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Doc. Josh

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Posts posted by Doc. Josh

  1. With the countless ways of how to die, and its the only sure thing we all will do one day sooner or later. Was wondering what is your preferred way? In your sleep? Going all out? best place? with loved ones? old?

  2. Looking at it in another light, Their are countrys who allow legal sex for money and these do not have an adverse affects in which some state. So if our Gov would see that then why not follow suit? IMO it seems silly to not condone consenting adults to have sexual relations out side of marriage. There are are things much worse than illegal sex, besides the system we have is strained as it is i feel the arrest of prostitutes and pims and all involved are just wasting tax dollars for what end result? To be good ( pilgrams) For the sake of morality? thats the problem we have today, the Gov has put things in place to rev up revenue and court fines cost etc.. What they dont look at is now they are turning people into products of the institution and becoming less proactive. I do not agree with sex for money in my personal life however it is still a business and and not to be demonized buy the way of morality and being decent. The goverment dosent care about these poeople on a ( moral) basis then why should they demonize acts that are boud to fail? TAXS! Its a sure way to insure revenue, I think the gov has hide behind the face of morality and religous based freedoms for ther own benifit for to long. If They erase the the morality based laws in affect and let the free fair market come into place i dont think we as a nation would be hiding under the covers at night awaiting our death of a prostitute! Life would go on and go on so regularly because with the free choice of legal sex there would be laws to protect and punish those who do not follow the regulations put into place such as with any employment. Bars can be a ( scary place) to be in a pilgram world but we have managed to deal with it and its not bad at all in the big scoope of things, so as the same with almost every job in the world when done wrongfuly and askew the result is negative same would be in legal prostitution. Just my 35 cent worth.


    Lemur, I agree with you at apoint however you can argue the same point with strippers, am i wrong? there are current ( career ) that are still taboo and not equally correct in a by standard world. So how is it diffrent?

  3. But on the same note lemur the gov taxs alcohol arguable that its just as bad as prostitution and drugs. So why the ok for one and demonized for other? So its not really turning the gov into pimps or dealers but they pick and choose what they feel is correct in society?

  4. Its real hooky if you ask me, this preacher stated the same thing back in 93 i believe and nothing happend. Same will happen tomorrow we will be on here discussing more important topics rather than this old fool. And im not christian however the majority of them are discusted with guy. And in a few days he will wither away in history as many self claimed ( prophets) often do. Fear not people if the world ends tomorrow feel free to blame me! if not feel free to thank me! :rolleyes: WIN WIN.

  5. The card dosnt have enough density to penetrate the skin. The skin is ( flexible, Rubbery) per say and absorbs the impact force needed to penetrate. If in fact the card was denser heaver and flew true then it is plauseable. but a standard playing card being thrown from a human hand will do no more then a paper cut.

  6. Recently i have started somthing of a wild fire in my office. To make a long story short i have rallied up the employees to submit a formal review and restructure of the way this company's pay is. It is causing much dispute already and alot of turmoil. Along with its florida, a right to work state and so on. I was wondering if anybody has any idea's comments ideas etc. And is this the best way to accomplish this task of going up against a corparate juggernaut? If you want more details just ask.



  7. snapback.pngajb, on 6 May 2011 - 08:21 AM, said:


    Last time my brother and I got drunk his hangover cure was simple. Just finish off the half bottle of whisky left over, this was at about 9am.


    Not my advice.



    You British people know how to drink. I got a couple of English friends here in the states who are always the life of the party.





    I once was camping and came across a group of brits, well i got touk in cards, out drank, and had the best time with those guys! May have been just them but truly the life of the party. :P

  8. well employment for one , casinos employ alot of people and pay nicely. Basic lotto is a gamble but i dont feel it is a issue unless the person has an addiction to the game of choice. Then it can be seen as a (home wrecker staus) But so can everything in large quanities. So IMO a society which allows gambeling is healthy for the economy. On the flip side it does tend to make people want to just get it for free however i feel the reward is nothing more than what you put into it. I gambel personaly at the card tables quite frequently but i do not get sucked up into it. As long as there is control and a boundrys then absolutley, implace more casinos and bring more jobs to america!

  9. I was pondering today, What will the world look like in 20-50-100-200-500-1000 years. I look back at medevil times and wonder they couldnt have seen what was before them. And even the 1900s people couldnt have imagined all the stuff we have now. What are some possibilitys of todays tomorrow?

  10. Herpatology i like to keep records of my snakes and their always changing attitudes. ( i will prove snakes have personalities :rolleyes: )

    I love to fish atleast 5 times a week, Study ancient philosophy and ancient mysterys, collect maps, globes and occasionaly watch some history, discovery, Nat Geo. And when im not doing that or work im at the corner bar singing karaoke!


    Hobbies ^


    I post when at work and have nothing utterly important to do.

  11. But with out pain, oppresion and death is life enjoyable at all? The point of a gamble is the risk factor that makes winnig that jackpot all so good. Just like having a child is a gamble and nothing is certin but death that is correct, IMO thats the fire beneath someone to live their life and push on. The child may be born with illness etc but the wonders of life and highs it offers, nothing compares. that's what makes humans human. So in all fairness is it worse to deprive your unborn children the shot at living a life better than we can? Or the chance to fall in love and everything the world has to offer. I side with we must keep the chain going to ensure existance and we were hardwired from the annaki that way. ((couldnt help myselfe))):D

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