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Doc. Josh

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Posts posted by Doc. Josh

  1. So, could this possibly be the next chernobyl? The damage and effects are becoming increasingly more dangerous. But to that extent? And if so would that effect the entire japaneese islands? And one more thing, does the bomb dropped on heroshama still have radioactive effects in japan?

  2. Agreed, But however the fact remains that there are true things that cannot be explained which is my main point here. Rather its lights or specks whatever the case. what's the closest possible explanation for these occurances?

  3. Is very awkward for me to speak to a woman i am interested in but not for somebody else. My profession requires good verbal skills and i talk to large groups and strangers daily. Even being in a bar i can speak to whom ever as long as i am not attracted to her. So it may just be a fear of rejection, but from what i observed im many places this is very common.

  4. Wondering as to what the forum counter parts think on this one. Random chance or fate? Somthing to the effect of today i was driving and talking about a movie i said the word psychic and at that very moment i look to the right and there was a psychic reading place. Which ive never seen before today and have only seen a handful. Same thing as to other events like a certain person in the wrong place at the wrong time and so it unfolds to be his or her unlucky day. Like you'r car breaks down in the morning and later on you discover somthing terrible has happend and you would have been there if the car cranked right up ultimately saving your life. Could this be some sort of life balancing thing that has occured for ever or is it really just dumb stupid luck?

  5. I was pondering a while on the thought of judgement and how that influences someones decision. for instance is it possible to not form any opinion at all about someone. for example you walk down the street and see a youg person wearing a certin type of clothes and walking a certin way automaticaly i form an opinion of that person and catagorize them somewere in between. I also believe people have the ability to change that opinion but still stays somewhere in that person. You look at a homeless person and form an opinion rather good or bad, but still pass judgment on him or her. Even so small as to a way someone might look in appearence as the opinion you make. i look at someone well dressed clean cut i automaticly assume he/she keeps a clean home, car and lives a very miticulas life. and same goes for an oppisite person i see them driving a out dated car not very groomed and i assume they are in poverty and live a rough life, with none or little education. That may be the furthest from the truth but it is still an automatic opinion. Anyone who can (enlighten) me or prove or disprove me please oblige me.

  6. Also to further comment on the subject matter i dont think this was brought up. Its also about the kind of person he/she is, if they are dirty people messy home animals running in and out type scenario then i dont believe shoes off is a good idea for personal health concerns and i believe the person wouldnt even know. On the contrary a persons home which is meticulas and clean shoes off should be expected. and if that is an on goin g issue than footies might be an idea to consider...

  7. The reasearch was this morning when i awoke. She was afraid because i woke up studdering and saying things i do not remember, That i was in water, shaking and just chattering. She turned the light on and i was wide awake. After i had splashed my face,and calmed down i could not return to sleep for some time as i was to shook up to relax enough. Thats when i went online to see if i could have possibly had a seizure, stroke somthing on that note. My wife is in school for medical and did not know anything in regards to this odd experience. So the only thing i found was exactly what i had experienced, but to my suprise it was talking about diffrent cultures call it diffrent things. Ex: islands call it "old hag" a demon that attacks you in your sleep. Others say it is an out of body experience and is welcomed for enlightment. And others say thats what happend when they were ((abducted)) so to say the least it was a suprise.

  8. I recently have had an experience, I am not siding with any of the possibilitys until proof is at the table. Last night i had an experience where i woke and could not move at all, also a very loud sound was in my ears. Following that my eyes would not open and kept on convulsing which was very scary indeed. And then i had a sensation that i was floating over my night stand face down. About that time i was able to break the sensation and start moving i was wet. Just on my head, My hair was soaked i dont know if it was. My wife awoke to scramble and it scared her more than me. I was concious the entire time of this experience, so i do not believe it to be a dream due to the physical effects it had on me. Supernatural/medical explanation? The brief reasearch i did came to conclusion that these sleep phenomia are rare unexplained. Any input is greatly needed. thanks


  9. I think cloning would in fact be a great idea to do in such a way of donor body parts. somthing on the lines of at birth you clone a body but somehow make it (empty) lifeless so as not to disrupt or affect a living human. And if you ever needed a kidney, heart, lung, brain, or a whole body it would be at your disposal. A perfect unused 21 year old body. Giving someone a chance to live another 70 years. Limits are only in place so as not to be abused, every one who wants to can and will abuse anything to their advantage. So even if limits are put into place would it even matter.

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