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  1. Ragnarak


    parallel universes ahoy Just read a very nice time travel paradox about a person who was their own mother, father, daughter, uncle, etc. If i get time i might type it up later
  2. the question that dwells on almost any physics professor, of philosopher's mind is "Is time travel possible?" Well, why shouldn't it be?? We all are in fact time travelers ourselves. We all move forward in time, well, at least we all perceive to be moving forward in time. In fact, when you really think about it, we could all be moving backwards in time...time may not be moving at all. It could be stopped at the very moment that I am writing this...Of course you'll say "that's impossible, if time has stopped, how can I be reading this??" but we are forgetting the fact that maybe time has stopped for someone else. After all, time travel has a lot to do with perception. Setting this aside, one must ask oneself, what rate are we moving in time?? Like I said before, time could be moving in reverse, but at what rate? Well, the truth is that the rate of time is impossible to document, or place into any tangible form. for all we know, we oculd be moving so fast through time that it rivals light speed. One would never know however, because we are limited only to our own perception. When you really think about it...(I do this a lot by the way:D), time could have already gone by. We all could be dead at this very moment, only our consciences are perceiving it to be very slow. Time could go by in a blur, however, we have no way of knowing. This is one of those things that you really have to think about...anyway, the stereo type of time travel is walking through a portal and finding oneself in some other time, lets just say, maybe a year ago. This could very well be possible. If one could manipulate gravity so much that it would rupture the very fabrics of the space-time continuum, it could be very possible. However, I perceive time travel to be watching time go by, if not forwards, but backwards too. Then you have to work in the rate of moving forward in time at a faster rate than others. This is something I do not think is within our grasp. It probably won't be for a long time after we're all dead and futuristic philosophers are pouring over this data trying to make sense of it all. It would take serious gravity manipulation...well...I guess I'm done boring all of you. IM me or email me sometime on thursdays or sundays. That's when im on. Zeorashiari@netscape.net the name is the same for my screennames. Zeorashiari is my screenname.
  3. Let us assume that time travel has just been made within our grasp. That the entire technology has been perfected and taht we can go anywhere in time. Also, let us assume that a close loved one has suddenly expired. So, driven by rage, you go back in time using the time machine and stop the death, and change time itself. However, when time itself continued from the very point from which you changed time, when if got to the point that you eventually went back in time to change the past, you have no reason to go back, hence you never do go back, and your loved one is never saved from death because you never went back to change it. Hence, time collapses upon itself. This is very similar to the Grandfather Paradox, which states that if you were to go back in time to kill your grandfather, he never has your father as his son, hence, his son and your father do not exist, so that they can not have you. Then, you cease to exist and you never go back to kill your grandfather in the first place. Let us refer to my first scenario with the close loved one. If you were to change the past, then they would die anyway, because that is how time repairs itself. If they didn't die...well, you get the idea. But based on this theory, let us assume that you cannot change the future also. for those of you who have seen the movie "Back to the Future Part II", then you would know that the good doctor went back in time from the future to warn the main character that his child does a very bad thing. Hence, the main character travels into the future to prevent it. When time continues from this point, then the doctor has no reason to go back in time to warn the main character. hence, time collapses upon itself. but of course, time will probably repair itself and make up some other reason for the doctor to go back. either way, it is impossible to change the future or past to your own liking. Hence, we are walking a path with no turns.
  4. It is possible to achieve a sort of time travel, first you will have to be travelling at, or close to the speed of light and for instance, say you wanted to travel to the andromeda Galaxy, the pilot, or crew would age 28 years travelling there and 28 years back as well and in the mean time the earth has aged 400,000 years!:zzz:
  5. I have trouble with travelling into the past because of a dispersal effect. To consider the past as a flip card book is illogical. I can flip the pages and the character moves and then go to the first page and it's still there. In real time the photons and energy transfers disperse after each "slice" or small "flow" of time and they would need the vast power of the universe to reassemble them. The only time travel option into the past open to us is through a wormhole to a system light years away. If we find a habitable planet and colonize it we might be disrupting it's own developement because we are arriving in its past. If Grays discovered wormhole travel today 1 million light years away and come to Earth in our past and colonize, we might never exist. Or maybe tomorrow. Just aman
  6. Thanks man, nice read. I have a book called "Time Travel in Einstein's Universe". Very interseting books that explains all the current theories for and against time travel. I'm still a bit skeptical about traveling BACK in time. Perhaps its because I don't fully understand the physics behind it. I've come to terms with traveling forward in time, however.
  7. http://www.mkaku.org/tt.html This article shows several perspectives on time travel. Very nice and worth reading!
  8. First off al, I do not think it is possible to "TRAVEL" back or forwards in time. I do think it could be possible to watch back into time. As each object reflects light and light is continuous.. "Simply" travel faster than the speed of light in the same direction to collect "history". Quite logical because the same thing is happening when we look at for example: galaxy M87. This galaxy is 65 miliion lightyears away. If we observe today we will get a reflection of how it was 65 million yrs ago. But lets assume it is possible to actually go back in time. How could you be sure that at that point in time, time is contineus. For all you know you are stuck in that fraction of time. And without time there can not be movement, without movement there is no energy. What will remain??? Nothing if you ask me. Time travel: I still think its impossible
  9. I doubt there will be ant protection as such. I think that either there will be casual loops, or that current thinking is actually wrong, and the universe won't allow time travel in the first place. failing that we can always fall back on one of the more exotic theories, such as multiple universes.
  10. Assuming time travel was feasable, the production of a time machine could open a whole box of casual paradoxes. For example, the girl who traveled back in time to kill her mother. If the mother dies while she was a young girl, her daughter would never travel back in time to kill her. How do we make sense of this? Or consider the time traveler who leaps ahead and learns of a new mathematical theorem in a leading journal. Suppose he returns to his own time and publishes the article in a journal. The article is the same one he read in the future. Where did the information come from? The information seemingly came into existence from nowhere. Are there laws of physics that will prevent these kinds of paradoxes from occuring? Stephen Hawking proposed a "chronology protection conjecture" which would outlaw casual loops. Because the theory of relativity is known to permit causal loops, chrnology protection would require some other factor to intercede to prevent travel into the past. What might this factor be?
  11. I believe the great modern mind of Jose Cuervo came up with practicle solutions to achieving 3 of 4 of the postulates: I have been invisible a few times (invisibility) I have noticed that currency in my wallet simply disappears and instantly appears in some dancer's G-string (teleportation) I have actually started off on a Friday and found myself at work on Monday, without experiencing saturday or sunday (time travel)
  12. The whole idea of 'travel' needs to be challenged as well. Every moment existing is a universe unto itself suspended in an electromagnetic field. Rather an moving, an attraction to you of the desired time/space universe. Rather than focussing on how to time travel, more a focus on You, that can attract all manner of things. Memry
  13. On time travel we can travel into the future easily just by moving. A bicyclist ages slower than a jogger by a very tiny quantum amount because he goes faster. He wen't into the future while he rode and when they both stopped the jogger met the bicyclist after he had jumped a little into the future and stopped. The faster you go, the farther you jump in the future. Time travel backwards has a lot of arguments against it. Especially if it is no longer there. This is a big can of worms:shrug: :scratch: Just aman
  14. I do not know if this can happen. But I was thinking and this came to mind: Light travels at ~3x10^8m/s. (thanks faf). Now if we could get a strong enough telescope (or a transponder, if we were to recieve any tv images) far away enough earth. Would it be possible to look into the telescope and view the images from earth from the past? Or is it impossible?
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