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Popcorn Sutton

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Everything posted by Popcorn Sutton

  1. Oh right. It's a hypothesis, but at least it's scientific. Compare it to the rest of the posts so far, it's clearly the most plausible thesis yet
  2. I'm going to throw out a theory for you guys. A bubble might emerge which would become a new planet
  3. Split I cannot accept your premise of infinity. I'm an engineer and because of that, I cannot accept the freedom of will (which you hinted at with the radio example) and I cannot accept infinity. Both notions are noninstrumentalistic. Sorry to burst your bubble. Also, I do not believe that time is defined clearly enough within this context. Time, to me, within this context, is an association of units of knowledge, sequences of occurrence, and it MUST be ordered in the right way, in other words, it must be linear (although I do believe that there are parameters). Although I am working on a theory of dispositions which would make it seem non linear and 3 dimensional, but in reality, I can find no argument against reality only consisting of 2 dimensions. And, as an engineer, working with only 2 dimensions seems like a promising approach. I'd also like to add that the word dimension itself is, in my opinion, close to meaningless.
  4. Matrixing. Progressive Verb. The ability to project a recognizable thought onto a physical sequence of elements.
  5. I've heard that were using new technologies to predict patterns. Theres a wide range of applicability, but i'd like to focus on more immediate precautions. We will notice patterns of activity and be able to trace them better. War is not an option.... But, stress shouldn't be am option either. Atriophibrilation can kill and it's best to ease into change. Please, proceed to give out warnings to repeat offenders for the below examples. Smoking. A new form of smoking had been released that has challenged the healthiness and gave us an alternative, namely, electronic cigarettes. It is a fallacy to appeal to tradition and these people should be aware that there are healthier alternatives and that because they exist, they are clearly wrong for appealing to tradition (i.e. Smoking cigarettes). Loitering. Some people need a place to chill and often they choose poor parking not only because they will encounter the police but because it's noninstrumentalistic no be in those places. Opening up non-profit places where people can park and practice progressive science and technology will greatly improve the productivity of the community. More will be thought
  6. Hydrocarbons are solid? Could I introduce carbon to water, let it soak, and pull out pure hydrocarbon in a solidified state? Is that divisible and combustible? How would I avoid oxygen contamination? Are hydrocarbons magnetic? Are they sensitive to static electricity? Omg I just broke that down and understood it. Heres my plan. I'm going to buy a custom made vaccuum attachment that has needles with an end that has an opening a nanomicron larger than the diameter of an oxygen/hydrogen atom. I'm probably going to make it oscillate between suck and blow as fast as possible with the suck mode just barely longer than the blow mode so they don't get clogged.
  7. I have access to UV lights, I was thinking about making a cubic rig and maybe increasing the intensity of the light in some way. It seems like you are suggesting that in order to get combustible hydrogen, you need to put in a lot of energy. I don't mind using electricity, the lights are small. What would it take to get a gram of solidified hydrogen and what would I need to solidify it besides freezing it with liquid helium? I'm also going to need to spend some time defining the terms you used in the previous post as well as learning the metrics. If you could help alleviate me from that effort I'd appreciate it but I don't expect it.
  8. It will travel the path of least resistance until it merges and/or gets reduced in which case it would continue traveling the path of the least resistance regardless of gravity Like a spec of dust
  9. So wait. I intend on using a UV light to separate the h and o, I don't want to use liquid helium to solidify the hydrogen and I don't want any oxygen in my solidified hydrogen. How do I avoid oxygen contamination and is there another method to solidify hydrogen? Maybe there is a chemical I can introduce that the hydrogen will bond to in a solidified form and retain its combustibility? I don't want to modify my car at all, I want the process to be cheap and the product to be the closest thing to free as possible. Hydrogen engines are WAY too expensive and provide no hope for the immediate future.
  10. I was about to ask my favorite question ever... how? but there was more to it. How could we cause these conditions?
  11. Ok I have to call shenanigans on this This thread should be locked
  12. We need to legalize shit now. Legalize science please
  13. Yea solely for transport. And if it works i'd like to determine a way to focus the combustion to a point.
  14. Thanks John, I thought it would involve freezing the hydrogen which I was hoping to avoid. Maybe we can come up with a different solution. The idea was to take water, separate the oxygen from it, and actually just mix the hydrogen with more water so we can have a combustible water to fill our gas tanks with. I hear that hydrogen is VERY explosive though. I just made an agreement with my parents to allow me to use the basement as my laboratory, so I'm excited to get to work. There's a few projects that I'm going to be working on and I look forward to collaborating with you guys
  15. Hey all, I talked to my mom today and asked her if I could use the extra room in the basement as a lab. At first she said "NO!" but I talked her into it and now I get to live at home for free and have my own laboratory. If I'm going to name my lab for professional purposes, I think I'm going to call in "In a lamp laboratories". My first project is to get my program (Genie) up on the internet. I fully intend for this project to be a non-profit project but I am going to need some funding which I believe I can get from kickstarter.com. Once I get this program on the internet, it should speed up the pace of scientific progress and make survival easier for everyone so I truly look forward to doing this work! YAY Request for money removed by moderator. If you want a peek at the code and how I intend on making this work, PM me.
  16. I'm trying to extract the oxygen from water and get solidified hydrogen. How can I go about doing this?
  17. Lol props to John and Phi for making me lmao. Phi that was some really intuitive thinking there. It's funny how people can come together for a cause like this to find the ultimate solution thanks to Phi
  18. It's funny you should say that because last night I had a dream... It's probably the end.
  19. Moontan we can't keep doing that to ourselves, it's noninstrumentalistic and counter productive
  20. I was going to post some ridiculous religious nonsense to make you guys laugh, but I decided not to.... OR DID I!? Jesus saves! Repent and thou shalt be saved!
  21. Split what do you mean by "they do so due to condition"?
  22. Ok with the sets provided by studiot, thats technically not something from nothing because the brackets exist. Where did the brackets come from? Could you elaborate on your statement? How did you get something from nothing?
  23. What is LaTeX, is this a new programming language? I've been working on a theory of dispositions lately and your post resembles it.
  24. Maybe god will save me... Maybe the spirit of justice will save me. ;D
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