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Everything posted by TransformerRobot

  1. Oh, I forgot about physical signs. That must be where television shows got the idea of certain characters twitching when they're not telling the truth.
  2. Does it lead to tourrettes? I've never heard of tourrettes leading to an inability to tell lies.
  3. What are the chances of there being a human being who can't tell a lie, in any way, no matter how hard they try? If so, would they classify it as genetic or mental disorder? Then there's the situation of what advantages/disadvantages of never being able to lie. If you're trying to protect a friend's privacy (embarrassing habits or interests), not everyone will know right away to simply tell them "I'm not allowed to say.". Or even government secrets for your country from their enemies. Maybe it would allow for easier marriages between 2 people, I know that would be more likely.
  4. I'm going with your answers to this question. Having less strain put on the breasts sounds nice.
  5. I just thought of something this morning regarding biology in women, and female gorillas. Women have 2 breasts, not 4 teats like on a cow's utter. Were women meant to give birth to twins? It seems to make more sense considering they only have 2 breasts. If that's the case, why can cattle only have 1 calve each year when they have 4 teats?
  6. Well what about a human/feline embryo? Could canines be brought into the mix as well?
  7. I said enucleate because I typed denucleate into a couple search engines but it didn't come up. Am I a geek for wanting to see a hybrid embryo develop into a full sentient being?
  8. Well another question is, should they be considered human still? Or would we call them hybrids for the sake of making more sense? And what other animals could the human egg be mixed with? Would it work with non-mammals? Of course I wasn't thinking of insects, I was thinking of reptiles. Then again the only reason I can think of for doing such experiments with reptilian DNA is to see what the result would be. Maybe the result would have the strengths of the reptilian parent; the strength of an alligator, the longevity of a sea turtle, or the flexibility of a boa constrictor?
  9. Don't you mean enucleate? Also, I just thought of another problem: What if one of the embryos was left unattended until it developed into humanoid sentient being? Sure it may not be possible in real life, I'm just thinking from a civil rights perspective.
  10. True, but with the state the world economy is in we need to create more jobs, and more medical jobs would be nice. Personally I think there aren't enough doctors in the world.
  11. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-2017818/Embryos-involving-genes-animals-mixed-humans-produced-secretively-past-years.html
  12. Human/animal hybrid embryos are being created in laboratories in the United Kingdom for stem cell research. I've heard that stem cells are likely to cure certain illnesses like Parkinson Disease (I didn't know about it until hearing Michael J. Fox was diagnosed with it), but to get stem cells requires taking them from human embryos. There are scientists in the UK making parahuman embryos, which could help supply enough stem cells medical use, but some still consider it abortion. Now I'm not sure weather I should be for or against the process, so I would like to hear your thoughts on the subject before making up my mind.
  13. Yes, it would be a good subject for a horror film.
  14. Again, the only reason I could think of doing such a thing is for science. Or what about like in that story called Extinctioners? "The humanoid animals on the planet Alden, or humanimals, were genetic constructs created by humans for the purpose of avoiding having animals become extinct on an overpopulated Earth, with the idea that more humanoid animals would be able to better adapt to the changing reduction to their natural environments and increased pollution." Could be an alternative option if we can't reduce enough CO2 emissions and/or regrow enough forests and wetlands. Then we'd be able to safely interbreed with them without risks to the offspring. As for the civil rights aspect of the situation we'd have to call it "Sentient Rights" instead of "Human Rights" so it would make more sense. Not much effort required to change the term if you ask me. Also, humans are animals too. We eat, make waste, have flesh and blood, communicate, and reproduce with each other. How does that not sound like an animal?
  15. Well, I just got back from watching a National Geographic look at the possibilities of Humanzees/Chumans, and now I have my doubts of that form of interbreeding, despite chimps being our closest living relatives. There was even that famous chimp in the 1970s who people thought was a humanzee because of his physical abilities, but it turned out he was a full chimp. Now I don't know what the ethical boundaries would be for this, but what if the chimp had human blood injected into it's own respiratory system? Oh, right, it'd be somewhat different from chimp blood, which could lead to an internal conflict in the bloodstream. I'm not too good with this sort of science since I know more about machines than organisms.
  16. The world is dangerously overpopulated as it is, so the only reason I can think of doing such a thing between a human and an ape is for science. The best part? If it doesn't work, we'll know it doesn't work. We all fear the unknown, so when the unknown becomes known we no longer can fear it.
  17. Is it possible for humans to successfully mate and reproduce with apes? Or are we too genetically far apart? We see this kind of thing all the time in works of fiction, done for the sake of drama or humor, but when I think about how apes and humans are both primates it makes me wonder if such a thing would be possible. Then again it might be a bad idea since we're the only civilized and sentient species on this planet, so it might be a bad idea. Probably would only work in fiction with only anthropomorphized animals and no humans.
  18. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anti-Counterfeiting_Trade_Agreement We can't let ACTA succeed. It's an even bigger threat than SOPA and PIPA. Why? Because it's trying to make it's way into a global scale. With ACTA in place all non-profit fanworks and other such user created content will be deleted. Don't let them destroy the internet like this. We have our rights and freedoms, they can't take those away from us.
  19. I was thinking of looking at gross images and videos whenever I crave sweets.
  20. I never met him in person and I miss him.
  21. Well I didn't mean all food, I should've mentioned negative associations with just things like cookies and cream soda.
  22. So far I've tried eating smaller portions than normal, but it's still really hard for me to not have stuff with a lot of sugar (like soda or cookies). This might come off as a crazy idea, but would I be able to reduce my normal appetite by looking up as many disgusting pictures or videos as possible? Or would it just make me queasy all the time?
  23. I was referring to the GIANT air hockey table idea you proposed. Yes, I suppose I'd need a few more superconductors to keep the bikes levitating. Is there a way for them to float freely above the electric field instead of being stuck on a restricted line like a train? Or what if a hovercraft had it's skirt inflated using jet turbines?
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