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Posts posted by rigney

  1. ça explique beaucoup de choses.' ("it explains many things.") And perhaps, nothing?!

    The peril in writing is: many times we fail to realize the reader may not be seeing it our way at all!. Thanks

  2. Is there a "GOD" out there? Maybe I should drag this to a different forum, but I just can't get it done without fudging. With a lot of people wondering, in all honesty what do you think? Is there, or isn't there?

  3. Personally, I really wish you hadn't taken this guys "Adan & Eve" thing off the forum. Frustration is probably the best timbre to sanity that I can think of. After venting, most folks go back to a more subtle way of life. Just think of his misgiving as a modertion of thinking?? What else can I say?

  4. Hope this gets through! There is no such thing as an "ATHEIST". Quote, Quote, and a simplistic, Unquote. If you feel diffused to commit yourself to anything, at least commit yourself to self indulgance. Get on with your life, this joker may be here for a long time!!?

  5. Golly Gosh! Moontan, I can't think of a better way of moving Fatwa or Jihad forward, that is unless it become a little overly family orientated? What's the word we use here in the states, Oh Yea! Incest? Maybe they prefer it to be called "commingling" in the desert ? Heck, and to think; I live way up here in Ohio!!

  6. Thanks Cap'n? I'd like to hang around if possible!! Could you explain how I can prevent future incidents? Not an Idiot, just not too smart!

  7. I've been in the program now for less than two weeks but enjoy it immensely. Today I unintentionally made three posting of the same question. I don't know how, but it happened. Is there some way of erasing a multiple, or even erasing all of it? The administrator was rather prevoked that I did it and promised me two weeks off without pay if I did it again. I can read readin' but I have a hard time with readin' writin'. Someone help!!

  8. Sorry Sayonara, there was no intention of posting this question other than the original. I've only been with you guys for a couple weeks now and still finding it hard to do things right. Please take a couple of them off if you will or can, since it was only intended to be the initial posting.

  9. I know, the topic is taboo. And it's probably perceptual to anyone above a third grade education, that the only person wanting to talk about the subject would be someone assimilating that third grade mentalityl. Daaaa!!

    Anyway, E.M.F. and Magnetism in practically any form above a lodestone can be changed to a new dynamic almost instantly. There are formula enough to fill a library, from the simplest application of D.C. theory, to the intricacies of a Cern Collider. Yet, other than the laws laid down by Sir Issac Newton, and a little mumbo-jumbo, gravity is an unquestionble entity. WHY?? Ubiquitous, yet inexplicable? What does gravity do other than supposedly keeping us from flying off into space?? If in fact, that's what it does? Someone help!!

  10. I know, the topic is taboo. And it's probably perceptual to anyone above a third grade education, that the only person wanting to discuss the subject would be someone assimilating that third grade mentalityl. Daaaa!!

    Anyway, E.M.F. and Magnetism in practically any form above a lodestone can be changed to a new dynamic almost instantly. There are formula enough to fill a library, from the simplest application of D.C. theory, to the intricacies of a Cern Collider. Yet, other than the laws laid down by Sir Issac Newton, and a little mumbo-jumbo, gravity is an unquestionble entity. WHY?? Ubiquitous, yet inexplicable? What does it do other than keep you from flying off into space?? If in fact, that's what it does? Some one help!!

  11. I know, the topic is taboo. And it's probably perceptual to anyone above a third grade education, that the only person wanting to talk about the subject would be someone assimilating that third grade mentalityl. Daaaa!!

    Anyway, E.M.F. and Magnetism in practically any form above a lodestone can be changed to a new dynamic almost instantly. There are formula enough to fill a library, from the simplest application of D.C. theory, to the intricacies of a Cern Collider. Yet, other than the laws laid down by Sir Issac Newton and a little bit of mumbo-jumbo, gravity is an unquestionble entity. WHY?? Ubiquitous, yet inexplicable. But what does it do other than keep us from flying off into space?? If in fact, that's what it does? Someone help!!

  12. jimmydasaint (Atom) June 3rd, 2010, 5:39 PM #6

    I don't understand the original question. Can you please rephrase it for me and why I am an 'Innie' or 'Outie?' And if people have outie bellybuttons, do you collect as much fluff as my innie?



    Are we somewhere inside this universe or is there only an outside to it, flat, curved, or what ever?

    Merged post follows:

    Consecutive posts merged
    I've only heard of a "Continuum" in science fiction.


    However, it is an open question as to whether the universe curves outward (like a saddle) or inward (like a sphere), or is flat (like the Euclidian geometry you learned in school). This would be in relation to itself.


    Science Fiction! Isn't that what it's all about? Other than theory, there is no way of proving any "model" of our universe. Could it be that we are suspended in, and expanding out; into an absolute and eternal "NON,REAL-ESTATE"?

  13. I probably belong on the lowest rung on the ladder in trying to explain economics. But can any of you formalize: Minimum Wage, Ergonomics and Welfare and put them into perspective? Everyone from the head of state to the dish washer needs a job, "big, small or in between". But our Welfare system is creating a hole large enough so that eventually, no one will be able to climb out. The day is shortly to come when six Phds in Physioligy, a couple in Astrophysics or Cosmology and perhaps one or two in medicine will be digging this ditch. The dude supervising the job will likely be a legitamate "Ditch Digger". Welfare and minimum wage is a bane on civilization. If I am wearing the big hat, I can placate the less fortunate at the expense of the middle group. But, let not any of us make waves, "anyone"!!

  14. Jon Stewart? An extremely over intelligent Provocateur. Love him because he simply plays the cards as they fall. A classical comedian with brain power!!

  15. insane_alien (Genius) Yesterday, 9:33 PM #2

    this is an international forum. barack obama may be the president of the US, but thats only 4% of the world.


    "Touche" insane_guy. Americans should begin to understanding that they can be secular and spiritual at the same time without being dictartorial from either direction.!! But also an equal opportunity "Ass Kicker " as the need arises.

  16. How long will it be before a parent telling a bedtime story to their children will be shocked to hear one of them ask: Mommy, what are holidays? The Mom replies: Where did you hear such a dirty word? But yes, there was a time when Holidays were a fun thing to do. Let me see!! There was, Christmas, Easter, Memorial Day, the 4th of July, Labor Day, Veterans Day, Thanksgiving, and even more, but I cant remember their names at the moment. Some years back the government thought we were taking too much time off from work and decided we really didn't need Holidays, so "bingo" they're gone.


    Does anyone honestly believe this could happen?

  17. Since I don't know how to do a poll, I was just wondering; in your honest opinion, how is President Obama doing in running our country? I'm a "Hill Billy" tweener, so there's no offense taken one way or another. If my question is too provocative, I hope an administrator will kick it to the curb before anyone can reply. Otherwise, can we turn it into a poll?

  18. I don't know how to do a poll, but in your honest opinion; how is President Obama doing in running our country? I'm a "Hill Billy" 'tweener, so there's no offense taken one way or another. And if my question is inappropriate, would a moderator please kick it to the curb!!

  19. KuaRk(t) (Lepton) May 6th, 2010, 1:38 PM

    What Is a Quasar?


    Hi, I would like to know what a quasar is? Thanks!!!


    It may sound strange KuaRk, but what you need is a simple answer.

    Google up "Quasar" on the internet. There are many examples to answer your question. Good luck.

  20. AJB, I do appreciate your condolence of my ignorance. And while not being submissive, I yeild to your supeior knowledge of the universe. Don't get me wrong, on a given day I'd probably try arm wrestling you one on one to the ground? In all seriousness though, with our earth spinning @ a thousand miles per hr, zipping around our solar system @ 65,000 mph. and tracking through our galaxy @ 600,000 mph?, what can I say??? And at the same time, our galactic universe is racing into infinity at "what speed"? Me, I believe those four quantum speeds that I just mentioned, say it all. If we are in a perpetual rotational time warp or headlong into oblivion, I'd just like to get some sort of idea of where we're going, before we get there? Thanks again.

  21. Thanks AJB. While your reply was a bit more than what I'm about, I question everything I read about the cosmology of our universe. And as I find it, knowledge is not an issue when asking questions, but it's nice to question the answers, if only to mull them over. A lot of what you said, I can vaguely relate to; but not in a sound technical sense. My one multiple question now is; Even knowing Einstein was a mathematical genius, how or why did he come up with a space/time warpage analagy and present it as a bowling ball rolling around in a circle on a rubber sheet? And how is it plausible to describe our universe as the huge outer perimeter of, "what", when we can only guess as to how fast it's traveling?

    And the tensor thing? That's why I like radii and vectors, neither bend, according to Euclid.

    Personally, I like everything about our universe other than having so many different platforms to view it from??

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