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Posts posted by iNow

  1. Hi Guys (and Gals),


    I've really got to learn Visual Basic, but haven't had the opportunity yet. I'm struggling through something which is probably painfully simple, but I've not come very far using my google-fu.


    Here's the deal.



    I've got a Form in Access that we are using to fill out information about our training programs. The data we enter should go to an Output_Table, so I create a Form with Wizard that grabs all of the Fields from the Output_Table.



    Inside the Form, we have a field called Course_Code. The selection here should be pushed to the Output_Table. I have made this a combo box which pulls data from another table called Courses_Table. Courses_Table has two fields, Course_Code and Course_Title.


    What I want to do is select the Course_Code from the Combo_Box, have it autopopulate the Course_Title field on the form, and also feed that data into the Title field on my Output_Table.



    I've gotten really close trying like 5 different approaches, but just can't seem to get it working. If someone could walk me through how to get this done, that'd be righteous. I know it's got to be painfully simple, but it eludes me, and I'm normally pretty good about figuring out this sort of thing.



    Courses_Table has Course_Code and Course_Title fields.

    Output_Table has Course_Code, Course_Title, Vendor_Name, Cost_Dept, and others.


    The form should allow the user to select the Course_Code from a combo box, automatically populate the course_title, and then allow entry into the other fields, all of the entry fields for each record being stored in the Output_Table.


    Once I learn how to do this autopopulate thing, I'll be doing a similar link to the Vendor_Name field from our Vendors_Table, but I can probably do that myself once I understand the basic syntax and processes (and where to perform those steps).



    (Bear in mind, I've used Access like twice before, and I just tend to figure it out as I go).

  2. I would say no. "Evolution" describes biological changes. Our intelligence is evolutionary, sure, but not what we do with it. That said, it's still part of the equation, since access to medicine is a major change in our "environment," and hence has/will become a major driving force of evolution.

    Yeah. The way I think about it is to ask, "What's the difference between evolving a better immune response and evolving a better intelligence which allows us to create a medicine?"


    They both achieve the same end, they both are an emergent property of our evolution, and it's tough to differentiate... hence my comment above about "depends on how you classify" things. :)

  3. Well, that would only be true if my suggestion was merely about replacing the word "marriage" with the phrase "civil unions". Instead, I propose to replace the concept of marriage (man and woman) with the concept of civil unions (any combination of consensual humans) in terms of state recognition. That equates to an actual functional difference, as opposed to symbolic pandering.

    That is hugely important. A word change alone carries with it it's own problems, as there are actually 1,138 federal laws which pertain to "married" couples, but would not pertain to those in a "civil union."




    When politicians say they support civil unions but not marriage for people of the same sex, what do they mean? We find three main differences between civil unions and marriage as it's traditionally viewed:

    • The right to federal benefits. States that allow some type of same-sex union are able to grant only state rights. The Defense of Marriage Act passed in 1996 prohibits same-sex couples from receiving federal marriage rights and benefits.

    • Portability. Because civil unions are not recognized by all states, such agreements are not always valid when couples cross state lines.

    • Terminology. "Marriage" is a term that conveys societal and cultural meaning, important to both gay rights activists and those who don't believe gays should marry.

    The Government Accountability Office
    that pertain to married couples. Many in that long list may be minor or only relevant to small groups of citizens. However, a number of provisions are key to what constitutes a marriage legally in the United States:




    I whole-heartedly agree with your point that the concept and functionality must shift. The challenge is that we're required to do so within our existing legal framework and at both the state and federal level.

  4. Well, you're presuming it will never work which is an opinion I don't share and is the obvious point of contention since the downstream logic checks out for both of us. If it actually would never work, then obviously one would be silly to waste energy on it. If it will work then obviously one would be silly not to treat to cure, which would arguably help the most people. So, it's a difference of outlook I guess.


    For me, I can't be bothered with subjective prescience. If I believe the government should butt out, then that's my stand. The potential for political success just doesn't matter to my philosophical conclusions.


    I certainly appreciate the principle on which you're standing, ParanoiA, but it misses the importance of being pragmatic. It's as if we're trying to end slavery, and you're suggesting that we instead focus our discussions on the deeper considerations of why we chose to start growing cotton instead of food when voluntary labor resources were unavailable.


    There is a time and a place for each. They can be discussed in parallel, but one discussion should not be silenced at the expense of the other. We can talk about removing state legislation of all marriage while also working to ensure any existing legislations regarding marriage are nondiscriminatory.


    Let's end slavery AND talk about the merits of choosing to grow cotton instead of food despite shortages of voluntary labor. You said it yourself. The logic of both checks out. A fair compromise?

  5. Since you've chosen to be so indignant, I'll take that to mean you have no idea what you're talking about, nor can you support anything you say. Thanks for showing everyone how unworthy your quote unquote contributions to these threads really are.

  6. Right. I thank you for the info, but I really don't care. People can name their kid after any mythology figure they want. Name your kid Thor or Ba'al. No skin off my back.


    Naming your kid Adolf Hitler, however, only proves that your genes should have long again been removed from the gene pool.

  7. I have been made angry. To anyone that cares.

    Well, I can pretty much guarantee you that we don't. What now?



    Besides, some of you responded as if you didn’t understand what I wrote initially anyway. Can anyone smarter post?

    Sorry, my dog (surely smarter than you, as even he knows how to encourage people to help him and assist with his needs/desires in a polite fashion) is too busy licking his nut sack right now to trouble himself with a whiner like you.

  8. I have no need to make this up. I am probably a more serious scientist of these facts than anyone here, if they don't know it already.


    Then it really should not be difficult for you to act like a serious scientist and supply references in support of your claims. So, I ask again, can you please offer me supporting information so that I can better understand?

  9. Not everyone knows this, but spacetime is a physical fabric, in fact, if you removed all the matter and energy from the observable vacuum, the vacuum itself would dissappear. This means that spacetime is matter is energy!

    Tom - Please back this up with a source or a citation, or some calculations perhaps. This doesn't seem correct, and I'd like to read more about it.



    I speak the truth, this is why the spacetime fabric itself is more dense with matter, or dense itself because it has a desnity of energy, as where we might see spacetime void of matter, but not energy.

    Again, asserting the truth of your own comments isn't really useful to us who are trying to understand your point and learn more about the reality around us. Please share a source or two which support your statements.



    Spacetime cannot exist without energy, and with enough large concentration of energy, means that there is an inverse relationship with the density of the vacuum.


    Same as above. I'd like to validate that you're not just pulling stuff out of your hiney and expecting us to accept it as fact.

  10. Close, but that's not really a source. That's a press release. This is your source:




    Positron Production in Multiphoton Light-by-Light Scattering

    Received 2 June 1997


    A signal of 106±14 positrons above background has been observed in collisions of a low-emittance 46.6 GeV electron beam with terawatt pulses from a Nd:glass laser at 527 nm wavelength in an experiment at the Final Focus Test Beam at SLAC. The positrons are interpreted as arising from a two-step process in which laser photons are backscattered to GeV energies by the electron beam followed by a collision between the high-energy photon and several laser photons to produce an electron-positron pair. These results are the first laboratory evidence for inelastic light-by-light scattering involving only real photons.



    ©1997 The American Physical Society



    DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.79.1626

    PACS: 13.40.-f, 12.20.Fv, 14.70.Bh


  11. Post #4 implies otherwise. There must be a source, and it must be transfered somehow through a conductor. If either of those are missing, you should see a psychiatrist instead of a physicist or electrician. ;)

  12. Whats IIRC i'm seeing it everywhere in these forums, it looks familiar like a molecular biology term but i can't find any of my molecular biology text books.


    IIRC = "If I recall correctly..." It's just shorthand for online communication, like BRB = Be Right Back... Not related to biology at all. :)

  13. There is something odd going on in this thread. Page 9 (in my setup the last page) always redirects me to page 8. So this post is an experiment to see what happens.


    Edit: Hmm - interesting - I am at the bottom of my page 8, even although there is apparently a page 9. Looks like we have found a space-time anomaly.


    It's the iNow Phantom Pagination Syndrome:


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