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Everything posted by one

  1. Hmm, that's interesting, a hacker might need a similiar device put on his HD incase the FBI comes knocking. one ;]
  2. I don't know if you're asking because you know the answer and don't want to hear another theory, but however a single celled organism is manifested evolution might form multicelled organisms. That single celled organism then reproduces another one just like it and this reproduction continues until a deforminty takes place to form an organism with multi cells. That just might sound stupid, but then you're talking "possiblities" with topic branching off into life being created by god instead of science. I want chocolate chip! one
  3. And it might not be in the sense of "a particle disapearing from one point and reappearing at another", but more like atoms being broken down sent through a channel and then reconstructed at the finale end. one
  4. I believe it because with the research and the example with the transport of the beam of light. I don't think it will happen in my lifetime or my kid's lifetime. It will take alot of development. Also it might start out not as like in Star Trek, but more like with objects before it can be done with mammals. one
  5. That theory is interesting, but how does this DNA of LIFE manifest itself then reproduce itself? The existence of water before organisms cannot be always be held true. Can't an organism exist before water and then "modify" it's environment for it's survival? As to what Zarkov is saying about rendering the environment and then producing a materials such as water. Also, I'm not all that familiar with Darwin's revolution theory, learnt it probably and forgot it. That paragraph is to the point, but a bit vague. There are many issues and questions that can be branched from that topic. I'd like to read more on it also. -one
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