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Phi for All

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Everything posted by Phi for All

  1. Recovering alcoholics are urged not to make any major life decisions (other than to quit dringking, of course) for at least 90 days. While the effects of alcohol are still evident your judgement is considered to be impaired. How could you trust your judgement if your brain's pleasure center was hardwired? Wouldn't your decisions be biased in favor of your next... surge? And how would your business and social relationships suffer if your reward system is self-controlled?
  2. We'd still need to find someone worthy of the job. What if science discovers a way for the brain to rest while the body gets exercise AT THE SAME TIME!
  3. I'm with Pangloss here. Without knowing why they issued the suspension we're just speculating. It would also help to know how this "desire" was phrased. "I'd like to sleep with her" is different from "I'd like to tie her up and **** her brains out!" If the administration had any reason to think the teacher might have been in danger then they had an obligation to take action. Let me ask you this: if a student told a teacher he/she wanted to have sex with him/her in the middle of a class, would it be cause for suspension? Since it was done in public on the web is there really any difference? brad89 said: but is this really true?
  4. Whether or not joining our forum solely to spread an anti-Firfox agenda is inconsistent with our purpose is a question for another day. What I can determine quite clearly is that this thread need not stay open a minute longer. It is done.
  5. Mastertech and RyanJ, some of your remarks are getting close to Flaming. You are obviously baiting each other by using phrases like "You don't get out much" and "Don't you get it?". Keep it civil, please. Stick to the facts and let's use no ad hominem logic.
  6. Making the fuel more volatile helps for starting but once the engine is warm that mixture would likely cause vapor lock, especially in warm weather. If the fuel gets vaporized before it reaches the carb due to higher volatility you'll lose power or stall. I like doG's suggestion. Figure on using ether to prime the cold engine and make it easier on yourself by rigging a dispenser for it. Maybe a foot pump to free both hands?
  7. Happy Festihannukwanzstmas! And a prosperous New Year to all! wear this Christmas May Santa bring you
  8. They'd put you in their commercial. What if men were expected to shave their legs?
  9. Levi Strauss would've made denim togas. What if everything that tastes good was good for you?
  10. Looking for some laughs? Well, welcome to the club! Tonight in our audience is a great Moderator, Mokele. And before you ask, those aren't bearded dragons on his cheeks, they're sideburns! He's a world famous herpetologist and has traveled the world studying cold sores of all kinds. His troll-slaying duties as a Moderator keep him very busy when he's not playing with his lizard. Mokele's hobbies include quiet orgies on the beach, long walks off short piers and destroying downtown Tokyo. He and his girlfriend are looking forward to roasting creationists on an open fire for Christmas this year. Mokele's motto? It's cool to be cold-blooded!
  11. Marketers, that's who. The people who write the pitch don't want you to think too hard about what they're saying. Just listen to their sound bytes and consume. If you're halfway tempted to buy something a nicely phrased feature like "we pioneered tabbed browsing" can push you the rest of the way. I always laugh when I hear the marketing for automobiles. Most of the accessories they sell you as options and standards are stupid when you stop to think about them. Half of them, like electric mirrors and seats, you set once and then forget them if you're the only driver. But a long list of features is very alluring to the average consumer.
  12. Personally I think it's a great idea. I'm a big fan of killing two birds with one stone (a barbaric expression which I need to replace). I hate hearing about the government paying some farmers not to grow crops while it's buying food from others to donate as charity around the world. I've always thought, "What the heck, pay the first farmers to grow crops for charity!" Similarly, why pay the costs of military training exercises that only train when you can train AND stop pirates? I think the military would get triple points for being effective, efficient AND smart. The only drawback for them is that we'd probably start asking them to be this efficient with our money all the time.
  13. Regardless of what is the truth, I find it very shady that Mastertech joined SFN 10 months ago and has posted only twice, both times to post links to anti-Firefox web articles. I make no arguments based on this ad hom reasoning, but it seems suspect to me.
  14. Actually, creationism is more the antithesis of abiogenesis, whereas ID uses a designer instead of evolution to explain why organisms are the way they are. Most creationists who argue against science want to drag evolution into the argument along with several other scientific theories (Big Bang, etc), as if they are all one and the same. ID seems to suggest that nothing can happen in accordance with adaptive specialization unless someone? premeditatively designed it that way.
  15. Bashing another's religious beliefs is against forum policy. Pointing out where creationism contradicts scientific reasoning is not. Pointing out that ID is creationism in a white lab coat is also not against policy. The fact that ID is promoting creationism is irrelevant. The fact that ID proponents are trying to have creationism taught alongside real science in public schools is the real issue, and I just want the distinction made here so no one is breaking forum policy.
  16. I get the same thing with any products with vinegar in them. I used to think it was a mild allergic reaction but sometimes it happens just by smelling mustard or ketchup. It's not excessive, just a brief sheen.
  17. STOP! Before preceding, please get the terminology straight. Creationism and Intelligent Design are NOT synonymous. At SFN, we make the distinction that creationism is a religious belief, albeit one that denies lengthy evolution. ID is different in that it is a movement designed to bring creationism into the public schools mislabeled as science. Any application of the scientific method to prove or disprove religious beliefs is misguided and unworthy. Science deals with the observable and anything that defies observability should be given a healthy amount of skepticism and otherwise should be ignored by science. Any use of the phrase IDiots or other bashing of ID is not intended to support ridiculing someone's religious beliefs, only the inclusion of those beliefs in a public school curriculum. Please help support this distinction.
  18. Since there is no scientific reasoning behind the OP's assertion, and there is a preponderance of forums offering a more unschooled support of the "hypocrisy of environmentalism" stance, I invite Mr Sux and the Beaver to find what solace they can elsewhere. Thread closed.
  19. I can't allow a username that is such an obvious flame. Goodbye troll.
  20. Except it's not even him saying it. He didn't even bother to thesaurusize post #16, just lifted it straight off another website. Most of the rest of his little catch phrases are lyrics from Immortal Technique songs. Ali Algebra doesn't have an original thought in his head.
  21. Your heart (and your head) is in the right place, Cap'n, but I'm afraid your efforts would be wasted. Those people just don't want to listen. You could put up all the evidence you want and they will protest that there is a controversy and students deserve to know both sides. Give ID scientific credibility by trying to defeat it scientifically and you play right into their hands. The only way to defeat ID is to dismiss it as a religious perspective that has no place in the public schools. End of line. If you're still determined, take a look at the Welcome, Creationists! stickies in Religion, Pseudoscience and Evolution (all are copies, really). That would be a good place to start. Adding the ID stuff might not be a bad idea, but the IDiots will most likely not accept your definitions. Remember, they aren't interested in the truth, they want Christianity to be the basis for public science study. And remember that not all Christians are ID supporters.
  22. Your use of grammar was incorrect, Trond. You said: The OP said:
  23. [hide]2. Staying ahead of the game. 4. Unfinished business[/hide]
  24. Really, REALLY funny, ecoli. You would be corrupted absolutely. What if spit were like glue?
  25. Is this what you use to explain posting simultaneously as oldtobor AND nameta9? What kind of masturbatory debate tactic is this? Please explain why I shouldn't ban both accounts since this is clearly against our policy.
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