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Posts posted by rigney

  1. Rigney, you have the weirdest point of view of anyone I know, who says anyone is gonna take anything from you? make you share ? You need to stop drinking the koolaide dude... you don't have enough money to be friends with the republicans...

    Well, I do lie just a little; when it's convenient.


    So you really believed Romney when he said he wouldn't raise taxes on anyone, that he could pay for his plans with closing millionaire loopholes in the tax structure? Even after he admitted in September that he'd have to raise taxes on the middle class? That's your class, isn't it?


    That's what I couldn't believe from my middle class Republican friends, they kept saying Obama would raise their taxes but Romney wouldn't. And that's not what either candidate said.

    Would Romney have raised taxes? Yes! I suppose he would have done so. But tell me, what are these next four years going to bring us? I only hope the elective majority of our nation was right and the other half of us were simply dreaming of something we thought might be better than what we've had these past four years.
  2. rigney, that was a low blow, I'll be doing the same thing you will be doing, sucking air, if you are lucky...

    By no means was it meant to be a low blow friend. Truth is, I've worked my ass off for over sixty years to attain $100,000. as a retirement cushion and I don't want any government assholes telling me that I have to share that little part of my life with anyone. So, simply tell your confidants that: "shit happens, and that they will get over it"!
  3. I think even the tea baggers are smart enough to realize they can't make that batshit crazy stuff into an entire party. ( I love to call them tea baggers :lol: ) The idea of religion mating with a political party was and is doomed from the start either they gain control and totally screw everything up or the masses realize that is what they are doing and they lose power, there is no third option...


    Kinda like an elephino... :unsure:


    Isn't it fun to be on the winning side instead of the whining side?





    "Smart" that's really giving them some leeway isn't it? I don't feel very magnanimous today, stupidity lost ground yesterday and I'm damn glad of it...

    A $1.00 bill will buy you a cheap cup of coffee today, but what kind of work are you not doing at the moment that you'll still not be doing four years from now?
  4. Rigney's entire argument has been nonsensical from the start, no matter what happens he wins. If Romney had won he would have claimed it was just a matter of time until Romney reveled the truth and even if "the truth" was exactly what Obama said rigney would have claimed the truth was due to Romney, but now that Obama has won we will have to wait until another republican gets into office but of course if one doesn't then we will have to wait yet another four years... Classic heads I win tails you lose...

    Tell me, the democratic party has won the election, but what have you personally won?
  5. OK, it's wednesday, Rigney's day of truth. All through this thread he has been promising us that today will be the day that we get the "Truth" The answers to all of the questions he has been avoiding.


    We await.

    As much as it pains me, I must congratulate the President on his re-election and earnestly hope for a unification of contrasting policies that will perhaps benefit this country instead of ripping it apart. But the Benghazi massacre? The truth of that fiasco will have to wait another four years
  6. Unfortunately, a copy of my birth certificate shows I was born in England (though my dad was born in Kenya about 80 years ago).

    So I'm unable to stand for US presidency.

    Also I remind you of the total mess that happened last time we had an Oxford educated chemist as prime minister.





    And last, but by no means least, the wife swapping party from hell.




    Of course, that might all be a smokescreen to stop anyone realising that I am actually a politician.


    In any event, feel free to answer the questions.

    But since I am not a politician and only a lower middle class uneducated American, you may think I am funning you, but I'm not. My only intent from the very beginning of this thread was to get at the truth. But since all there seems to be coming from our cabinet is half truths, innuendo or out and out lies, I see no reason to continue this topic by dragging an honorable name like Margaret Thatcher into the gutter with it. Will have more on topic to say come Wednesday.
  7. Since you seem to be a fan of YT videos, check this one out. It's relevant, and unlike some of yours, is not spammy personal attacks:




    How would you react if Canada invaded and occupied the US? Would you sit there and take it? How about after they restrict your access to movement during their occupation? How about after they restrict your access to water during the occupation? What if the Canadians tore down your home?


    Apartheid is a bad thing; it's about time you stop getting your news from FOX.

    Before you begin accusing Israel of being Apartheid, read this doccumentary if you have the time.



    Screw "FOX News", if that's what you think of them. In 1953 I witnessed the aftermath of a war that engulfed and almost consumed the entirety of Europe and brought on because of apartheid, orchestrated by a couple of nut cases known as Hitler and Stalin. Almost 70% of thr worlds Jews were exterminated in less than a 10 year period, along with countless millions of other Europeans. And you want to talk about justice being done to a nation and its people? Tsk-tsk!
  8. I don't know. The "start" of this was 4000 years ago.

    But I know who is responsible for the disproportionate retaliation.

    Tell me John, what is the meaning of disproportionate retaliation when another nation fires rockest and sends martyrs into your neighborhood with bombs strapped to them, and meant to murder your people? Me, I call it reprisal!
  9. What Obama said was that there should be a more even balance.

    That seems reasonable in the light of the figures.


    Why unreservedly support the side that's responsible for more deaths and, in particular, for more civilian deaths?

    Tell me John, who starts all of those ass kicking killings over there, the Israelies?
  10. You really are missing the point aren't you?

    No matter who wins the elections Obama still won't be a communist or a Muslim or whatever will he?


    The difference it will make is that some people who have lied about him before will be able to do so again from a position of more authority.

    John Boy, being so well informed and politically savvy, you should either run for the house of commons, lords, whigs, labor or what ever over there, or else move here to the US and take our political system in hand. Lord knows, we desperately need someone like you to help us.
  11. OK a) I'm not a US citizen, so I don't have anything to confront.


    But let's back up a little. The point I am trying to get across is that the outcome of an election does not "prove" any facts. If Romney wins the election it doesn't suddenly validate untrue arguments. It doesn't make Obama a Muslim, a Kenyan, an atheist, a communist etc and so on. It doesn't suddenly change the state of the economy, US deficit, unemployment rates over the last four years. The outcome of the election does not have any valid impact on whether there is a conspiracy over the US embassy attack in Libya.

    So why do you keep asserting that somehow the outcome of the election will "prove" these things? Surely you understand that the validity of all of these arguments and claims is independent of the election result, right?

    As things stand now, you are spot on. The only thing that can be substantiated is that this democratic cabinet isn't going to say anything at the moment to detract from Obama's chances of winning this election on Tuesday. Personally I can't blame them. If it were the republicans keeping mum on what they know or didn't knew, it would be the same. If the reps don't get elected we will likely never know what happened in Libya and that is as it should and will be.
  12. It's strange to me how many see Obama as the Messiah without looking any further or digging any deeper into his makeup. It's sort of like the story of not being able to see the forest for the trees, or vice versa. One simply clutters the view of the other. His policies have done nothing but divide this country into two enemy camps that many fail to understand. Tell me, how will our staunchest ally in the middle east, Israel; play into our next four years if Obama is reelected?


  13. I see you put "do nothing" in quotes.

    Is that because you know that he has done rather a lot?

    Obamacare (like it or loathe it) is something.

    Overseeing the death of Bin Laden is something

    But most of all,

    Getting unemployment down is something.

    Getting the economy back together is something.


    Seriously, how can you call that "do nothing"?

    And You're serious, aren't you?


    Obama has done lots and lots of things! But only if you say them fast.
  14. I consider it evil to gain the second most powerful office in the country and then manipulate the system so your former company gets an offensive multi-billion dollar no-bid contract while continuing to espouse the glories of free market capitalism. I don't understand how ANY Republican with an ounce of self-respect can justify belief in the market and small government while allowing someone like Dick Cheney to shelter his company from the normal pressures of that market with hyper-inflated big government bureaucratic largesse. Shame on YOU for questioning MY intelligence while defending that satanical hypocrite!


    Will you STOP reading the idiot propaganda you're gobbling up and look at some unbiased reports? The stock market is up, employment is rising, the economy is getting better, our status with foreign countries is vastly improved, we're working harder on alternative energies, and taxes are at the lowest they've been in modern history. Eight years of stupidity have been reversed in just four years by using some smart strategies. The situation in America is GETTING BETTER and you want to hand it back to the party that kicked us in the ditch and blocked attempts to get us out?! You dare question MY intelligence?!


    One of the things I like best about Obama is his ability to learn from his mistakes. Bush continued failed processes and policies thinking that they'd automagically get better. When Obama tried his brand of nation-building in Afghanistan, he saw quickly it wouldn't work and scaled back. He gave too many concessions to China but when they started acting too aggressively he stood up and reasserted our military presence in the Pacific. He tried maybe too much diplomacy with Iran and North Korea and when that didn't work he stepped up and became more confrontational. He lives in reality, unlike Bush or Romney, he knows real people and real circumstances. He deserves a Congress that will work WITH him, he's hit his stride, he's experienced now AND I CAN"T BELIEVE YOU WANT TO HAND OVER THE REINS TO A ONE-TERM GOVERNOR WHO'S BEEN TELLING EVERYBODY ANYTHING HE THINKS THEY WANT TO HEAR BUT CAN'T TELL US SPECIFICALLY HOW HE PLANS TO RUN THE COUNTRY.

    Well, we turned the reins of power over to a one term "do nothing" senator who had previously been a community organizer in Chicago. Give it a few days and we'll see how many idiots have taken the Romney bait??? Yes!, I dare to question the intelligence of any democrat, especially my own.
  15. Great attempt at a neutral source there.

    Anyway, it says "The terrorist attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi began at about 9:40 p.m. Benghazi time—or about 3:40 p.m. Washington, D.C. time"

    and "It was not until 11:00 p.m. Benghazi time—or just as Obama’s 5:00 p.m. meeting with Panetta and Biden was starting in Washington, D.C.—that the U.S. agents in Benghazi decided to abandon the main consulate facility there.


    “At 11 p.m. members of the Libyan 17th February Brigade advised they could no longer hold the area around the main building and insisted on evacuating the site,” Lamb testified. “The agents made a final search for the Ambassador before leaving in an armed vehicle.""


    So it looks pretty much like someone attacked the embassy and some military types went to rescue the people there. It's not clear how long that took, but they had done as much as they could within 90 minutes.


    And the next morning Obama was on TV telling people about a terrorist attack.


    What's the problem?

    No problem! That is, if you don't want to see it.


    I'm not sure why you constantly assert "we will find out the truth" about all these issues you're bringing up as a result of the election outcome. The election result is irrelevant to the events preceding the election or the veracity of what the candidates said in the lead up.

    Because, like it or not; you will have to confront it. And the election will have nothing to do with it once Obama is on the curb.
  16. http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/feedarticle/10511158




    Agency officers say they responded to the attack on the U.S. Consulate in less than 25 minutes and were never told to delay or stand down."


    It looks like some bunch of shits with guns killed the embassy staff.

    There was no conspiracy involved.

    Dream on my man! This is what happened as it was happening.


  17. "When I read a statement about a past vice-president being compared to satan, I question the intelligence of the persenter. "

    The rest of us understand irony.

    "As much as I despise Obama's policies I don't hate the man, only his willingness to bring this nation to a precipice "

    Nope, the jobless totals were skyrocketing when he took the job on. He has addressed it.


    The economy is on the up too.

    "Any accomplishments he can show has been by riding roughshod over a congress not ready for his style of innovation."

    If that's what it takes to accomplish things then that's what he was elected for. Would you have preferred that he kowtowed to Congress and achieved nothing?


    "While I disagreed with many things Bush II did, they were under totally different circumstances,"

    Specifically, Bush II started a war against Bin Laden, Obama finished it.


    "Obama inherited a war in Iraq that had run its course. One in Afghanistan that has become increasingly less managable and our national debt has zoomed up up by a +five trillion dollars"

    Yep, much of that debt was due to paying for the war that GW didn't need to start. No war in Afghanistan was ever "manageable"

    The debt, like the unemployment figures were rising steeply when Obama took over. It's still rising, but it's rising more slowly thanks to the new guy's policies.



    "We lost 3,000 people, a world trade center, a big chunk of our pentagon and a huge hole in the ground in Pa., from the work of some heroic people. "

    Matter of opinion, I'd say we lost them due to the work of some people who were, at best, deluded: some would say they were just plain evil.

    However it's interesting to contemplate why they may have thought that the US was biassed against their people. Still, the Arab / Israel thing sis probably a different topic.


    Dreadful thought the loss of those 3000 is, it's not as bad as the loss of 4500 or so US troops in the war that Bush started in Iraq (on the basis of actions by people who were from a different country- it seems geography wasn't W's strong point).

    Then there are the casualties of soldiers from other countries (about 300, more than half of which are from my country)

    Oh, and half a million or so civilians.


    All because of Mr Bush's policies to give money to the likes of Haliburton.

    Bush is responsible for half as many American's deaths again as the 9/11 attacks. Remember that when you think of voting for the guy who thinks Bush was right.



    "I'd like to give Romney thes next chance of screwing everything up. "

    In the way that Bush did and Obama didn't.

    That's an odd way to go about it.


    "There are many others waiting in the wings literally praying to take his place if he can't get the job done."

    Yes, but if you elect Romney then you are stuck with him for a long time during which I suspect he will do a lot of damage to most Americans (albeit that he will make the very rich even richer).

    I suppose that's why I love living in a free Democratic Republic. We give a guy four years to do or not to do. If his antics don't conform to what the majority wants, he's gone and we get another possible dunce.

    We'll know how things stand after next Tuesday. Have a good day.

  18. How can you possibly compare Obama sounding like himself over a four year period, with Romney sounding exactly like Bush, with failed Bush policies and Bush advisers and failed Bush tax plans and an admiration for Satan Dick Cheney? Have you not seen the numbers showing that Obama's policies are bringing the economy around, while Bush/Romney policies screwed us in the first place?


    Many things stand out about this election, but the ones that stand out most to me are the pathetic Congress that wouldn't work with Obama (making it the least productive Congress since 1947), the Republican self-fulfilling prophecy with regard to federal government (they don't want it to work, so it doesn't), Mitt's son having ANYTHING to do with voting machines when his dad is running for president, and Romney's sell out to the neocon strategies that made Bush II such a poor leader at a time when this nation needed strength and direction.


    Rigney, you've claimed you can see now that Bush II was a disaster as a president, so different from his father, so why would you support Romney when he's going to just repeat those disaster years if he's elected? It took Bush eight years to put us in this position, and you won't give Obama four more just when his policies are starting to turn things around? You want to give Bush another chance?

    When I read a statement about a past vice-president being compared to satan, I question the intelligence of the persenter. As much as I despise Obama's policies I don't hate the man, only his willingness to bring this nation to a precipice unlike any I have seen since December of 1941. At present his policies are as meaningful to me as a Buck Rogers comic book. Any accomplishments he can show has been by riding roughshod over a congress not ready for his style of innovation. While I disagreed with many things Bush II did, they were under totally different circumstances, yet I never hated the man, only some of his policies. Bush stepped into a strange presidency almost from the start. We lost 3,000 people, a world trade center, a big chunk of our pentagon and a huge hole in the ground in Pa., from the work of some heroic people. And all during his first year in office. Obama inherited a war in Iraq that had run its course. One in Afghanistan that has become increasingly less managable and our national debt has zoomed up up by a +five trillion dollars. I'd like to give Romney the next chance of screwing everything up. Hey! There are many others waiting in the wings literally praying to take his place if he can't get the job done. Well, we will know in a few days what will be in store for us, right?
  19. Does he realize that Bush 2.0 and Romney 3.0 use the same operating system? Romney has 17 out of 24 Bush foreign policy advisers, even looser veracity filter parameters and the same complete lack of service-oriented architecture.

    It's obvious that I'm spinning my wheels trying to convince someone of my views about the race for president. But just look at this sad split screen commentar and tell me if it's only my fault, feeling as I do?

    Or does the rhetoric of the Obama campaign bring about feelings of déjà vu, along with the inevitable nausea? If so, it could be ’cause we’ve heard it all before somewhere:


  20. Yes you do.

    It is very obvious that you do.

    In particular, here is a viewpoint that you have ignored consistently for ages.

    You have not answered my earlier question.


    Unless you are accusing someone of handing it out, there's no way I could smell the crap is there?

    That's my point.

    You are contradicting yourself.


    So, lets get this straight

    Exactly what crap are you saying is being handed out?

    Who is doing it?

    What evidence is there to back up your accusation (even if you insist that it's not an accusation)?


    I predict a non-answer- go on- be a devil- prove me wrong and actually answer the questions.


    Did you think we would believe you when you said you hadn't ignored it?

    You still have not answered it.


    Why did you think we would believe you?

    What is this "we" thing! Do you have a mouse in your pocket? With the knowledge that has been corrooborated concerning the Benghazi incident I would think that even you would be smart enough to find a solution of your own by now. Me , I had my mind made up from the get go and was just asking questions. Our government, almost to a man; has been culpable in those four murders. If you're trying to use me as a method of digging for buried treasure in this mess, forget it. My heart breaks for the families, friends and relatives of those four guys, but in no way to absolve our leaders for their cowardness. Today is Friday, the 2nd of November. A few days from now the truth will be told.
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