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About tecoyah

  • Birthday 10/15/1966

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    Interested, but under-educated
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  • Quark

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Quark (2/13)



  1. I have 10 invites....should anyone still be in need.
  2. Sorry, didn't want to piss anyone off. here is the link http://www.tfproject.org/tfp/index.php enjoy
  3. Just thought I would issue an invite to the "Tilted Forum Project" I did not supply a link, as I don't know the actual policy here , and don't want to site plug This is a very entertaining forum...and is in need of people of intellect.....which is why I have posted here. Let me know what you think. if you would.
  4. tecoyah


    The general reasoning behind an opposition to abortion is the Murder verdict, "you are anding a life". If indeed this were the case we would avoind burgers and chisken like the plague, but we do not. Thus we must consider that the problems arise from the ending of a HUMAN life. What makes a human, most scientific definitions point to the ability to "think" as a human . The brain waves of a fetus do not produce such patterns until the third tri-mester at earliest and would thus point to human cognitance at this point. To play the safe side we could push R vs. W back a couple months and lower the threshold of error, but the religious factions would still find reason to take away even that from the "personal rights" of the owner of the body carrying the cells. There is no easy answer to this situation when emotions become involved....logic and Data are not the primary motivators in this battle.
  5. Stupidity does not think, ignorance does not know....
  6. Might just as well go to Firefox....like everyone else....works quite well, in my opinion, many features free as well.
  7. Agreed....Io is the only body that has shown dramatic surface change in human timeframes. It is unlikely we could build a craft capable of withstanding the radiation and particle hits in the orbit of Io at this time.....perhaps within a couple decades.
  8. Tasty Weakly Interacting Network of Klingy Indegestible Edibles
  9. Plans are in place for a Europa mission as well, but more study of the technology needed to get below the surface is in progress. The I dea behind the Titan mission is to use the moon as a template of early earth atmospheric conditions. Much of the interest is the possible liquid state of the surface, and the chemical reactions possible because of it. Carl Sagan ran a series of experiments with a simulated Titan atmosphere, charged by electicity (simulated lightning) and the results were a complex organic compound (tholins) that had major simularities to RNA. It is possible, though not extermely likely, that the surface has the basic components of life. I am hopeful, but not overly enthusiastic that we will find something of great interest there. I do agree that the underlying oceans of Europa may have at least as much chance of creating life, due primarily to the heat created by tidal fluctuations created by Jupiter, but far more Data is required before a mission would have an acceptable chance of success. Edit- RTFA= Read the Freakin Article
  10. This could be the first step in something truly fascinating... time for the real fun to start. http://www.rednova.com/news/display/?id=96361
  11. Yes....you could easily define Reiki as a function of the mind...there is far more to it, but that will certainly do.
  12. In my opinion, the growth of spiritual understanding (for lack of a better description) is a function of evolution. There are relatively ancient practices, in use today that can be considered meta in the way they work. I am a level II Reiki practitioner and can tell you the effects are Real. This is merely a form of energy manipulation, and is somewhat dependent on the person receiving the treatment to believe it works. There are quite a few things in this world that go beyond logical explanation, but that , at least to myself, does not destroy the validity they may have.
  13. I had to go with TNG, as it attempted to tackle current issues (albeit in a general way) and defined a civilization closer to that which I would like to see in our future. As a plus, Bradburys' world was rich in somewhat plausible reality, and was based on current technology for the most part....gave it a more realistic feel.
  14. Likely, there was a civilization more advanced than others in the past....as there are today. The accounts of Plato, point towards a compilation of advances, taken from multiple sources of the time and would point towards some level of "creative manipulation" by the author. I would lean towards Yourdad in the belief that this is indeed a work of fiction, attempting to instill a warning in his peers. Obviously to little effect.
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