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derek w

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Posts posted by derek w

  1. One question. If a photon moves at c, and therefore cant have mass, then does that also mean that if it moves at c, it cant have energy? As energy, mass and c are all part of the same equation.


    If the mass is 0...


    = 0 x (3 x 108 ms-1)2

    E= 0?


    Or, if a photon IS 3 x 108 ms-1

    And there is NO mass. Then is the equation:

    E = (3 x 108 Ms-1)


    I am very lost.


    Note: 2 represents "squared"

    E=mc2 simply says their is a ratio between energy and mass.

    Photons being the transmitters of energy.

  2. But if you go 4D, it's not the same space. In 3D, it's like having an object in a room, and another object in the room above it.

    If 3D vacuum is at a point of equilibrium,to go away from that point of equilibrium and become 4D requires energy.


    Taking what you say that "it's like having an object in a room,and another object in the room above it",if electrons are objects in an atom,they can not exist at the same 4D energy level away from the point of equilibrium 3D.



    The only difference between a 3D vacuum and an atom,is that energy is put into the vacuum to create a 4D atom.

  3. Exchangeable is a better word. You can't have two electrons in the same place, but if there was a fourth dimension, they could be separated by their fourth-dimensional coordinate. IOW their wave functions would not be identical in 4D, even though they were in 3D.

    You can't use the same bit of space to create 2 electrons,each electron must be created out of their own separate bit of space.

    If an electron moves it would be the same electron but created out of a different bit of space.


    A bit like creating a knot out of a bit of string,if I move the knot along the string,it's the same knot but created out of different bit of string.

  4. If the pendulum was swinging and the aircraft changes direction then the aircraft would revolve around the pendulum.


    The aircraft would have to change direction just to taxi on to the runway.

  5. So what would be the easiest way to catch it if its fake or real like what is the biggest scientific way of busting the illusion. Just look out the window as it travels into the sky? Or go sit with the flyer and see if he turns the wheel in mid air to see if he is going back to where he started from doing a U-Turn.

    Hang a pendulum from the ceiling.

  6. If 2 like charged particles are heading towards each other,the 2 particles radiate photons towards each other therefore pushing them apart,however if 2 opposite charged particles(electron/positron) are heading towards each other they must radiate photons outward until the electron and positron occupy the same space.

    We don't observe this happening. The Pauli exclusion principle works in 3 spatial dimensions.

    Does the pauli exclusion principle apply to electron and positron occupying the same space?

  7. If I have 4 spacial dimensions(w,x,y,z) then an electron and positron can occupy the same position in 3 dimensions but different positions in 4 dimensions,

    (w-r,0,0,0) and (w+r,0,0,0) thereby have mass but no electric charge(a wimp/dark matter).only if the electron and positron oscillate on the x,y,or z axis,would they have a detectable charge.And only if they have enough kinetic energy would they separate.



    The problem is with people who are gifted. I'm not talking about idiot savant's I'm talking about people who have amazing talents and still live perfectly normal lives. People with photographic memories, human calculators. I seen a man who could draw an entire city. That he looked at less than 30 seconds.



    chimpanzees have photographic memories,so it might not be that some people have this talent but that most people have lost it.

  9. No, that doesn't count. You have changed your reference frame when you do that; energy is not an invariant quantity.

    But my original question was do all photons have equal energy in 4 dimensional space-time?


    It's the 4 dimensional space that changes not the photon?

  10. A change in frequency, which implies a change in energy and thus momentum. (It's not actually that a photon can change its energy, but that two photons can have different energy)

    But you can change a photons frequency without destroying it.


    The energy of a photon is given by [math]E=pc[/math], thus photons with different momentum will have different energy. This is similar to what happen with 1000 kg cars. Their energy is given by [math]E=(1/2000) p^2[/math], thus cars with different momentum will have different energy.

    In which way would a photon change it's momentum,it can't change it's velocity and it can't change it,s mass.

  12. Electrical synapses are faster and usually associated with fear response,hormone release,reflex actions etc.

    Chemical synapses are slower but have a gain,in other words the more often they fire the easier they fire.

    neurotransmitters use calcium ions.

  13. chemical synapses or electrical synapses?

    I'm not sure it would be that easy to find an expert on neurotransmitters.It's a complicated question.


    Shining a light in someone's eyes causes neurotransmitters to fire,so there must already be a mechanism?

    Hammer head sharks can detect movement of an electric field.

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