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Everything posted by jsatan

  1. Yeah it makes you see stars, lol. Its not to great for anything but bright light, well I havent found anything. On a side note do you know anywhere in the UK that sells supplies like unitednuclear.com? I'm just after a few things and its nice to know I dont have to buy them fast, lol.
  2. Or find some old computer mouse balls they are steel inside, but thay arnt that heavy.
  3. second that, adding the match heads is the part that gave it away, lol. I've had no problems with chlorates (48% weed killer) but I know they make bombs with it becuase its more prone to coto under pressure (burning) But its better to warn you then site back and not say anything, right? lol.
  4. Dont use chlorates they are very unstable and the stuff that makes bombs if done wrong. yeah glided is right about re-crystallisation but only add just enought water and heat it slowly VERY slowly, and even less when its getting to just the sugar + kno3. Add a pinch of 2 of iron oxide (rust) works just as good as sulfur but sulfur will set it off if left for a while, but iron oxide doesnt.
  5. With as much time on your hands as you had back then you can make anything, lol. Must of been boring.
  6. Thats ok, that why I've been mass emailing to find which do and do not sell to the public, lol. As I said I'll be back.
  7. The pictures you find on the next are 4+ years old of the design, hes made a great engine. but still would be slow, lol.
  8. Yeah it will be a bit slow, o well.
  9. Do they deal with the public? as they dont seem to.
  10. lol you don't burn up on re-entry because of friction. you burn because the speed you are going is above the speed of sound and so the air in front of you compresses and what happens then? it gets hot. very hot in this case. tut tut .
  11. There's some on ebay but not too much, That's funny you should ask as I've been emailing companies yesterday and a few have got back to me who deal with the public, I'll get the info to you when I get some. lol.
  12. I tried this, it makes better rockets than smoke bombs, but id mix it 50/50 not that great but works ok, try adding more sugar every test as this will give more smoke but there is a point where it will not burn anymore. Give them a good mix, the best way is re-crystallisation, but that take a bit of time and practice too easy to burn you house down if it goes up.
  13. Just thinking about it quickly, first thing is the heat you collect has to be moved, if this system is a recycling of the coolant system then there has to be 2 things to move this heat. 1. Large heat sink (large surface area) 2. Or have the heat in one place (smaller surface area but all that heat in a smaller place) Number one seems out of the question because the surface area of the body if pretty big and isn’t doing a great job (I know they are wearing cloths) So number 2 it is, as for power you are going to need a lot. Or you could find a coolant that evaporates at body temp that doesn’t burn of smell of give off steam lol.
  14. lol. Yeah you're dead right, I dont know why I didnt think about it, I mean thats why its burns so well with sugar, Duh'. (well its the sugar burning, thats just helping) Brain glitch. Thanks,
  15. Have the air mix with less O2 and more He, that should give you the effect of thin air, lol. Good luck, but if you get light headed dont blame us, lol.
  16. How do you decompose Kno3? I've got some of that some where, from my sugar rocket days. Cheap as well.
  17. magnesium is pretty easy to get, search for lab supplies or something like that, lol.
  18. It seems if anyone has to do any work to get the energy then its classed as not worth it. Shame things are like that.
  19. Check ebay for alu powder as its not that hard to find. lol. js
  20. I'd like to know some uses other than "Boom ouch wheres my finger gone". I know its good for growing hydroponics plants for their roots, lol. (my hobby). But apart from that I wouldnt know, anyone???
  21. I'd say yes they are slightly, but on the same note the education system is better. I mean they never look at that as a reason for more passes do they? As for spelling, I can’t spell most things, but not everyone can paint and draw, so spelling isn’t a good example of how good someone’s brain is. As for what you look like etc, Steven Hawking doesn’t win any contests. So by that standard if he didn’t have his computer and help he would be as stupid as a "retard"(meant in the real meaning of the word). We as a species aren’t getting smart that much just more knowledgeable. Speaking to me in person and you would think total different from what my writing would suggest. The medium is not good for every body. Maybe blind deaf and dumb but still think. Intelligent people do not have a level playing field with their skills. That's a narrow minded way of thinking. An example is one my pass University lectures was so bad at speaking and writing that even his lecture notes were miss spelt, I remember once even the blind student got up and left the lecture because he was unable to understand him, does that make the lecture stupid?
  22. http://www.thefinaltheory.com Wow what a fool this guy must be, trying to baffle us with his simple examples which to an everyday person would work, but not this cabbage. lol. Check it out, crazy.
  23. The best thing for this engine wise would be to use a cip engine with an electric generator for the motor of some sort, check it out. I wouldn’t worry about heat problems apart from cooking yourself in the ship, space is a hard place to keep cool. A cip engine is this, (it works as the weight move in and to of equilibrium). http://www.forceborne.com/ He’s made a boat that runs with this and its going to be in a move sometime this year, I’ve been talking to him regarding his designs, his videos on there are very old the new engines he has are much nice designed by boeing,
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