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Status Updates posted by mooeypoo

  1. Waiting for the bus to new york. This summer was so long, and yet so short! Time dilated as I moved in light speed. Look-a-that...

  2. Repacked. Mostly. I think. Okay, maybe I forgot something. I think. Actually, I know I forgot something, I just don't remember what.

    1. Leader Bee

      Leader Bee

      Toothbrush, washbag, tv remote, underwear, purse, variety of other small things that have slipped behind the couch?

  3. in NYC for a quickie weekend, repacking and going back to DC on Sunday for 2 more weeks!

  4. Internship is over, and I'm all alone in the dorms. Tomorrow? First day of my new job. Can you say "w00t"? w00t!

    1. khaled


      I'm currently working on Model Theory,


    PSA for Teabaggers.. Socialism is *everywhere*!
  6. PhysicsBuzz blog post about NOVA SciCafe and my twitterperience with the @neiltyson Beer ... coaster http://j.mp/pum1fa

  7. Going to meet @swansont near Washington DC's zoo. Trains are full and weekendish.

  8. hm. Deepak Chopra will talk "Quantum" in Comicon. Any science ppl that can join go and ask real question? http://j.mp/pr8aP3

  9. I found the missing link! (@ The Museum of Unnatural History w/ 2 others) [pic]: http://4sq.com/l9Db0s

    1. Moontanman


      Have you been to the creationist museum? It's run by missing links, lol

    2. mooeypoo


      hehe no, this is the Museum of Unnatural History, and I have to say, it's a pretty cool store.

  10. Tapas in chinatown. I think they're smaller than usual...

  11. Goaaaaaaaaal!

  12. For the record, @SPSMatherIntern, it was no usual squirrel, it was a TREE BENDING squirrel, and the tree bent in my direction, ENT style.

  13. On the bus back to Washington DC. I'm totally frozen and I didn't have time to get something to eat. Meh!

    1. Moontanman


      Yes mooey, but think of the history you witnessed and the fun you had celebrating it!

  14. I'm at Gay Pride Parade 2011 (31st Street, 5th Avenue, New York) w/ 63 others [pic]: http://4sq.com/jWwO9U

    1. Moontanman


      Sounds lie fun mooey, clebrate some for all of us!

    2. mooeypoo


      omg that was insane! :) I did, and about half the state did, too, there were so many people!! Friday's Marriage Equality bill passing made this weekend absolutely CRAAAAZY!


  15. APS outreach team in a 3D outreach effort (viewing these awesome pics http://j.mp/e0HNa5) http://yfrog.com/h3do6qezj

  16. Science cafe at the NSF building! Scientific noms! (@ National Science Foundation) http://4sq.com/mvt017

  17. thts probly the most awesomely nerdiest thing evr.. I'm the mayor of American Center for Physics on @foursquare! http://4sq.com/bbmSSF

  18. About to watch Hubble 3D in the Air and Space museum in DC. That never - EVER - gets old.

  19. Designing experiments in thermodynamics. Getting hot in here. And cold. And fluctuating.

  20. You know this feeling aftr you're all done packing, relaxing, waiting for the cab, and you just know you're forgetting something...

  21. To anyone who's looking for me, my phone is about to d

  22. That's it. Either I know it, or I don't. Thermo final, here I come...

  23. Last exam for the semester is tomorrow, and my brain refuses to cooperate. Wonderful timing, brain. Just great.

    1. Genecks


      Check it out, dial it in, amp it up.

  24. 22 minutes to the apocalypse; I have a thermo final to study for. Should I wait?

  25. Actually, timeoftimezero, I'm a pisces.

    Also, Troll isn't what you say it is. Neither are our rules. Read 'em.

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