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Posts posted by GutZ

  1. But if scientists and researchers are right that identical twins score more or less the same on IQ tests, what does that mean? I mean, don't get me wrong. I scored pretty damn high on an IQ test once and I'm pretty sure I'm a genius--it's just that I'm not really well-trained in these matters.


    What does it mean? If what they are saying is true, does that mean IQ is almost completely determined by genes? What a horrifying thought!




  2. 170 MeV is a LOT of KE for a couple of nuclei to have. As we saw above, these babies are moving a few percent of the speed of light, and even though i_a overstimated a little bit, that's still screaming fast. All of this KE gets deposited in the surrounding material. In a reactor, that's the structural support for the control rods, and that energy gets taken away by the cooling fluid, which is often water, which normally limits the temperature. In a bomb, it's the atmosphere. Things get super-toasty. It cools, I presume, mainly by expansion, which means that inside of a certain radius, you get disassociation of molecules and ionization of any atom that happens to be around, i.e. a fireball.


    Oh I see, I thought that was directly from the reactions itself. opps. Thanks

  3. So I was thinking when you are "splitting" atoms, particularly within like a fission based bomb there is quite amount of thermal energy released. Is there anyway to produce the same effect but instead of thermal energy being allowed, its coverted into kinetic energy?


    I am guessing this would be called cold fission.

  4. beyond personal belief in them, there is no evidence that I`m aware of to support this claim.

    of course it all depends on the size of the stone and how it`s implemented, some used properly can knock you senseless :)


    hehe, drop a 5 ton stone on someone and they will never feel pain again. side effect: death, but that can be left in the fine print.


    p.s. awesome quote in your signature.

  5. This makes sense to me, and thats rare so....that's probably as laymen as you can get.


    The word is "temporospatial", and it certainly isn't superfluous. I could substitute "self-training hierarchical classifier", but then the question is how does a self-training classifier actually work?


    These classifiers are looking for sequences/sets (i.e. groups of symbols over time), hence the temporal component, and symbols must be discovered from underlying input data, hence the spatial component.


    The two feed off each other, using each other to provide input for their own classification.


    This is a very important distinction when comparing to other types of classification networks, which typically have to be trained explicitly and provide no sort of feedback mechanism.


    Once you get that, the rest seems easy enough to get.

  6. I am moving back to Hamilton today so everyone have a fun christmas and other hoildays, hopefully this post makes sense because I have no idea how many beers I've had at my coop christmas party. cheers!

  7. Well if she acted in this way and asked you to see a counsellor, then well, I couldn't see her not thinking you had issues (depending on what you actually said to make her feel the way she did). I've actually had issues when I was in high school, but I've learnt to word my question in way that wouldn't make a teacher feel uncomfortable. I was a real mess mentally in HS, but I guess I've always had the ability to understand how people think, I can pick up their personality really quickly.


    Just don't let it get to you, if she was always nice before, it probably wasn't her intention, it's very difficult for teachers these days. It's not the same world anymore, movies are BS they don't depict life, who would pay 15 bucks to watch something you live with everyday.

  8. Even if it wasn't sexual, people with mental issues tend to be seen as vunerable and confused. Trust me I know, some teacher don't care, but other do because they know it could ruin them. It's not that you specifically would, but don't you think out of all the recent cases that have gone about, that those teacher would never though that the student would make false accusation?


    Yeah it sucks, but thats how life is, the very few screw it for the majority in alot of cases. If you really want to solve this issue somewhat, than go to a guidence counsellor or principal, explain your position, and ask them to talk to the teacher about it, just use a reliable medium.

  9. Teachers are scared "poopless" of getting sued, they are probably told to do that, and there is a good chance it wasn't something she enjoyed to do. I am not saying you would do anything, but there are people who would, and teacher that generally try to do more for a student besides the standard teaching usually are the ones that get hit by it. False accusations work because teacher are only suppose to teach, if they become "friends" people will question because the teacher already step the boundary of teacher student relations, thats all you need to ruin your career.

  10. Meh weeds pretty lame anyways. Just makes you stupid, sleepy, and a strange mix of feeling good with paranoia on the side.

    At least alcohol make people ultrasociable and do funny things. Leads to many memoriable stories.


    It gives me amazing reaction time, I can't sleep on it or get tired, and I am probably more intelligent (Not an amazing feat but...), and oppose to alcohol it makes me more sociable according to many people I know, and that comes alot from someone like me. To me it's like being "in the zone" all the frickin time. I am far more relaxed so I am not as anxious as I usually am, which means I make more rational decisions. The only thing I get paranoid is getting caught.


    We all are different though. I just don't see it. Call me close-minded but it's the one of the very few issues I am pretty stuck in my way about. So that's the last post in this thread for me, and I love you all! (heterosexual way of course).

  11. Now we both know the actual reasons why cannabis isn't made legal. But what do you suppose the impact would be if it were officially declared safe and made legal? There would almost certainly be an increase in casual use, more people taking it up and there could be less awareness of potentially how destructive it could be "oh it's o.k. for me to spend the rest of my life stoned, the government said so".


    But thats not the case, that's the problem of people misinterepting, not everything that is bad for you is illegal, and for something that was illegal and somehow became legal doesn't make it any less harmful. The difference is that the overall people have the choice to do them or not. I don't say "well Aspirin is not illegal therefore it's safe and I can take 10 a day" thats just irrational.


    Even if it were made legal or even decriminalized, the government is not hopeless to stop idiots who ruin other peoples lives. They could certain increase the penalty for commiting acts under the influence. What worries me more is that people can drink and drive, kill someone and get of in a year or so, yet someone who carries drugs can get 5+ years in prison.


    Again though that's just my opinion, and I can see where your coming from. alot of my view rely on certain aspects that most others wouldn't agree, and we would be living in a different world.

  12. I am seeing a slight contradiction here? Alcohol can most certainly be addictive. Cannabis can also be physcologically addictive and in excess can do a lot of damage.


    Yeah but it's not nearly on the same level. Anything can be addictive otherwise. I smoke cigerettes, those in themselves are addictive. I drink too much Cola, I am not really addicted to it, I am addict to the affect it has on me. I wouldn't label cola as an inherently addictive product.


    Overall the Mary jane is not much worse then booze.

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