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Everything posted by Skye

  1. Then I guess there finally would be WMD (a nuke even!) in Iraq.
  2. One time there was this poor crippled bull, actually an Angus, Scottish dont'cha know. This other bull was mooing at it and stuff and wanting to fight with it which I didn't think was very fair. So I walked up to the mean bull and punched it in the forehead
  3. Why don't you think nutrition affect the growth the people of a nation? It affects every other living thing. I'm not sure about the heights royalty, but they suffered from the diseases of the time and getting fresh foods in winter was always a problem. Preserved foods aren't great because some vitamins break down, especially if you bathe them in salt. Here's a discussion on skin colour by the way. http://www.plosbiology.org/plosonline/?request=get-document&doi=10.1371%2Fjournal.pbio.0000027
  4. They had alot less food at times, especially high protein foods and fruits. There was much more widespread diseases, which taxes the energy available. Children also worked on top of this, child labour was still being used in industry in the last 100 years or so.
  5. Nobel was a strange guy, he was often depressed and seem to have enjoyed working more than relationships. He was idealistic but generally thought the world was going to hell in a handbasket. His way of preventing this was to produce high explosives, like dynamite and gelignite, and ammunitions, armour plating etc. He doesn't make much sense. He did make a fortune though.
  6. It does sound cool.
  7. I think the idea is to turn the rocket on the German.
  8. T'n'A Anonymous? There's nothing saying you can't be committed to science and women (or men or whatever you fancy). That being said there wouldn't be a Nobel prize if Alfred Nobel wasn't a loveless loner.
  9. Skye

    Happy Thursday

    I spent most of today procrastinating. It wasn't my ordinary type of procrastinating, today I actually did consider doing some serious amount of work early in the day. The highlight was getting asked for ID when I bought some beer to celebrate my giving up on thinking about doing some work. I still got it.
  10. Skye


    Ugly furry guy that eats cats? Sounds like they've been stealing sit com characters from the eighties.
  11. I found this http://www.cosmecolor.com/discussion.html It says this on ultramarines: *Unstable in acid media. *Must be used in an alkaline media above Ph of 7.2, (which soap is), or it will release hydrogen sulfide, a noxious odor and poisonous chemical. *If you have ever mixed it with water or put it in lotion you will know what I mean - it smells worse than rotten eggs!! Other than the smell don't worry about it because it will take more than that used in coloring a product to be dangerous. *Pink, rose, violet and blue. Sounds something like it, esp. the stinkiness. Ultramarine used to be made of ground up lapis lazuli rock, which is what a large part of the Sistine Chapel was painted with, at great cost. Now it is produces synthetically, though I think the process essentially replicates the process that produces the rock. The pigment is complicated anyhoo.
  12. Skye


    I'd call him Bill. They're generally called sea suirts. If you want to seem smarter call them tunicates or ascidians. Their larvae look alot like a tadpole, with little eye spots and everything.
  13. Unintelligent design would be the standard model. I can just imagine a paternal God telling off his son, "Jesus Christ! Quit meddling with my universe."
  14. Skye


    blike's got a girlfriend!
  15. I'll be an immoderator, with calls for more cyclic arguments, cursing, relying on disproven theories, name-calling, posting of lewd pictures and false claims of being a well known scientific figure.
  16. *jumps on the bandvagan* My ferry will leave an car in it's spray.
  17. I was more noting why agnosticism exists. Whilst I agree there are atheists who simply don't believe, there are others who actively deny. Agnosticism came about partly in reaction to that stream of atheism (strong atheism).
  18. Skye

    Isaac Asimov

    Hey I was just thinking there should be sticky like that in the homework section. *removes nose from mods business*
  19. "Have decided agnosticism is a useless term. None of us "knows," end of question" Theists believe, athiests deny, agnostics do neither.
  20. What area are you looking to get into? Do you want to work in industry, academic research or government? Do you want to work in pharmaceuticals, crop biotechnology, medical research, or something else? Genetic engineering is a collection of techniques that can be used in a wide variety of areas. Which of those you want to work in should help you decide where to study, what to major in and what subjects to take. Those majors sound fine. There are many different names for majors which are very similar. So might have Molecular Genetics or Medical Biotechnology or Biological Chemistry majors, or a bunch of others, but they'll contain many of the same subjects.
  21. I read over the first quickly. I don't find it remarkable that we a capable of living in the universe we live in. Or...(sarcasm) it's a good thing my feet were designed so well to fit into my shoes. (/sarcasm) (sorry Dawkins)
  22. Perhaps there's no objective purpose to life, but there are plenty of personal desires. Without free will our conscious decisions to reach these would be in vain.
  23. K now you have to deal with me a little drunk...hic. There's a few things that make them tricksy. They are too small to have left any fossils we are able to distinguish, which only leaves modern types to deal with. While there's a good chance they originated from cellular life, their rate of evolution make genetic comparisons difficult anyway, especially considering they may have diverged long ago. They probably evolved more than once, as the differences between different types of viruses are pretty substantial. If so, these different types have branched out into parasitising a variety of different types of hosts. So while it seems likely they originated from cellular life, probably several times, it's very difficult to go much beyond conjecture.
  24. Skye


    Floor pie is tempting.
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