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Posts posted by Kyrisch

  1. When I started to try to strengthen my left hand, I switched a lot of habits. This including tapping the space bar with my left hand (among many other substantial habit shifts, naturally). I accomplished making this into a habit in less than three days of consciously doing it when I typed.

  2. I realize that the events preceding the collapses of WTC1 and 2 could be substantially explained away, but tied together with the incredibly ridiculous Pentagon story, it screams conspiracy. Did you know that the official explanation for why there was barely any debris and no sign of bodies at the crash site of the Pentagon was that the entire plane, bodies and all, vapourised? Also, the tape in which Osama Bin Laden allegedly admits to the crime did not even have Bin Laden in it. The person there was someone who looked a little bit like Bin Laden, but had a different skin tone, hair type, and handedness.

  3. I would just like to point out that no "rebuttal" has been made against the outrageous claim that the Big Bang could not have created ordered galaxies because it is observed every day that explosions only end in disorder. I am willing to write this part of the letter. My answer would go something like this:


    It is true that explosions cause disorder, but since when is the universe that ordered? Say a building exploded in a vacuum, the debris would spread out arbitrarily, but there would still be clumps. And thusly, if these clumps were of large enough proportions gravity would act upon them and make them into swirled bodies with a dense core, which is exactly what is seen in the universe today.

  4. So far it the only answer I've gotten is that exploding black holes have to be entropic because entropy always increases. This is as bad as saying creationism is true because the bible is God's word. Padren, the only effect on the outside universe is that you could hook up generators to get much more energy from the gamma rays to get lots of energy.


    I don't think you quite understood one of the points that was brought up here... Just as the growth of an individual ostensibly decreases entropy, it doesn't violate the second law of thermodynamics because it increases entropy around it more that it decreases it. Thusly, the transfer from radio waves to gamma rays increases entropy around it much more than entropy is decreased by the actual transition.

  5. From what I can sound out [i know how to read the Arabic alphabet but have no idea what the Hell the words mean :P ] it doesn't even rhyme... I guess we'll never know, will we?

  6. Thanks guys. I also spoke with my AP Bio teacher and she said that they were probably referring to the rather violent methods of handedness conversation utilised by Catholic schools some forty years ago. I could see very easily how strapping a hand to the desk or plastering it or even just smacking it every time a teacher caught a student using it can be traumatising to the point where it can lead to such things as inferiority complexes.

  7. The "buildings collapsed because of a fire" story is highly unlikely. Might I bring to your attention that if the buildings collapsed because of a fire they will be the first skyscrapers in modern history to do so? I fear I'm straying into the zone of opinion, but a lot of people say the buildings looked like they were being demolished, the orderly manner in which they fell. Secondary and tertiary explosions were also reported in the lobby of the towers right before they collapsed, as if bombs were planted.

  8. I'm entirely sure it was much more eloquent... I ran into a similar problem during a "favourite song-sharing" activity during English. My favourite song, being compelled by languages, was in German, and the song sounded terrible in English but was amazing in German.

  9. Good and Evil as POVs


    I'm Penumbra... And I need help. I'm out of evidence! He's even starting to make me believe his point of view! Apparently, he is a much better debater than I... :embarass:


    I do not want this thread to turn into a debate; if you want to share your views, do it on the other forum. However, I am interested if you have any pointers about what I did wrong.

  10. er yeah, sorry, I mixed up my examples...


    A better, and more correct, example is how ice water will stay at a semi-constant temperature even if one keeps adding heat energy to it; the temperature will continue to stay semi-constant until all the ice has melted.

  11. Heat is not measured in Celsius/Fahrenheit; it is measured in calories. Temperature, something entirely separate but related, is measured in Celsius/Fahrenheit. Adding a half calorie of heat energy to a gram of water will not cause the temperature of that volume to change at all, due to water's high specific heat.


    The wavelengths and amplitudes of light waves are measured with distance measurements. And I think the brightness of light depends on the amplitude of the wave, in which case, theoretically, there is no limit.

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