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Posts posted by Moontanman

  1. We are on the topic of ghosts, I raised the question of life. I said atoms are not alive and you talk of what atom makes water wet, what atom makes a tree grow, and plant ghosts.


    Do you agree that atoms, electrons are not alive?






    A computer is a structure of many atoms, one atom or a million atoms, makes no difference the computer is not alive. All of those functions that a computer can do have to be done by an outside influence. The computer does not think or decide what to do.


    Do you agree that atoms, electrons are not alive?





    One of the easiest ways to unravel a mystery or start to solve a problem is to throw out what does not fit or apply.


    Many people believe that life is a form of some sort, like a flesh body, a vegatable structure, some kind of structure made from atoms.


    Some people believe that life is a brain, or that we are a brain. This too is a thing made of atoms. So the question is..... are atoms, electrons alive?


    This is a basic stepping stone in moving toward answering the question of what is life.


    Do you agree that atoms, electrons are not alive?


    Life is an emergent property of atoms and electrons, alone they are not alive but in huge numbers ordered the proper way they can be alive. Order and arrangement is what makes living matter different from non living not some mystical "thing" that makes them alive.....

  2. So you study 60's literature? I guess if I wanted to study airplane safety it would be better to study data that is 50 years out of date? Radon levels have nothing what so ever to do with nuclear reactors, radon levels in houses come out of the earth. it accumulates in basements and other low areas because it is so dense. Radon comes out of granite. Radiation is a natural part of the environment do not try to blame radiation on nuclear power plants. Much of the radiation increase in the environment has to do with nuclear testing, not nuclear reactors. There is no conspiracy to pollute the environment with radiation from reactors, no conspiracy dude, none. NUCLEAR REACTORS RELEASE LESS RADIATION TO THE ENVIRONMENT THAN COAL FIRED POWER PLANTS BY SEVERAL ORDERS OF MAGNITUDE! Coal fired power plants release huge amounts of radio-nucleotides, almost all the radiation increase in our environment not attributable to nuclear bomb testing comes from burning stuff like coal, not nuclear power plants......

  3. Why not be kind? I see no reason to be unnecessarily cruel to anything or anyone. having grown up on a farm and killed many an animal for food, we were always aware of unnecessary cruelty and never killed on animal in sight of another. When ever possible all animals were treated as kindly as possible. Death was always swift and painless as possible. I see no reason not to be kind to animals or humans and no reason what so ever to be cruel.

  4. I liked much of his music, some was great some was mediocre. His dance moves were wild, the moon walk was fantastic the first time I saw it. To be fair he was never convicted of child abuse and the people who accused him were somewhat less than believable since they settled for money out of court. If it had been my child all the money in the universe wouldn't have been enough. The people who accused him were found to be less than truthful and simply money grubbing. Did he do it, if he did it he was stupid beyond belief since some one as rich as him could have bought what he wanted for almost nothing compared to what it cost him in out of court settlements. personally I have to assume innocence since he was never convicted. Would I have let my children go with him, no, but then again i wouldn't have let my children go with anyone i didn't really know much less some one as obviously nuts as he was. He was a great talent and it is always bad to see a human being of such talent fade into death. Hero, maybe not, but his talent cannot be denied

  5. I see gun ownership as a state issue. Not that a state should ban guns, but we live in a large country with very different demographics and geography. What works in Montana may not apply as well in New York.


    I would also like tougher sentencing on irresponsible gun ownership. Allowing easy access to a gun is much worse than having drugs, IMO.


    So you are equating gun ownership with drug use? If drugs were available OTC there would be little or no violence associated with drugs. Alcohol and tobacco is at least many times the menace to our society than even the hardest of drugs. Are you saying guns are equal to drinking or smoking? Gun ownership is not for everyone, but I see no reason to keep guns out of the hands of reasonable law abiding citizens.

  6. Soylent green? It's people! PEOPLE! PEOPLE! Ummmm could you pass me the neck bone and rice? The peasants are quite tasty today, must be the new human chow we've been feeding them!


    I know that some bush pilots (watch the remarks!) carry dry dog food with them in case of a crash so they will have something to eat. How long can a person eat a good quality dog food before he gasps his last bark?


    Yesterday I was buying a 2 large bags of Purina dog chow at Walmart, for my dogs Winston, Chief, Gus, and Maximus. I was about to check out when a woman behind me asked if I had a dog. What did she think, that I had an elephant?

    Since I had little else to do, on impulse, I told her that no, I didn't have a dog, and that I was starting the Purina Diet again, although I probably shouldn't because I ended up in the hospital last time. On the bright side though, I'd lost 50 pounds before I awakened in an intensive care ward with tubes coming out of every hole in my body and IVs in both arms.


    I told her that it was essentially a perfect diet and that the way that it works is to load your pockets with Purina nuggets and simply eat one or two every time you feel hungry and that the food is nutritionally complete so I was going to try it again. (I have to mention here that practically everyone in the line was enthralled with my story by now.)


    Horrified, she asked if I ended up in intensive care because the dog food had poisoned me. I told her no; I had stopped in the middle of the parking lot to lick my butt and a car hit me.


    I thought the guy behind her was going to have a heart attack, he was laughing so hard!


    WAL-MART won't let me shop there anymore.

  7. I am trying to start back up my aquarium fish collecting and breeding business. One obstacle is the well water I have to use. Raw it is full of iron sulfates and hydrogen sulfide, and other noxious chemicals. If the raw well water is left to sit it goes from a being a thick green to being red orange and red orange mud settles onto the bottom. Once I run it through water a softener system it comes out clear and very soft but still full of hydrogen sulfide and almost totally anoxic. I need to be able to remove the H2S and add oxygen. I have thought of using H2O2 to add oxygen but will this also remove the H2S?

  8. Volcanic tubes are not exactly known for being air tight, plant roots and water penetrate into them and I would assume that air would escape though these cracks as well. One thing of interest is this. Holes on Mars. They are thought to analogous to such holes found on the Earth. Huge deep pits with shear walls. Popular with the cave sky diving crowd. They might prove useful as protected areas on Mars. http://www.marsanomalyresearch.com/evidence-reports/2007/121/mars-dark-hole.htm

  9. I know this thread is about a cannabis/oak tree cross but I've always wanted to insert the gene for the active ingredients of Cannabis into the floating fern "Azolla carolinas" this fern already has a symbiotic relationship with the cyanobacterium "Anabaena azollae" which allows the fern to fix atmospheric nitrogen. Such a combo might be very good at producing high quality THC in small containers with minimum fertilizers.

    Azolla is a good animal feed, fertilizer and has been suggested as a good way to decrease greenhouse gases. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Azolla

  10. very cool reply John

    Merged post follows:

    Consecutive posts merged

    I think maybe the lack of volcanoes on mars might indicate a biological source for methane. The percentage of methane on the earth is more than can be accounted for by volcanoes. But i like the way you think, Even the methane on Titan would seem to be more than non biological sources can completely account for. The giant planets have non biological conditions that can easily account for their methane. it is plausible we don't know of all non biological processes that can produce methane. But we know biology is a primary contributor under the conditions on the earth

  11. Ok, let try to get this clear, training animals to do all sorts of strange unnatural things (unnatural to them) is ok as long as it isn't sex. Sex is somehow demeaning to animals more so than enslaving them as workers, solders, entertainers, meat, fibers or anything else is fine? Training a dog to kill on command is ok but cunnilingus is not? Stump breaking a pony is bad, riding them and using them as slaves is ok? Bestiality is a strange concept for sure, very difficult to really understand but i don't see it as moral problem for the animal or rape from the stand point of the animal (well maybe a chicken might object:doh:) We use animals in (what must seem to them) some very strange ways unless of course the animals we train only look to please their trainers and do not have a concept of strange, only of what humans want them to do. As long as the animal is not being physically harmed I can't logically argue against it any more than any other human animal interaction. Can a case be made that an animal who is trained to perform sex acts feels demeaned by it? I really don't know, anyone want to take that part of it?

  12. I'm not sure that sex with an animal is the same as rape, Rape implies violence, a dog that is trained to perform sex acts would not be rape. I'm not sure if the animal would even be aware of the sexual aspects of it at all. I do remember a case when I was a kid fio a dog who actually penetrated a little girl. The father heard the little girl crying and found the dog holding her down much the same way a male dog does as he humps a female dog. While I see no reason to have sex with animals I also cannot quite see it as rape either.

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