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Status Updates posted by Moontanman

  1. Well Matthew is history for me, just a rain event for the most part. It affected inland areas worse than the coast. Lots of rain and flooding, I will not miss Matthew...

  2. I spoke too soon, the back side of Matthew is kicking our butts!

  3. I love to dive on this jetty, I've done it so many times I recognise some of the larger rocks! 


  4. Snowing now on top of a nice layer of ice! Woo who! Nothing like slippery sidewalks to make an old man cry... 

  5. My youngest son is in California right now, this week Monterey and the next 6 weeks Lawrence Livermore laboratories...

  6. New story on my blog, finally I am posting an entire story. I will serialise this over the next several days. NSFW! Should only be read by adults! 


  7. New page has been added to the new story.

  8. New short short story on my blog... 

  9. Me and nancy 40 years ago ;).



  10. Green headed flies are tough creatures, rumored to be able to fly up an idling two stroke motorcycle engine and come out with a piece of carburetor air filter in their mouths! 

  11. Merry christmas! 

  12. I just loaded part one of a serial story, I hope you enjoy! 


  13. Ok, it's official, UAPs are bullshit, Glenn Beck has weighed in and he says they are aliens. 

  14. Cooking beef stew today! To bad you guys aren't hear to enjoy it! 

  15. I woke up this morning to a tropical storm. blew down my avocado tree! I had no idea this was coming, I need to watch the weather more. 

  16. Hang on to that dream astrogirl, I had when I was young but it was too soon but you could very well be in the right place at the right time if you really want it.

  17. How do you dodge a bullet on your way to another star while traveling 12%C?

    Very quickly?

  18. turtles are cool

  19. yup good post for sure

  20. Hey Rusty, I too dabble in writing, poems , short stories, ertoticism. So far my erotic stories seem to be the most popular. I have three science fiction novels going right now. John Varley is my fav writer.

  21. Hey Jill, Love your avatar, and your arguments, very nice style!

  22. love the name, great books...

  23. Hello Dr. Sullivan, welcome to the forum

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