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Posts posted by Kyrisch

  1. The purpose of the actual systems (I don't really know why the two nerves are different lengths) are this:


    The Sympathetic Nervous System is responsible for high-stress situations; it controls various changes in the body like a slow in digestion, an increase in heart rate, and an activation of the Adrenal Glands.


    The PNS has basically a reciprocal function, increase metabolic rate, slowing the heart beat, etc. After the threat has passed, the PNS brings the body from the "fight or flight" condition back to homeostatis.


    Albeit an oversimplified view, it is a pretty effective one.

  2. I have a Macintosh and the calculator program obviously doesn't have the same bug as does the Windows brand. If you are getting a number like +-0.00000000000001 or something, it may be because of infinitesimal errors that propagate offscreen and then get displayed at the end. This can be observed in programming if one multiplies/divides huge numbers or incredibly small numbers.

  3. It seems as though we are more like chimps than we think after all; No more than a hundred and fifty years ago, if someone took a man, dyed him black, and replaced him, he would be met with similar aggression.

  4. 10. Fancy spoon-rest by the stove (Do we REALLY care if, after mixing sauce into spaghetti, you put the spoon on the countertop?)

    9. Me (I don't do kitchen stuff)

    8. In-refrigerator crushed-ice maker (Yeah, and then after you use this feature and want regular ice, a glacier comes tumbling out)

    7. In-sink soap dispenser (We have one of these and I've only ever seen them in like public bathrooms)

    6. Knife block (Why can't I just stick my knives in a good old dead corpse?)

    5. "Bread knives" (Made it to this list after countless squashed loaves)

    4. Microwave (Who uses those? I mean come on!)

    3. Old can openers (only good use is as a weapon of self-defense)

    2. Juicer

    1. Women :P


    Top ten most embarrassing "One phone call" 's to mom from the local jail.

  5. The 10k one killed... Ouch. It didn't help that my volume was on full blast. It started to taper off around 15k; I barely heard the 16 and 17 and wouldn't be able to pick them out even in complete silence, though I could hear them after pausing them and playing them again, knowing when they were playing compared to the silence.

  6. Using yourdad's same argument but removing the element upon which you called the strawman, we arrive at a situation in which gay people loitering in front of a store and perhaps doing their gay things (like kissing, etc. not that I have anything against that) is hurting business. In response, the store owner makes the area in front of the store less comfortable for gays. Is he discriminating? I say no, he is exercising his right as a private business owner along the lines of refusing service to anyone he wishes.

  7. I read that the eyes of a Cuttlefish are W-shaped and are some of the most sophisticated eyes in the animal kingdom. Their peculiar shape allows them to "detect the polarisation of light" which produces an image of higher contrast that our own eyes, giving them an advanced ability to detect differences in similar colours, textures, etc. My question is how these eyes do that and what exactly is special about "polarisation of light" that causes an image with higher contrast. I looked up "polarisation of light" in wiki and I sort of understand what it is, but not how/why it is advantageous of a Cuttlefish to be able to perceive it.


    I was torn between putting this in physics or biology, but since my question is regarding the eyes of a Cuttlefish specifically and since I already understand enough what polarisation of light is itself, I put it in here.

  8. I read recently that the origins of viruses are theorised to lie in the basis of operons and "jumping genes". Apparently, some lengths of genetic code can spontaneously duplicate, jump to other places on the chromosome and do all sorts of wacky things. There are these bookend type things on the ends of these short strips of genetic code that allow this sort of "jumping". The theory is that after a gene was translated and made into a protein, a jumping gene jumped out of the genome and got tangled in it and then was shipped by the ER and Golgi Bodies outward.

  9. Hey how about chilling out Phi For Nobody.Your constant beligerance' date='bias and belittlement of my fine self is getting beyond a joke.:mad:


    So knock off the [b']personal attacks[/b] yourself crybaby.


    Hypocrites such as yourself shouldn't be even allowed to post let alone moderate.:rolleyes:


    ...SERIOUSLY, do people even READ what they post anymore? My Lord...

  10. I think absolute zero has something to do with this... You know, 0º Kelvin which translates to something like -375º C or something like that. I also vaguely remember superfluidity or superconductivity, something that I believe arises from how close all the atoms are and their state that allows the substance to be superconductive.

  11. Recently, as in the past week or so, I've literally been sleeping every chance I get. I get home from school, plop down on the couch, and I'm out. I come back from my soccer game, and I'm sleeping like a log. And then I stay up to about midnight each night because of it and have to get up at six for school. Any idea what is causing this? My parents are starting to suspect drugs... I think I'm going to get in major trouble soon.

  12. I've never once in my life really noticed this "sniff" though I will be paying more attention to it now that I've read this. I have a question though; when you say "sniff" do you mean a large intake of breath or a quick, sharp one? I should bring to the attention of everyone too that blowing out makes a similar sound. Is it always inspiration that constitutes this "sniff"?

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