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Everything posted by NavajoEverclear

  1. Surely this has been mentioned somewhere before, but i'll bring it up again. Giraffes evolved longer necks because ones with mutations for longer necks survived better. But evolution is gradual so here is my question --- why did slightly longer necks help them survive? It might help to know the heights and populations of different types of trees that have grown in Africa, but assuming most are a certain height, only reachable by a longnecked girafe: why would slight increase make a difference? If one giraffe is two inches, or two feet taller than most others, but it still is not tall enough to reach the leaves, what is driving its evolution to be able reach it someday? My guess would be that there is another gene or something that is related to neck length that is effected by other factors - maybe naturally more healthy, maybe sexual factors: long necks can kick other males butts (anyone know anything about girafe mating behavior?)? Long necks have sexier pheremones? What do you guys think (or KNOW would be even better)?
  2. weird scenerio rockstar---- so i'm confused---- do you now love him, or what would you call it? Love is really radical. I wont go into depth with all my beliefs about it cuz i probably come out sounding like an idiot. Anyway lasting attraction is half personality--- well i don't know how to assign it a ratio, both physical and personality are interrelated, and about as important as each other but personality dominates. You can pretend physicality dominates but it wont make good bonding, which is really bad if kids come from the relationship because then they don't get the love they deserve to develop propperly. Mostly though if physicality is your sole focus you don't want children. Excuse my psychobabble if you think its pointless, which i think i may agree with you on (pointless for this enviroment and its purpose at least).
  3. Light Squared? I'm also interested to the explanation for this.
  4. Do you still have your faith if macroevolution has evidence? Well it does, it's just denial to say not. I don't fully believe in it because of the beliefs i was raised with and i have reasons for deciding keep them (thus have made my OWN beliefs, well as before i had different reasons for belief). Um, here i realize there is no point in this dialouge so nevermind.
  5. i like this religion, i will incorporate it into my life. Dan, if you have faith, don't worry about proof. Would you still have faith if you KNEW all science pointed against your beliefs? If you quickly agree to this, then say BUT-- I CAN proove it----- maybe the values you think drive you to say such things are not as solid as your consciously aware of. What are your reason's for the beliefs you hold? There is a reason for everything (i think), reason is very important. By the way, to what extent do you believe that evolutionary theory is false? (evolution is pretty complicated (not in function, but in our capability to identify all factors and stuff) so to absolutely discredit every part of it is illogical.
  6. just looked this up on google : http://www.stanford.edu/~dement/ngene.html it is genetic, and not that uncommon ( 1 in 2000 have some degree of it) so whatever mutation causing it must be pretty old, so again i wonder why it wasn't defined in some way until so recently.
  7. It's a fairly new discovery, not even recognized as having physiological (thought just to be psychological, caused by variable factors, a definate cause was not known to be the reason for narcolepsy) roots until it was discovered in dogs, who obviously do not fake it, or participate in behavior that goes against natural rhythms (before it was identified doctors would tell narcaleptic's they needed to get more sleep at night). My question is, why did we just barely discover narcalepsy? If it's not a new thing, why isn't it noted in history? If it is new, why? Why did the disorder suddenly start to occur in humans and dogs?
  8. congress repeals the pooply brains act. Human brain installments will be inserted next monday (you'll get a call from your doctor). BTW i don't really diss you, i'm just high on pollution. International Organization of Elimination of Gene Pool Contaminents switches "KHinfcube22" from "closely monitoring" status to "demanded for termination" urgent warrant for capture of the carrier of these toxic chromosomes is activated. ---------- Excuse me, persecution may increase feelings of inferiority thereby continuing immature behavior. There is always hope . . . . . . I hope.
  9. who was owned? My carried away version mentioned loss of technology would not be that huge in some ways, because most people do live without any, look up poverty statistics, people who actually have access to computers is probably a pretty small percentile. However, the people who have technology, have power, and that makes a huge difference. Aman- i'm ashamed of my huge overgeneralization, that kind of atitude only adds to problems. What i consider stupid is not an absolute, and it is not dependent on school knowledge. I think newspapers are stupid-- they solve no problems, they are written to interest you, addict you and make money. Of coarse newspapers are obviously not the most rampant addiction that needs to be addressed. I bet you people are too smart to watch a ton of television, but television is stupid, it is also created for the purpose of enslaving us to provide a money supply. Those are just a couple of the most obvious examples. There are so many structures of society that compromise the intelligence of their creators and governers, to addict the masses money, stupidizing both ends as a biproduct of the process. There is a lot of work that needs to be done. Yes the people in power have knowledge, but its not the right type of knowledge. We need people who are more knowledgeable in compasion and charity, or at least in being long term efficient. Which i believe love can acomplish, but universal ideals can create problems, when they ignore logic. True love does not deny true intelligence, but since just those words provoke liscense to ignorance in those that don't truly understand, is the only reason a government of love may not work. It might have to be love in disguise. However, i know our current government does not love us, and is not truly concerned in doing its best to make us into intelligent people and such. Stupid people are easier to control, though this is not a conscious perpetration (for the most part) by people in power (in developed countries), it is the reason our full potential is not worked for. There is hope for the stupidest of people if the smartest people open their eyes and save them. People in power let stupid people stay stupid, such act dramatically lowers the intelligence of people in power. Maybe not the right words, because you cant force everyone to use their brains, but my theory is that most people wouldn't require forcing and would gratefully accept aid.
  10. in the my first version of my reply (that i said i wouldn't do because i was afraid of getting carried away) i got carried away. essentially i just want to say, technology doesn't have to be our enemy. Where would you draw the line anyway? a shovel is technology. Really the problem is the direction of the mentality of society, which is what Farenheit 451 focuses on, so i wont redefine it. However the direction of society could lead us to a place where balance of power leaves the hands of humans.
  11. Is it frightening to anyone else how similar our world is to Farenheit 451? Not in all actual manifestations, but in mentality, we're goin down that road. What i think the problem is stupid people getting in power. Stupid people in media and buisness feeding us crap, as said in farenheit 451 : man not born equal, but made equal. Society is covered in so many freakin rules and unquestioned mentalities of stupidity, all these things are programming us not to be self thinking individuals. I think the concept of Farenheit 451 goes deeper when combined with the Matrix. I heard that matrix is a remake of some other movies about reality, i haven't seen them, so I chose the matrix in my example. Matrix tells of a world where machines have power, farenheit 451 tells us how our own idiocy leads us to let them have power. I mean think about it--- we make machines, they will never make us slaves, unless we get carried away and GIVE them too much power. The unfortunate fact is that stupid people are in power and will be in power, they will allow such things to happen. I'm probably aiding the degradation and slavery along by even typing this. People blessed with brains need to take responsibility change what society is feeding to its citizens. Need to redesign the structure to minimize the chances of people being allowed to be stupid, then taking power and stupidizing the rest of the population. This is just an observation, not a developed solution plan. Which is why it's probably a waste of time because its taking time away from discovering what it is that can be done to save us. I need to take another vacation, so i wont come back(for a while) to elaborate points, i hope some other people see what i see and can discuss and acomplish something.
  12. Pluto is smaller than our moon, and six others. Maybe this other thing would really be the 9th planet. Guess it depends on how you define planet.
  13. setting aside the usually omitted fact that i don't believe in evolution (in the degree accepted by science) here begins an endless question: What ideas do you have of evolution paths of other worlds? What would be the factors to it (different combinations of minerals abundant beside water)? Would they develop Bacteria, protista, how could they be different? Maybe even something as simple as DNA would exist (be developed) in a completely different system, possibly changing the form of life in a way we cannot comprehend. Contemplating the possibilities could be impossibly abstract in comparison to common thought born out of interaction with our own enviroment. Probably an impossible question as it leaves so many possibilities, but i'm interested in some really creative ideas. Ready, set, be brilliant! . . . . or something . . . .
  14. hmmm i don't think i have any addition of knowledge, or any questions. Well i always have too many questions, right now i'm going to be logical and not get carried away. Anyway though i would be interested in the answer to that question
  15. this is my non babbling version. I am in regular Calculus (there's more people in AP than regular so there is reason to specify), i should have gone AP, but i didn't (why?i'd get carried away). Its a pretty simple point,: I'd have to work my butt of to get passing, and all to work would be pointless. It have already submitted for a schedule change (i'm in highschool by the way) to drop it next semester, but i also want to drop it for home release for the rest of this term so it doesn' count against my GPA. What can i do to convince my teacher to have a heart (or simply be logical, theres no point for me to stay in anyway)?
  16. My first draft of this included a bunch of babbling crap, i'll just cut to the point though. I'm failing calculus, i want to switch out this term so the F doesn't count against my GPA, i could enter home release in replace, non credit obviosly because its past midterm so i cant start in a different class. My teacher has the freedom to decide whether my current failing (which i'd have to pointlessly work my butt off to get to even pass) follows me anyway. There is no good reason for her to not let me off. I've talked to her, she admitted its her choice, but says its department policy (that they cant excuse a grade) and that she HAS to support the department. My babbling first version of this gave all the reasons i have to be failing, and why I don't think it matters anyway. But all i need is some advice how i can convince not to be a mindless slave and slavery promoter of stupid pointless 'rules'. I mean how i can entice her to consider my logical side of the situation. Actually i may have to deal with this before i can get your help, or i'll get someone else to help me, this is whats on my mind and i'm by the computer. Please impart some persuasive methods, thanks
  17. Strife- pretty sure i heard we have mapped out our entire genome--- we just don't know what most of the code actually does, so i don't think we'd know exactly what to change to have certain effects What if we could engineer a nanobot, or bioengineer a bacteria, that is undetected by immune system, and it would become a member of a cell (like mitochondria maybe, members of the cell hosts, but divides and all independently). The bacteria though would go into the nucleus and and remain there dorminant, until it spread to about every cell in the body (how they would know i donno, maybe there would have to be human interaction and some signal transmitted). Then when the signal is sent the bacteria destroy the nucleus DNA and replace it with a different genomone it carries (not the active genomone of the bacteria, it just is programmed to carry it. I guess then it couldn't really be bacteria, cuz it would need a lot more than it's single chromosome to be programed to create a complex one that it doesn't even use) . . . . . . . . . . . . oh i'm just going to stop there, i'm getting carried away in science fiction crap.
  18. a few interesting ideas in that article, i think its mostly crap though. The original sin concept was one i hadn't thought of before---- it really fits because it is like an awakening of knowledge, like the tree. Does that make morpheus satan? well it aughtn't be a complete metaphor, that would be stupid. i could buy the idea of neo becoming an agent--- i don't want to believe he's a machine though (or completely anyway). A major downside was the spelling of Zion as Zyon. That just sucks out the credibility. I'm usually one to say spelling doesn't matter, but in this case it serves to proove they likely are just making up stuff, and saying, perhaps even thinking they've figured it out.
  19. it has nothing to do with chemistry, this is a clear sign of witchcraft. Burn all your neighbors houses, since the government no longer participates in aid of holy purgings (not publicly at least)
  20. "always never oxymoronic"--- brilliant. That reminds me of something brilliant i heard the otherday . . . . i cant remember what it was. Maybe it also had something to do with oxymorons or similar phenomenon, how about this : repetititive redundance. ---- i know i must have the brain of an omeba to still think that's funny, i don't think that was IT anyway
  21. Wisdom: The world is round, and because of this i am . . . . . . going to think of something wise to tell you later . . . .
  22. Science of mind is what brings that which cannot be named, because structure hinders the studier from comprehending the mind in it's true state, as opposed to a bag of satsumas.5 kilos and assorted nuts and bolts which only hinders Anna Kournikova from showing her true fiendish, but perfectly shaped flask containing Ethyl Alcohol. Therefore, the only reason Weetabix lacks a certain resonance is because MUTANT TUNA FISH have taken over ScienceForums the natural mating habits of the admins breakfast cerial(s) are directly proportional to American PI. Now the evidence of this radical statement : fafalone the great is a Cerial Killer, and YT will now be castrated for spelling serial wrong.
  23. Science of mind is what brings that which cannot be named, because structure hinders the studier from comprehending the mind in it's true state, as opposed to a bag of satsumas.5 kilos and assorted nuts and bolts which only hinders Anna Kournikova from showing her true fiendish, but perfectly shaped flask containing Ethyl Alcohol. Therefore, the only reason Weetabix lacks a certain resonance is because MUTANT TUNA FISH have taken over ScienceForums the natural mating habits of the admins breakfast cerial(s) are directly proportional to American PI. Now the evidence of this radical statement : (please insert something short, brilliant and hillarious here)
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