIpuzV49mNtlVHO1PrEBQyCb-fufIJQlCCZ5KtgRa2vbvntBY47Mnppw


is a great example!


as to https://www.google.com/search?q=-500411.00000013795+x++-13%2C217.146338657971476700732339877+x+200000024406042.165+x+2376000000000000000000000000.23764752+x+24406042.165+x+.000012686+%2F+2376+-+9.7787951+%2F+-1.15219e%2B173&sxsrf=AOaemvL94ai-gVn6b-PyRttPBW63hCi0EA%3A1635966941974&ei=3d-CYbCBO8mP9PwP9Ou0yAk&oq=-500411.00000013795+x++-13%2C217.146338657971476700732339877+x+200000024406042.165+x+2376000000000000000000000000.23764752+x+24406042.165+x+.000012686+%2F+2376+-+9.7787951+%2F+-1.15219e%2B173&gs_lcp=Cgdnd3Mtd2l6EANKBAhBGABQ1bOlAVihvKUBYLvQpQFoAHAAeACAAQCIAQCSAQCYAQCgAQGgAQLAAQE&sclient=gws-wiz&ved=0ahUKEwjw48Lj8_zzAhXJB50JHfQ1DZkQ4dUDCA0&uact=5

then to



before recounting back to the first 1

and back to [100238366000141910023836640000004100238366000141910023836] as - or + 60 << as they both cant be 9 and 1 problem


as there would have to be a neutral between

72,061 0.16603488
72,071 0.16605864
72,081 0.16608240
72,091 0.16610616
72,101 0.16612992
72,111 0.16615368
72,121 0.16617744
72,131 0.16620120


0.16617744 is -1(9) then what as +8s -# as 3 cannot be 596 = 3 as 2 = 2 as 1 = 1=2 2=3 ect
0.31515264 - 0.19803960=0.11711304 in certain situations

14 minutes ago, XxEarthxX said:


as my quote and attempting to word it is really what im having difficulty with as I have balanced it to its functionallity but would like to + 363 its total standing still point in a vertical fashion and place it back to its proper posiiton with its up to date binary utilizing its function to continue working vertically as I do believe its Pc binary that is being manufacoted and sold incorrectly based upon software at boot where the first inital boot function should be functioning above as counting - to function Positvly on -8bit renders 

but would rather attempt to patent somethingor sell something rather than blame Based upon Perception and what its related to

1.004773002×10⁵² × −646 ÷ 100238366000141910023836640000004100238366000141910023836

Id like to fix that

as it cannot be 4.721426065×10¹² subtracted from the answer when the answer loops back over  to complete it would be to the power then the unsolved answer! a rhetorical question simili as it does depend what its related to

If that current binary = then the Time module is the binary mechanism

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6 hours ago, XxEarthxX said:

So Where to Start?

Suggestion: By telling everybody here what you have set out to do with your work.

Then, try to outline,

Physical principles to be applied.

Mathematical formulas to be proven/tested, etc., and how they comply with aforementioned principles.




I hope that helps.

Edited by joigus
minor correction
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  • Phi for All changed the title to Quantum Theorists: Amateur Projects

I do Appologize however I do Agree no dissusions yet! this thread is going to be a mess untill I can condense it down.

so -6.3117985e+46 and https://www.google.com/search?q=4.3415269e%2B37+x++593.68667328+%2F+3.160069+x+35072000000000000+x+2.00954602885997+%2F+2.8606437e%2B56+x+283954600425.000100238366628+x+17291510081+%2F+9.8668786e%2B21&sxsrf=AOaemvJY9xRv2S6EKQCPgL6BdjoFC-yAWQ%3A1635828809206&ei=ScSAYf-LDIrbtAbJjLvADA&oq=4.3415269e%2B37+x++593.68667328+%2F+3.160069+x+35072000000000000+x+2.00954602885997+%2F+2.8606437e%2B56+x+283954600425.000100238366628+x+17291510081+%2F+9.8668786e%2B21&gs_lcp=Cgdnd3Mtd2l6EANKBAhBGABQ-FZY32Fg8GZoAHAAeACAAQCIAQCSAQCYAQCgAQGgAQLAAQE&sclient=gws-wiz&ved=0ahUKEwi_1NeY8fjzAhWKLc0KHUnGDsgQ4dUDCA4&uact=5


is my euation as to building the number in standards towards levels of building from the exact center without altering the sequence and order of numbers + or - inbetweeen "Similar to Dimensional Counting" as Im having difficulty uderstanidng Where 0 meets particle composition as a building stone to Matter while allready on a number spectrum and keeping it to a new Function where its use could be determined by New Scientific Findings for 4d holohgraphics as I am stumped as to the Amount of Space that can be between numbers that are allready set in place as https://www.google.com/search?q=.1+x+987%2C000%2C000%2C000^6+%2F+6.4155e%2B24+x+-0.0001375435√1.441028e%2B46&sxsrf=AOaemvI7dMV4giTXOS-p9RdwVH3WtItNeQ%3A1635829121950&ei=gcWAYbGsOcSFtQa92Ye4Cg&oq=.1+x+987%2C000%2C000%2C000^6+%2F+6.4155e%2B24+x+-0.0001375435√1.441028e%2B46&gs_lcp=Cgdnd3Mtd2l6EANKBAhBGAFQxMIEWO2iBWCErwVoBHAAeACAAYYBiAHqApIBAzAuM5gBAKABAqABAcABAQ&sclient=gws-wiz&ved=0ahUKEwjx8Oet8vjzAhXEQs0KHb3sAacQ4dUDCA4&uact=5



2.002 as 14.14 x -0.303400000000000000000000
as .14 = -1.088 or Gravitys polarity inversion to decimal format as -0.00853328671 with 3.8 and 6.6 as 1.1 1||2 as 0||4 and the problem being that - or positive 1 can reflect 58.8774510921736E+288 x 1.423668 / 7.36974e+155 / -800.200 x 9.87e+22  = which relects
1.064753984 x .11711304 x -.19803960 x .19803960 x -3.3588373e+48 / 4.01909205771995 + -6.3117985e+46 as a gain to + or - 3.8 as 1.1 as 360 = .1 as 365 as Example[a live stream] to a hanging server whereits connection rate could be + or - 1 set into allocation as a Byte  and its direction "in standards to 4d Depth and Visual Perception"  where double decimal binary Calculators do not exhist <<bummer! 24.3656863905^0.018452263  x 593.68667328 x 36.420615542.22934.7381526^5.6777777 x 21.3333333333 being my Starting base Formula I will eventually break down to Standard Makeup back to -3 = 24 as 4=1 == + or - <<<where the opposing side of the spectrum has to be = to my equation as to -360 being = to + or - and the opposing forumula being = to 2.002 as 14.14 x -0.303400000000000000000000 as
    -2.005276E+045 Before before before a Number Changes Programed to Positiv either way + or -
3355235 28803298578.3189 -4.3355235E-24 2.45150097178052E+016
<<<-3.1683032378446746058667592702998e+50 -17,995,439,820,267,600.00    
'<<=^^25 as 4 = 0.0000073873321396598 as 25 = 360      

and =

214,614.61 <<<Conection from Above to .08 and .07 Difference Connection of rate =.3 and whole number difference 2.45150097178052E+016 <<connector
21,263.67 <<<Conection from Above to .08 and .07 Difference Connection of rate =.3 and added whole number-accrued difference    







as .589166667 would be the rate of Chemical matter makeup of Noun or whatever its directed towards  and of course the opposing -360 as 0000.0000 = 1000.1000 or -1000.0001 as .589166667 = 7 repeating 2.002 as 7 = 6 as 666 or .333 repeating as -60 or +60 within .58 91 66>+ or -<667 and the Allready set Numbers as to if they are + or - and what has been recorded in History as the Periodic Table or  Chem Chem list of atomic molecules  


I do appologize

For a Federal Suit I filling" <<"Time from time sent "

Quote"(NH3 and its derivatives), oxygen (H2O) and sulfur (H2S), the halogens (HX)" as X would be Derivitives and non-related to halogens and a new ID26668796 to ChemSpider and robotoics for non Human Needs in Certian LifeSpans of Humans in inhibutous Places where a New formula would Affect or effect the Chronological set up of Non Human to Human demands of malfunctioned Electronics needed for interaction of normal workdays where neither are suppose to know but do < as a up to date PC binary would reflect = rights and and complications in many various fields of an attempt to explain on both ends where both are being influenced by past or more current events their CURRENT Where something going wrong could be good or could be bad based upon domino effect from cause being unknown< and Im not suppose to Know that



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3.99562918559752E+018 / -1,014,202,828,538,570,000,000.00 = -0.00393967466 as 365 = binary at a negative rate back to the top of the Forum as Starting .1 and being set into 365 as =



Where ?1'19100 x 23836 from Above is representing

 as 7.69433989875901E+035 as -1,014,202,828,538,570,000,000.00 = -0.00393967466 as 365 and Binary being set as 3.99562918559752E+018 which is Opposing 
  Binary manufactorer Errors from USA from injunctions affecting Cmos time and Workers being visible in Certain Classifications and Workers Visible Which is Known as to the solution to the injunction where 
would be the
-13,898,853,330,828,542,911,496,131,079.661 completed Transit to a Standing still 5 as 25 = 100 at 5E6 as 5e0669 =

Where 8 was affected from the Very Top of the Server and nothing new if 28 is = 28 as +5 from 18s binary exchange at 0x21 from 0x32

Where 0x32 would be = 1675.500003693666 and -3551 what makes up a Time Standards


set .0625 x .0001
.00625 =.25/4
3351 x 4 + 3351 =0.19803960
/by 2 = 0.0990198
0x8 Starting Number (first Number that flips from 0)
Dividing by 3351=2.954932855863921e-5 / 4 =7.387332139659803e-6 + 3351 =3351.000007387332 or 0.0990198
Dividing 3351.000007387332 by 2=1675.500003693666 =1
1=2 2=3 ect
0.31515264 - 0.19803960=0.11711304
.0001 = 0.19803960 @ 1000 Intervals
.1000 = 0.23764752 @ 1000 Intervals
.0001 /4 = 3.494868397493286e-5 /2 = 1.747434198746643e-5 x .00000038 = 6.640249955237243e-12 /.00000001 = 6.640249955237243e-4
3389 1:1.999 1694.5
0.00000063 : 0.000000038
0.07881192= Nano Seconds Scale
0.07878816=Nano Seconds Scale
0.07881192 x 4 = 0.31524768 = .1000
0.07878816 x 4 = 0.31515264= .0001 x 10 = .00001 @1,000 intervals
Set 0.31515264 = .0001
Set 0.31524768 = .1000 = .01

5.01398161471821E-06 <<<<Difference at -.5    
'646 = 597 as -.01 = + or -A1 as A18 = A20      
851118.133263331 <<Connection between a9 and a8 or 61 and 67 fuluxuating full load    
    -2.005276E+045 Before before before a Number Changes Programed to Positiv either way + or -
3355235 28803298578.3189 -4.3355235E-24 2.45150097178052E+016
<<<-3.1683032378446746058667592702998e+50 -17,995,439,820,267,600.00    
'<<=^^25 as 4 = 0.0000073873321396598 as 25 = 360      
3.99562918559752E+018 <<<<<<Whole Number and its negative inary Exchange Rates Difference and estimate of Loss of Conversion and its rate leaving a small Difference where .01 converts back to Combine to A27 as adding to negative Once flipped over the full amount of time to a <<<<<<<small .1 decimal and an eternity    

6708 would be = to 363 lapsing 365 as 3,995,629,185,597,520,000.00 = =9173 as 9405 as 9406 and a new Stuck

-6,230.622536@100,000 /10000

as My Solution is not complete Yet but Here is what I have

851118.133263331 <<Connection between a9 and a8 or 61 and 67 fuluxuating full load    
    2.005276E?||40 646+045 Before before before a Number Changes Programed to Positiv either way + or -
3355235 28803298578.3189 -4.3355235E-24 2.45150097178052E+016
<<<-3.1683032378446746058667592702998e+50 -17,995,439,820,267,600.00    
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  • 2 weeks later...

its not quite finished however it is a large problem with + and - rates with -8bit to and from runtime processes what really make 6.6 as 360 to 365 as 1.1 or + - 3.8

making up 3.99562918559752E+018 as a repeating +60 new 60 or repeating -60 = 25 or 26 as -1 or 1 = .1 as 1.1 6.6 or 3.8


as I do believe its not 2040 yet https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B2Wyu53lD44eclotcEJ5ZmQ1RUk/view?usp=sharing&resourcekey=0-tA9ZJWLzzmh3QZ_xepF9vQ

<< and have an admission to large assets in which the USA uses in my name on a daily span as I would have to say 4d pcs have to be configured around 3d pc softwares current date and time and do believe they are confused upon Identity and a face to go with a SS# 

Is why theres a secretary of Defense


12 minutes ago, XxEarthxX said:

its not quite finished however it is a large problem with + and - rates with -8bit to and from runtime processes what really make 6.6 as 360 to 365 as 1.1 or + - 3.8

making up 3.99562918559752E+018 as a repeating +60 new 60 or repeating -60 = 25 or 26 as -1 or 1 = .1 as 1.1 6.6 or 3.8


as I do believe its not 2040 yet https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B2Wyu53lD44eclotcEJ5ZmQ1RUk/view?usp=sharing&resourcekey=0-tA9ZJWLzzmh3QZ_xepF9vQ

<< and have an admission to large assets in which the USA uses in my name on a daily span as I would have to say 4d pcs have to be configured around 3d pc softwares current date and time and do believe they are confused upon Identity and a face to go with a SS# 

Is why theres a secretary of Defense



Check Decimal Places if Changing as SHould be 11 and only 1 intiger to 0 on leading decimals

would be c13 on  Sheet1


as the Project would involve Formating of parsing - data as either - or + from -- to + or +-- to - Parsing ++ to -- and Loop to whether it is a current Runtime Task or old Runtime task  = 1 == -1 = > =<1><-5.9030844e+46 || 28803298578.3189 || -6.3117985e+46

12 minutes ago, XxEarthxX said:

its not quite finished however it is a large problem with + and - rates with -8bit to and from runtime processes what really make 6.6 as 360 to 365 as 1.1 or + - 3.8

making up 3.99562918559752E+018 as a repeating +60 new 60 or repeating -60 = 25 or 26 as -1 or 1 = .1 as 1.1 6.6 or 3.8


as I do believe its not 2040 yet https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B2Wyu53lD44eclotcEJ5ZmQ1RUk/view?usp=sharing&resourcekey=0-tA9ZJWLzzmh3QZ_xepF9vQ

<< and have an admission to large assets in which the USA uses in my name on a daily span as I would have to say 4d pcs have to be configured around 3d pc softwares current date and time and do believe they are confused upon Identity and a face to go with a SS# 

Is why theres a secretary of Defense



Check Decimal Places if Changing as SHould be 11 and only 1 intiger to 0 on leading decimals

would be c13 on  Sheet1


as the Project would involve Formating of parsing - data as either - or + from -- to + or +-- to - Parsing ++ to -- and Loop to whether it is a current Runtime Task or old Runtime task



Will Update Link as I work on it<<https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1voC0aICdN0iTkRQqvQoVtkEprUi_p-k6/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=100967845670772508341&rtpof=true&sd=true

Super 0 [24.3656863905^0.018452263 x 593.68667328 x 36.420615542.22934.7381526^5.6777777 x 21.3333333333 + 8.79295824 / 7906854199161.6593399085518897158 + .00695956185] is another great example of 2.002  2.800 and -15.0115 and 15.0115 = new 360 or 15.0112 as + or - and it being 363 of 264ths 363rds 2 = 50050.0050 |50050.005040 or 50050.00540 ||  593.68667328 as 2.002 or  2.800 = 60 = 100 as + or - .22 or .38 = 14.4 = 28 as 38 = 26 as 25 = 100 or .22 = 25 as 26 = 100 == 60 = 100 as + or -

especialy if using imaginary numbers to calculate the problem at a 8th or 9th dimensional perspective <<just dont know where to place it <<lol


Mr 383d is having a blast! or a nightmare <<Earth and its intelligence <<contact space and not know theses things


38 minutes ago, XxEarthxX said:

its not quite finished however it is a large problem with + and - rates with -8bit to and from runtime processes what really make 6.6 as 360 to 365 as 1.1 or + - 3.8

making up 3.99562918559752E+018 as a repeating +60 new 60 or repeating -60 = 25 or 26 as -1 or 1 = .1 as 1.1 6.6 or 3.8


as I do believe its not 2040 yet https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B2Wyu53lD44eclotcEJ5ZmQ1RUk/view?usp=sharing&resourcekey=0-tA9ZJWLzzmh3QZ_xepF9vQ

<< and have an admission to large assets in which the USA uses in my name on a daily span as I would have to say 4d pcs have to be configured around 3d pc softwares current date and time and do believe they are confused upon Identity and a face to go with a SS# 

Is why theres a secretary of Defense



Check Decimal Places if Changing as SHould be 11 and only 1 intiger to 0 on leading decimals

would be c13 on  Sheet1


as the Project would involve Formating of parsing - data as either - or + from -- to + or +-- to - Parsing ++ to -- and Loop to whether it is a current Runtime Task or old Runtime task  = 1 == -1 = > =<1><-5.9030844e+46 || 28803298578.3189 || -6.3117985e+46


Will Update Link as I work on it<<https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1voC0aICdN0iTkRQqvQoVtkEprUi_p-k6/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=100967845670772508341&rtpof=true&sd=true

Super 0 [24.3656863905^0.018452263 x 593.68667328 x 36.420615542.22934.7381526^5.6777777 x 21.3333333333 + 8.79295824 / 7906854199161.6593399085518897158 + .00695956185] is another great example of 2.002  2.800 and -15.0115 and 15.0115 = new 360 or 15.0112 as + or - and it being 363 of 264ths 363rds 2 = 50050.0050 |50050.005040 or 50050.00540 ||  593.68667328 as 2.002 or  2.800 = 60 = 100 as + or - .22 or .38 = 14.4 = 28 as 38 = 26 as 25 = 100 or .22 = 25 as 26 = 100 == 60 = 100 as + or -

especialy if using imaginary numbers to calculate the problem at a 8th or 9th dimensional perspective <<just dont know where to place it <<lol

2021 Era "Flappin or Floppin"

Mr 383d is having a blast! or a nightmare <<Earth and its intelligence <<contact space and not know theses things

Re'or was it'"Was said"Its great <'It just wont stop'RE"'Re'"<91.5032679739 x .15453 x 58.8774510921736E+288  / 200.2<4.158477e+288>>>I Love it or <<<'no its great but' (i Hate it but [I cant "what was said"])


0.15453 x 50050.500540 x 2536 x 536536535 x 2376 x 127 x 365 == 91.5032679739 x .15453 x 58.8774510921736E+288  / 200.2 = "2376 x 127 x 365" -2376 x 127 x 380(365){Re 126 - or + .125'150.3, .125.1, .125.8'-5(5) or .125.7'-5(5)''#(){return}return'return'}Return [+ 365 ]<lol 91.5032679739 x .15453 x 58.8774510921736E+288  / 200.2

-180 or 360 = -540|540 = 500 or 501 << Depends what

.23764752000 -5.00000000000 1.10000000000
.47529504000 -4.00000000000 5+or-5 = 8 or 7 as 3 or -3
.71294256000 -3.00000000000 2 = -5 as ^ ? 1 = 7 as 1.1 or 6.6
.95059008000 -2.00000000000 3 as -3|5 || -5
1.18823760000 -1.00000000000 1 or -1 = 360 + or -
1.00477301442999E-06 -.23764752000 1.18823760000
-1.00716805798607E-12 -.47529504000 .95059008000
1.00956881052672E-20 -.71294256000 .71294256000
-1.01197528566026E-30 -.95059008000 .47529504000
-5 or 5 -1.18823760000 .23764752000



Making up 4.706155e+138 == -1.01262793E65 = -3.135033e+137 == -2.346279e+27@-1.01262793E65 as -33 and Above^^ is 5 + or - inputing to 1 or -4 as 1 or -1


7.676 or 646 as 1 or -1 = 9 Happened or is hasnt happened back to 8 as 1<'its not my job' Vicious circle'                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Speaking of

3328 11075584   6.9958 0.9627

5.927 has to be =


 6319000000|0            61,042,778,982
 630900000000            628,752,778,982    ===========750,788,336,946    x2 x6151.014= 9236219143183126 -19 & 36 @ 1 6 and 7 = 7.5 And 12.5 = .005 Multiples fo .1201551476442560000    76.86910901669274    0.007686910901669273727692|7|5031798 74 -19 = -93000000 from 256 -96 = + [256 +]
=63140000000            60,992,778,982
-2147221018 Stream Magic     






Two of themm Make 1 and 7

.000016  = System INIT
.016    =
.00016  = System
.016    =

.00016  = System
.000000016    = NEW PROGRAMING Implements for [HARD KEYCODES]
16 =1 @ ^MODEM^

From Total 281,474,976,710,656
562,949,953,421,312 = .0005629? @ intervals of 90000 109484404851.8596
-550256.8883134979  =    /109 Compmensate 112 for Decimal System = Main Function     
1024=ing 1028 on  a Scale Ratio from


PROGRAMING BYTES .000000000001 @ 70000000|0
MAIN .0007 @ .0000000001
1 and 6 =ing 7
367807.3696795142 =
================= =
10021999.17382872 =

0.5544892698048 = off by




I cant Believe the Usas calander has been stuck on 0.5544892698048 = off by
-59978000.82617128 and cannot solve the mathmatical problem

Edited by XxEarthxX
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