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Everything posted by [Tycho?]

  1. Gamma ray photons of sufficient energy can spontaneously turn into a positron and an electron. Look up "pair production".
  2. Hey guys, Einstein was wrong. No, I know dick all about physics, but trust me, he was totally wrong. I hate these kinda threads.
  3. Well sure he posts tons of garbage, but we get people like that through here a few times a week. Is it policy to ban people like that?
  4. I dont especially believe in free will, I think we act the way we do simply because of how our neurons fire in a given situation. If that exact situation could be repeated exactly, I would expect the exact same response. But whatever.
  5. I would bet it can be explained scientifically, but this is difficult since nobody really knows how the brain actually works. We have little bits and pieces, unconnected ideas. But more advanced stuff like consciousness, awareness, problem solving and emotions... nobody knows the mechanisms behind these phenomenon, its all guesswork so far.
  6. The theory that Pluto was once a moon of Neptune is quite old, so yes it is possible. I'm not sure if Charon starting to orbit Pluto could change Plutos orbit so dramatically.
  7. Well for one thing your link doesn't work. Even if it did, its not like you asked a question anyway, you just posted a link. Why should anyone care?
  8. People far in the north live with having the sun constantly up or constantly down for weeks or months at a time. So people can definately adjust.
  9. I do my highschool/first year university physics mostly by visualization. I dislike memorizing rules (and I have a habit of not taking notes) so instead of drilling formulae into my head I just think of what is happening, and fill in the equations as needed. This of course works best with classical mechanincs.
  10. Well. I tried A A A F A and A A A B A I'm pretty darn confused now, and I only have 3 tries left.
  11. I dont see how the solar system could have a frequency, nor how the human brain would have a single frequency of anything, but I'm quite confident the answer is no.
  12. The qestion is: what is the direction of acceleration in these diagrams? Here are the options to choose from. I got: 1) A 2) A 3) B 4) B 5) A Which is wrong. So I changed 3 to E and tried it again, and it was still wrong. I dont see where my error could lay, so any suggestions would be appreciated.
  13. Step one: use more readable grammar. Step two: use google. there are hundreds of railgun sites out there.
  14. Why do non spherical orbits suggest this? Determining electron orbitals is done by (now correct me if I'm wrong here) solving Shrodingers wave equation. This equation has nothing to do with proton orbitals that I know of.
  15. I love it when people try and prove Einstien wrong. Actually I dont. So since when does GR have "proper time" or anything similar to that?
  16. So.... why are you asking this on a science forum again? Look on sparknotes.com, or I'm sure there are literatrue site where you can ask a question like this. I've read the book but I really dont remember much about it except for its good begining and crappy ending.
  17. I make quite a clear distinction between intelligence and creativity. I see no innate intelligence in art, instead I see creativity. Intelligence in my opinion is problem solving, and application of knowledge. I would say that I lack creativity. Now most people I know would probably disagree with this, I do well in things like essay writing for english, and often come up with all kinds of new/interesting/unusual ideas. However this is more of a systematic creativity, the result of problem solving. Writing an english essay to be humerous is a problem. I solve this problem by applying what I know about humour, examples that I can think of, and combining and mixing these two to come up with something to write about. This is how I do things, and while I may have inspiration, it is the result of connecting two ideas in my mind, and is just another problem that I solved.
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