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Everything posted by HawkII

  1. Mine will be a Stealth Suit for the Working Class's Price Range.
  2. I thought of an improvement. The 360 Degree camera will have Eyelids made of two way glass which will blink. This will solve Insects standing on the spherical Lens.
  3. Apparatus Full body Green Morph Suit Green Screen Cape 360 Degree Camera on top Operational The 360 degree Camera records Live footage at 60 frames per second It projects the Live feed to the Green Screen Cape Front of Camera projects to the back of the cape, back of the Camera projects to the front of the cape
  4. What are you gonna do with the 120 million yen? 1.1 The Collatz Conjecture: A Famous Unsolved Problem A Japanese company has offered a prize of 120 million yen for its solution.
  5. 3D Shadows of 4th Spatial Dimension Space-TIme Cubes https://www.vrham.de/en/quantum-tesseract/
  6. Oh my goshhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh It's Gravity isn't it!!!!!!!!!!! Space-time is cubical. Gravity is outside our dimension which then folds Space-Time insideout.
  7. Mr Mr Mr. Take a leaf out of Salvador Dalí's Book. Leave Time at the decontamination shower. All I'm interested in, is w, x, y, z. Interestingly enough, I watched a Netflix documentary about Oragami, there was a quote on there that I liked. 'Each fold is a new memory'
  8. Mr Mr Mr. I appreciate that you are referring to Time. However; I Am only concerned with the Spatial Dimension. The second quote is me agreeing with you. Salvador Dalí is keeping this Thread highbrow.
  9. I have found the word, Folding. The Tesseract is a folded inside out 3D Omnidirectional Cross shape. Crucifixion (Corpus Hypercubus) https://thesciencespace.quora.com/The-shadow-of-3D-object-is-2D-then-is-the-shadow-of-4D-object-is-3D-Why-or-why-not Ok
  10. The Tesseract Net only becomes a Tesseract once it is turned inside out. Edit: I found this then thought I'd share it https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hypercubane
  11. 4th dimension (Inside out Dimension) '4D objects cast 3D shadows when observed' Well naturally if observed, an inside out object casts a 3D shadow. 'Quantum tunneling, Electron gains more energy, couples with an Electrons in a higher energy orbit, then emitts a Photon as it goes back down to its original orbit.' Now; If you think of this Electron as expressing its Volume outwardly, the more energy it has, the more Volume it has, which means it's technically INSIDE the Electon in the higher orbit. The Photon emitted is equivalent to it coming OUT from the Electron in the higher orbit. Eureka! I was thinking on it then out of nowhere I came up with something that can be tested. Right now as I type this I do not know the answer, I have yet to even look into it. Do Quantumly entangled particles emit virtual Photons after they become unentangled? I predict that they do. I predict this as I now believe that they are VIRTUALLY INSIDE eachother. Then they VIRTUALLY come OUT from eachother.
  12. The Tesseract for example expresses its Volume outside The Klien bottle is a true 4D object which can only exist in 4D. It is both inside and out. 'Because the inside part and outside parts of the tube are connected together, the Klein bottle really has only one side. ' Where as a 3D Cube put into 4D turns itself inside out. A true 4D shape is already inside out. They say it will take a lot of imagination to solve 4D, I may have done just that.
  13. ______________________________________________________________4D Edit: (as) the inside out of 3D Where are the fields in Physics? On the outside. Gravitational field. Electromagnetic field. There are no Knots in 4D, why? Isn't an inside out Knot the same as an untied Knot?
  14. You do a 'Too long didn't read' then. I just read the Thread OP 1st post just now and I can't make head to tail of it.
  15. Do a 'Too long didn't read' answer to what causes Autism please.
  16. I want to see where the verticle line of the golden ratio divides the IQ graph.
  17. What does it look like / how long does it take when the constructive Inteference pattern on the board behind the slits become two horrizontal bands? Is there a Video of this moment?
  18. I haven't read any of this but, considering the Universe and the Brain are similar structures AND I believe in Ghosts, it doesn't seem too much of a stretch to me that IF God was real, Science would find 'em.
  19. I would like to see a comparison of Truth tables vs Logic gates using Water flow
  20. Probably because a Photon is its own anti-particle
  21. Would any of the Son of God's: Chairs, Tables, Three Legged Bar Stools among other things remain intact today?
  22. The left side of the equation (Non observed variable) will have the same amount of Lux as the other side of the equation (Observed variable) According to my experiment
  23. I have found a new discovery which is the basis of the mathematical model This! Is a Spectrum of visible light Notice how Green is in the middle 'Greens are perceived more readily than any other color because of the combined color perception of rods and cones ' Now look how closely this resembles the Ditorus Cross section in the First Post. 'A mathematical model usually describes a system by a set of variables and a set of equations that establish relationships between the variables. ' My mathematical model is this. You add a Prism to the Double Slit experiment. I propose there would be a relationship between the variable of Observing to non observing. That equation would be the following_________ The colours would have the same amount of intensity when all added together. Edit: According to me. Anti Electrons (Positrons) would be Mobius Strip shapes
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