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Everything posted by Xittenn

  1. You guys have no idea how much that means to hear you say that I am welcome. Being welcome is something I don't think I ever really considered possible until you actually just stated it--acceptable maybe, but welcome . . . I appreciate the sentiment. School might be a little less scary today!
  2. I am a genetic XY and have undergone Gender Reassignment Surgery to help me feel more comfortable with my life image. How I see myself, how I emotionally feel about my parental role, and how I interact with others was such that for me my decision made the most sense. As it stands I have never been more comfortable as a human being and the degree of comfort of others with me seems to have improved as well--they better relate to me and are far less likely to interact with me in an awkward manner. People who are not looking for a fight seem to better understand where I'm coming from these days.
  3. I was very young when it happened and they weren't disciplined beyond warnings. Typically I would get beaten and then I would be disciplined for acting out; I was never quite sure how that worked but no one seemed none the different about it. I was between my two parents, they were divorced, and they were never involved so I think a lot went on unnoticed. My parents aren't well educated. At the time they were very young and wouldn't have had a clue what to do anyway. Teenagers and fighting was and still is very common in many Canadian suburbs as I'm sure it is anywhere. Girls here can be just as brutal as the boys so honestly a fight, is a fight, is a fight . . . . in my case they simply felt it was more justified.
  4. I try not to, but I'm always afraid some dudes going to run me over with his car . . . or some chicky for that matter! I mean it's hard to forget that time I was beaten down in a neighbours driveway with an industrial socket wrench that was two feet long, while there was another guy who was holding a shotgun.
  5. You were really cute back then . . . . as seen in that thread that was recently bumped . . . fudgemuffins lol . .
  6. In light of my recent upset in a thread where I was referred to as a man I thought I might open a thread to maybe address my issues and get some feedback on my situation. This is something I might have tried to do before so if I have, well . . . A little background, I am a transgendered woman. That is all . . . hahaha no really little background. . . I've known I've had a sexual identity issue since I was young, the details of this are probably unnecessary here. I started seeing psychologists and psychiatrists when I was about twelve years old, but this was for general social problems one of which was my sexual identity issue. There is a lot of debate about whether this is a genetic issue or not. I had a great aunt who was actually a hermaphrodite and one of my father's sisters has Aspergers Syndrome as does my cousine. I am going to be screened for a learning disability and will further discuss my family history and this will include my being transgendered. For whatever reason I am transgendered, I am of the opinion that I was in fact born this way and there is very little that I could have ever done about it. When I was younger boys used to beat the hell out of me because they saw me as a gay who needed to be taught a lesson. I had developed breasts which I had had removed at the age of sixteen even despite my internalized self image issues. Honestly I had wanted to hide it from everybody because being different meant that people would beat me up, humiliate me, and impose on me a life that I would never understand. Although I had a lot of friends in my high school years I kept my issues to myself, I was afraid and alone. My friends knew I had interests in boys but at the same time any mention of this fact was so brief they may have never fully understood. When I began my transition at eighteen I had lost a lot of friends. So I guess what I want to know is why my existence is so upsetting to people? I've seen very ugly threads on this forum about LGBT issues and I've tried to say my piece however unsuccessfully. I mean I'm just another human being with another stupid human problem what makes me so special? I always thought that maybe it was because of gender biases, that maybe the guys feel I'm not doing my duty. I tell you I've done some pretty tough jobs and I've always stood on my own two feet and supported myself. I mean if the issue is children, there are enough people in the world and not only that if I ever marry I will be the first to adopt and raise a child. I know I make comments of the sexual nature but I think that I take extra care to not make any of the male sex feel too uncomfortable in the lounge. So really what is it? I honestly might not like the ideas presented here but I want to hear them . . . if no one answers or the statements are too strong and I never come back well it happens.
  7. Sometimes my shell cracks . . . I use cake to put it back together . . . but now I look like Humpty Dumpty . . . . I need to go to the gym . . . or ride a horse . . but then I might break the horse . . . o.o
  8. I've made this clear to you before and you keep doing it. I apologize to the forum but honestly few will care about how that affects me and anyway I analyze this to death and it ends with me leaving like I did the chat room. I'm glad that those of you who feel it necessary is so frickin' confident in their bigotry, while I'm left feeling like a piece of human trash.
  9. Also popping pimples inflames and irritates the epidermal layers further and only acts to worsen the situation in most cases.
  10. I was being childish StringJunky.
  11. Well with the OP popping pimples regularly can leave divots in your skin, and so can regularly having pimples which is why I made my statement.
  12. Well, far better reason to laugh I guess . . . . :/
  13. She asshole . . . **cosmetologist
  14. I think often in men the source of the pimple is ingrown hair that happens during puberty. A good cosmologist can dig the hair out to prevent recurrence.
  15. brass monkey that funky monkey
  16. I like my bear naked!
  17. Transferring to double major math and comp sci at another school. . . . they offer a graduate in math with focus on scientific computing. Fits well with my historical endeavours, I guess I can be a team player and work on problems from an analyst position.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Appolinaria


      I do too, but I'm just at pre-calc, that's like saying I like cooking when all I know how to make is cereal. So we'll just have to see, when it comes to me. xD

    3. Xittenn


      You'll get there, be patient with it, math is something you take your time with to get to know. Some people absorb it instantly but at the same time I think that these people tend to miss a lot of subtleties. Time spent is what will take you to where you are a master of the subject. I've had a lot of time to learn maths and I am so excited to go over much of it again because I will learn so much more the second and third and fourth time through.

    4. Appolinaria


      You are so right! I can take soooo long with new material, but in the end it pays off.

  18. Art is crap we don't complain much about that. Philosophy is an art but for some reason it is invalidated by its requirement to be a useful art? In terms of science you've been given very specific examples of how philosophy has proven useful but you've rejected them, I'm detecting some bias in your disinterested pursuit. Are we to dismiss psychology and psychiatry as rubbish as well? How many philosophical assumptions does economics make, and how functional would it be as social science (I agree more with this guy) if we dismissed philosophical aggregation? What precisely is it that you feel is crap about a perfectly useful form of expression that relates what otherwise couldn't be?
  19. Tell me, Clarice – have the beers stopped screaming? >:|
  20. I'm quite fond of "and all that jazz . . . "
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