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Everything posted by DreamLord

  1. I'm guessing this is the code used.
  2. DreamLord


    I've had to get IV treatments quite a bit from the hospital, and the doctors always have troubles finding my vains. The guy who put the IV in found what he said was a 'good vain' once. The next time I went he said that the vain closes after the IV treatment so he couldn't use that one again. I don't see how this could be, I mean, wouldn't you run out of vains? Was this man seriously misinformed, or does something like that really happen to vains after IV treatments?
  3. I think the part of our lives we dream about the most is probably the part of our lives we think about the most during the waking hours. They are also influenced by what you are thinking about just as you fall asleep. I know this happens to me, like if there is a storm outside right before, or as I fall asleep I tend to dream about tornadoes, because I always think about tornadoes during storms. Where as if I am calm, and I listen to a nice song on the radio before I fall asleep, my dreams tend to be of a more pleasant nature. That's my thoughts on it anyway.
  4. Football is becoming a more widely used term, referring to the American version, there is American rules, Aussie rules, and Canadian rules football. All of which are similar, though the Aussie rules seems a little more like rugby than any of the others. Of course in Africa, they call it gridiron, to avoid confusing it with soccer. Though, I play soccer, and the people on my team call it football sometimes. Even our local semi-pro team is called a "football club". So I think it really just depends on who you talk to. Some Americans call it football, some British call it soccer. Don't the Americans do this a lot? We spell things differently, such as colour versus color. Most Americans also do not use the metric system for reasons I will never understand.
  5. This may be true for some people, but neither of my parents bite their nails and I have always bitten my nails. I don't think anyone else in my family bites their nails actually. So I think that it is genetic, at least partially.
  6. I'm on a mild chemotherepy drug for a neurological disorder. If it attacks the cancer cells and other cells, I'm not really sure how it would help with a neurological condition. Well it's an auto immune version of the disease, I have a hyperactive immune system kinda, so would it attack the immune system and weaken it some how? Anyone know how this would work?
  7. I don't know, but I think I've had an out of body experience. At least that's what it seemed like, and it's happened more than once. I can lie down and I sort of go into a paralysis or something. It's almost like I'm asleep, only I can see everything around me. And if I concentrate it seems as though I can leave my body. I see myself and everything around me, and I can go into the sky and things like that. I know this is going to be met with a lot of sceptiscism, but that's what it seemed like. Odds are there is a scientific explanation to all this, but it is fun to think that we can leave our bodies and fly about to wherever we like. Anybody have any thoughts on this?
  8. Alpha Centauri, they use its name in sci-fis a lot And the moon is a natural satelite, a moon specifically... Not a very inventive name thinking about it...
  9. Check out this yahoo news article. I found it rather interesting that a planet could be shrinking.
  10. Well, yes, that's what I mean. I'm not saying that there is absolutely no way of proving or disproving the multiverse theory. I'm saying given our current technology we have no way of proving it. Some day we may though.
  11. The thing is there is no way to prove whether or not there are multiple universes. Some recent theories are that the universe does have an end, it is not infinite, it is not everything. These theories state that the universe constantly expanding at the moment, and someday will stop expanding.
  12. I don't know, but couldn't holding your breath for long enough bring your oxygen levels dangerously low? I've heard of divers that can still function fairly well with only 50% oxygen levels, but it still seems rather dangerous to bring the oxygen levels that low.
  13. Hi, I'm Nyssa. I'm still in high school, but I plan on majoring in integrated sciences. I love anything to do with space. My favourite science type is physics, mainly astronomy and theoretical physics.
  14. There is an older BBC news article here that says a bit about wormholes. And I have heard more about this, and that a Russian scientist has figured out how to create a wormhole in theory, of course we do not have the technology to actually create one.
  15. Something like that has happened to me before. I dreamed about a time when I was little, and my uncle was there. The thing is, before that dream I could remember nothing about my uncle. But after the dream I can recall that scene so clearly that I think it must've been a memory. But, why couldn't I remember it before the dream?
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