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Posts posted by Moontanman

  1. First you have to understand that brane theory is not backed up by evidence. Very little if any evidence really points to strings and branes.


    But the idea is that when two branes collide all the matter in the two branes is turned back into energy that from the stand point of the brane would be a brane wide big bang. The release of so much energy drives the two branes apart again until their mutual gravitational attraction brings them back together. The visual often used is two sheets hanging on a clothes line. No universe is created or combined, just the new matter in each brane as it condenses again as the brane expands just like the big bang theory proposes. From our stand point our brane is infinite and ever expanding, from the stand point of the multidimensional hyper-verse the two branes are not infinite and maintain the same perspective to each other as finite sheets. Inside the multidimensional universe there are theorized to be other branes of various kinds and types not related to or likely to interact with ours.


    The idea of colliding branes replaces the idea of a big bang universe that expands and contracts every few hundred billions of years with a static universe that just "explodes" everywhere when the two branes collide. The the expansion is an illusion that is only seen from inside the branes.


    If this is true the idea of heat death of the universe becomes a non issue, the brane collision might take place in the next instant or next year or 1,000,000,000,000 years from now.


    For a more accurate view of this theory i suggest you google it, I am sure my rendition is flawed in many ways.

  2. It's my understanding that when branes touch you get a big bang effect. In Multidimensional space all branes are finite even though they look infinite from the perspective of the brane. There is no need for branes to be all inside and out of each other unless they are gravitationally bound. Actually the idea of inside and outside loose meaning when you are talking about multidimensional spaces. I do have a mind exercise I use to visualize multidimensional space. It's totally just my idea and has no bearing on any provable reality but you can read it here.



  3. Fox News provides a service, it provides bullshit for people who prefer to hear bullshit. Fox News tells Conservatives what they want to hear, it confirms all their horrible fears about Liberals are true and that the world is going to hell in a hand basket due to Liberals and their horrific godless plans to help the poor and impoverished destroy religion and replace it with evolution. People who watch Fox News want to think he world is going to shit, they want to feel like the entire Liberal world is out to get them, they are basically paranoid and need to have this feeling of paranoia confirmed on a regular basis.


    I am so tired of my Conservative biased spell checker, it's a conspiracy I tell ya!

  4. The premise of the OP is extreme exaggeration to begin with. dissolving the shells of living animals would take a pH much under 7 . Shell fish can deposit their shells at pH of much less than 7, less than 5 is not out of the question. The article never mentions the predicted pH and only say sit will be corrosive as acid used to eat scale off a pot or pan pH 3? or less. I'd have to see some real figures to even consider such a thing.

  5. The ocean has a very long way to go before it becomes acid. Mid ocean water is around 8.3 or 8.4 pH I've kept and bred both marine fish, invertebrates and live coral. pH change is bad when it is fast but a slow change up and down is not harmful. As long as the pH stays around pH 7.6 to 8.6 and all changes are slow i really think this a case of crying wolf. Much coastal waters hover around 7.5 and up and in some places I have personally measured pH of less than 7 due to acidic freshwater run off. I honestly do not see open ocean pH dropping to below 7 any time soon or even below 8. The ocean is buffered, it resists pH changes due to the carbonate buffering. Any change will by this mechanism be slow. For the shells of ocean creatures to be affected the Ph would have to drop considerably below 7

  6. I'm still confused by your description. It was "multidimensional"?


    It's a very difficult thing to describe, spheres with in spheres, connected but not connected, moving and stationary at the same time. No real basis to describe or compare it to anything real. I hoping someone else had experienced it and we could compare notes.

  7. Ok, let me tell you the way i have been told it works and you tell me where I'm wrong and maybe I'll understand better. This happens in a universe containing only the two observers.


    From the stand point of both observers both are traveling at close to the speed of light. The twin who is traveling sees the stationary twin as moving. The staionary twin sees the other as moving. Reletively speaking both see the other as moving. But only the one who is actually moving feels time dilation. Since both points of view are valid what decides which one's time dilation is real. Or maybe how do they tell wich one is moving so that only one experinces time dilation?


    I am sorry if this is stupid way of looking at it but it's the best I can do.

  8. Some negative systemic charge should be expected to exist upon a protostar. No matter how slight that systemic charge might be, some migration of charged particles would result in an inward trend for positive ions and an outward trend for electrons. Increased systemic charge would increase the percentage of ionizations to be drawn by systemic traction and the rate of their acceleration. As the protostar compresses, increased surface ion density accompanies its increased temperature, leading to an acceleration of charged particle migration.


    I don't see the mechansim for this, can you elaborate?


    Our brains seem wired to most readily appreciate the shell of electrons that would form around such a developing protostar, but perhaps benefit from some belaboring of the home to be found for naked protons. Their more counterintuitive destination becomes apparent uppon consideration of their attraction toward the greater number of electrons that would lie beyond the center of a spherical hosting body. The trick played upon protons is the condition they find halfway across the sphere: an equally attractive pull has grown from the rear just as the forward pull has diminished from its dominate influence. Traction upon protons is nullified when repulsion from their central habitat equals remaining attraction from diminished electron majority ahead and beyond! We might tend to protest about square law reduction with distance between particles, but must deem such factors to drop out because of square law increase for consequential particle count. (Increased range alone does not dim a large white wall.)


    This seems totally counter intuitive to me.


    This contemplation of a Faraday cage suggests an alternative concept for stellar fusion that seems to have been overlooked by celebrity science. Elucidation awaits in my little blog: http://dalescosmos.blogspot.com/


    I'll let others more informed than me critique your blog.

  9. The amount of energy needed to move a spacecraft of any reasonable size to half of c would be multiples the amount of energy mankind has ever used to date. Then it would take an equal amount of energy to slow it down again.


    There are ways around this, magnetic sails, fusion power sources, in 500 years generating such power will be easy, look at how far we have come in the last 500 years.



    It would also be made of ????...hitting a speck of dust at half of the speed of light would release more energy than all the nuclear weapons on Earth.


    This is simply not true. .5 c is not fast enough to make a dust particle equal to all the nuclear weapons on earth. Hitting a dust particle wouldn't be a good thing but it is possible to detect such particles and vaporise them far ahead of the space craft with lasers. If we can do that now I am sure 500 years from now we can do better.



    One day we may hope for a 20th or so the speed of light. There is nothing, however, in material engineering to date that would allow stable performance of matter at such a speed without imminent doom.


    What are you talking about? matter acts the same at .2 c as it does at .000002c


    It's no just a matter of saying we could do a tenth of the speed of light one day and that would be 50 years to the nearest star. The acceleration would take multiples times that to get to the top speed and the slowing an equal long process.


    Please elaborate, what do you mean? 50 years to the nearest star is reasonable, if you had a generational type ship even longer would be good. Eventually we'll do away with the need for planets altogether and stars will just be places to get resources not planets.



    We're also assuming there is some reason to go to the nearest dozen stars.


    Yes there is, to use the resources there to build new artificial worlds and to launch new space craft to other stars to spread humanity out through the galaxy.

  10. The first thing you need to do is visualize hyper dimensional space. I look at it this way.




    #1 Think of a point, zero dimensions, nothing but a location.


    #2 Think of a line, one dimension, an infinite number of points can be contained in a line no matter how long the line.


    #3 Think of a plain, two dimensions, an infinite number of lines can be contained in a plain with an infinite number of points on each line.


    #4 Think of a cube, three dimensions, an infinite number of plains can exist in a cube, each plain contains an infinite number of lines with each line containing an infinite number of points.


    Now I am going to ask that you think of the three dimensional object again but this time think of a sphere. Any sphere will do but a planet like the earth is a good way to start. Each of these shapes is still the same as the shapes described in the first three lines of this essay. Now think of the surface of the sphere, the surface of the sphere is two dimensional with the lines of longitude being one dimensional. The two dimensional surface contains an infinite number of the lines of longitude containing an infinite number of zero dimensional points.


    #5 Try to imagine a four dimensional sphere, it’s surface is three dimensional, the lines of longitude are two dimensional and the infinite points on that line are one dimensional instead of zero dimensional. This would represent one moment in time in one universe.


    #6 Now think of a five dimensional sphere, its surface is four dimensional and its infinite lines of longitude are 3D. Each 3D line represents the past and future of one universe with no choice no changes no variables. Each point on the 3D line would now be 2D


    #7 Now think of a six dimensional sphere, its surface is five dimensional and each of the lines of longitude are four dimensional and each point on each of those infinite number of lines is three dimensional. So each of the 4D lines of longitude represent a different possible time line with each 3D point on each line being a moment in time on each of the infinite possible time lines.


    #8 Now think of a seven dimensional sphere which would have a six dimensional surface with five dimensional lines of longitude and an infinite number of four dimensional points on each of the infinite lines. Now each 5D line represents a different universe with our set of natural laws and each 4D point represents all the possible time lines in each universe.


    #9 Now think of an eight dimensional sphere with a seven dimensional surface with each line of longitude having six dimensions and each point having five dimensions. Now each 6D line of longitude represents an infinite number of universes with a different set of physical laws but still with in what we know is possible and each 5D point represents one of those universes.


    #10 Now think of a nine dimensional sphere with an eight dimensional surface. Each line of longitude has seven dimensions and each point on that seven dimensional line has six dimensions. Each 7D line represents an infinite number of universes (Multi-verse) with every possible and to us impossible rules of nature with each 6D point representing an infinite number of universes with a certain set of rules.


    #11 now think of a ten dimensional sphere with a nine dimensional surface and eight dimensional lines of longitude and seven dimensional points on those line. So each 8D line represents an infinite number of multi-verses (Mega-verse) and each 7D point being a complete multi-verse


    Remember a ten dimensional sphere needs an eleven dimensional space to exist in so there you have it all possible and impossible universes in an infinite number in eleven dimensions. Remember this is just a mind exercise I used when I was in high school to visualize multiple dimensions but it is kinda cool how it resembles what is called brane theory these days. Brane theory doesn't call for a sphere shaped universe but for me it was easier to visualize it that way, the brane is 10 dimensional contained in an eleven dimensional space.


    Now using this template think of our 4d universe as a plain inside a 5d (or larger) universe, inside a 5d universe our infinite 4d plain is finite. As I understand it, our 4d brane is associated with another 4d brane. the two are gravitationally bound. When they collide it's like two sheets hanging on a clothes line. The branes to not collide all at once but as wrinkles and bulges touch all the mater in the two branes annihilate into energy. form our point of view each time the branes touch it's a big bang. as the two branes come together the energy release drives them apart until gravity pulls them back together. as they are driven apart the energy released in each one condenses back into mater and the matter universe we see forms. This process can happen over and over.


    Oops, one more thing, as far as I know there is absolutely no evidence for this what so ever!

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