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Posts posted by kenny1999

  1. I have a video where there is about 20 seconds of conversation in English that I don't understand. I really want to know what they say. I can read English without much problem but my listening ability is very bad. English isn't my first language.

    You just listen to it and type out the exact wording for me in text. That's all I need, then I can understand. You don't need to explain it to me or make any subtitles files for me. I am NOT a youtuber or clip worker, I can do something for you as a return. You don't need to download the video. I have a link.

    Please send me a private message here if you can help, and let me know what I can do for you as a return. Thanks a lot.


  2. 11 hours ago, jonasdouglas said:

    To force a link to open in a new tab rather than a new window, you can use the target="_blank" attribute in the HTML anchor tag (<a>). Here's an example:

    Copy code
    <a href="https://example.com" target="_blank">Link Text</a>

    When a user clicks on this link, it will open the specified URL in a new browser tab instead of a new window. Keep in mind that while this attribute generally opens a new tab, the behavior may depend on the user's browser settings.

    No. I am not writing webpages.

    I mean, there is a website I visit frequently, almost every day. But many of their hyperlinks are opened in new pop-up Windows. I hate it, I'd like to let them always opened in new tab, rather than a new pop-up Windows. I think it won't involve any programming, right? I am NOT writing websites.

  3. I watched a video on Youtube suggesting that a mixture of vinegar, tablespoon sugar and dish-washing detergent will trap and kill common flies. I don't normally use vinegar and I don't understand vinegar very well. I can see that there are many different names for vinegar in supermarket. Are they more or less the same? Will one attract flies while another doesn't?

    By the way, I found another method which was to make a mixture of cheap beer and white sugar. I think it's easier to do with only cheap beer and white sugar, but will this method work as effective as the first method? (i.e. vinegar+sugar+detergent)

  4. On 6/4/2024 at 8:40 AM, iNow said:

    It’s difficult to find a properly fitting hat online. I’m sure a wig is even more difficult to find a properly fitting one online.

    You shouldn’t be shopping online for this item is my main recommendation. Your threads btw are absurd 

    Not as absurd as you are

    On 6/4/2024 at 8:52 AM, Sensei said:

    ..price.. ? ;)



    ..quality.. ?


    yes, then how better is the quality of a more expensive one?

  5. What could miss when transferring data from one phone of any model to another?

    I have a phone which was released and bought in 2018 and it is failing.

    I'd like to buy a new Android phone and transfer all possible data to the new phone.

    But, what kinds of data and information that will possibly miss when doing so?

    What is the best way to copy/transfer/clone everything from one Android phone to another while preserving as much data as possible, no matter if the data is considered meaningless or useless, e.g. phone call records, length of calls, sms message, etc

    by the way, could there be any loss of information when transferring from one phone to another? Let's take an example, could gps location or camera information or camera information of an image or video lose after being transferred to a new phone? It's just an example, not exclusive to image or video.

    Welcome all kinds of thoughts and comments. My aim is to preserve as much data and information as possible and know what it could miss.

  6. Hi all above, thanks for all the advice, I am going to read and study them in a few days.

    Meanwhile, I have copied a comparison of my current old Android phone bought a few years ago and the phone I am now interested in. Will these "better" worth an upgrade? Because my old Android phone can still be used correctly, only the battery is a bit failing.

    1.67x more battery power?
    5000 mAhvs3000 mAh

    4GB more RAM memory?

    4x more megapixels (main camera)?
    50 MP & 2 MPvs13 MP

    32.14% faster CPU speed?
    2 x 2 GHz & 6 x 1.8 GHzvs8 x 1.4 GHz

    22.55% bigger screen size?

    1.6x more megapixels (front camera)?

    192GB more internal storage?

  7. 18 hours ago, iNow said:

    No, but it’s hard enough buying a well fitting cap online. It’s always better to try a few on in the shop before deciding. A wig is sure to be 100x harder than a cap, too, and 1,000x more embarrassing if it doesn’t fit correctly. I’d say find another route or in-person shopping 

    Hi, what did you mean by "A wig is sure to be 100x harder than a cap" ? harder? What does it mean? Harder to choose the best fit? I am not embarrassed to go to an offline shop but I don't even find one nearby.

  8. I am using Firefox to browse websites. There is a website that I visit every day but most of their hyperlinks are opened in a new pop-up windows which is very inconvenient. I once used another computer and happened to find out that their hyperlinks were opened in the new tab, rather than a new pop-up windows. I like this.

    I am certain that It wasn't because of the update of the website, it was only because of the setting of the user side.

    How can I make it?



  9. 21 hours ago, Sensei said:

    There is a flash drive with a built-in keypad where you have to enter a PIN code to access it.


    so, unauthorized person will have difficulty at accessing it..


    If you format a flash drive to ext4 instead of NTFS/FAT32/exFAT, it will not be accessible from a standard Windows OS, only from Linux.


    There are data encryption programs, which you might use..

    7zip and zip have built-in encryption algorithms.


    Sorry but please forget about encrypting the hard drives or flash drives.

    I only wish to know how I will be able to find out the "actual" last accessed time of the drives but not the current time when it is connected by me.


  10. What is usually the difference between cheap wig and expensive wig for male? I have male pattern hair loss in an advanced stage and I have been wearing hat for years and now I am tired of it and wants to try a hair wig. I can see that the prices could range from $20 to somehow $200 or even higher. No offline shop nearby and I can only buy online, so I cannot touch and see the quality. Any experience on this issue?

  11. 20 hours ago, Sensei said:

    It depends on how it was connected to the computer, file system on drive, and which operating system you are using..

    If the device was connected with your consent via a USB adapter and it is Windows the information about connected USB devices can be in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE / SYSTEM / CurrentControlSet / Enum / USBSTOR.


    ps. Generally unreliable. Easy to fake if somebody has some malicious purpose.

    Some file systems store information about when a file was created, modified and last accessed.

    Hello. Generally unreliable? What did you mean?

    I am not living alone and someone in my home may use my drives without my permission and he will lie. But I can assume that he isn't a tech geek and will not be able to do anything advanced.

    But, when I connect (and thus power) the drive again, will the last accessed time be updated to the current time so I won't be able to find out the time I am actually  interested?

  12. 22 hours ago, swansont said:

    The number would still be traceable to a business, which might indicate to the recipient who called.

    This is not an issue at all. I am calling someone that I know him, and he knows me, but he doesn't have any of my personal information or contacts and I wouldn't like to give him. We got to know each other offline.

  13. 13 hours ago, MigL said:

    I really hate getting anonymous phone calls; my thinking is, that if you can contact me, I should be able to contact you back.

    We get calls from sales people, scammers,  etc. and when you try to call that number back, are told it's not in service.
    We get calls from numbers, and when you call back, the person who answers says they never made that call.
    These bother me to no end, because I always answer my phone when it rings, thinking it could be an emergency ( texts not so much ).

    I assume it's some hacking of VOIP that allows for this; maybe @Sensei can shed some light on this.

    So maybe you shoulden't contact them by phone if you wish to remain anonymous.
    There's always old fashioned mail.

    Where I live allows anonymous call legally, but it is well-known that there is a way for the receiver to crack this function without too much cost, but the problem remains and is not fixed for many years.

    10 hours ago, Sensei said:

    GSM is an outdated and flawed protocol. You can pretend to be another number, any number..


    Check this procedure:


    The apps you need for this are in the Apple Store and Google Play Store (and seem to have pretty good rankings).

    Try it out and tell us how/whether it works.


    I didn't use the phone for calling for about ten years. And it was just pizzas from third-party devices.

    Is it better to do it with your apps suggested or with Skype? Which is more anonymous (i.e. harder to trace) in case the receiver is a tech geek and wants to find out my number.

  14. To put my long story short, I'd like to call someone I don't trust. I do not really want to call him but I have to. I have his cellphone number. I think the best way is to do it through public telephone stand but such thing is getting rare.

    Which way is more anonymous?

    1. By putting a few more number before his number, which is a way to hide the caller's number.

    2. By making a call through Skype.

    3. Any other method?


    If I make a call through Skype, will my nickname, email address or even any of my phone number provided to Skype/Microsoft be shown to his side?

  15. I am interested in a budget phone sold for about $100, but my friend strongly advised me not to get it.

    I do not play any mobile game at all.

    I do not watch any youtube video at all. I do not even listen to music with my phone.

    Mostly I will send some text message on whatsapp, taking a few pictures or videos, but browsing the web for information (e.g. using chrome or other preinstalled browsers) are what I will do so often. Sometimes I will also use Google map in order to look for nearby places.

    Is a cheap budget phone good enough for my purpose? Will it make a huge difference if I get a more expensive phone? (When I don't play games and I only browse websites)



  16. On 5/15/2024 at 11:40 PM, StringJunky said:

    I remember watching a BBC2 university programme years ago that said wearing sunglasses without side shields was worse than not wearing them at all. It stated that the dark lenses cause the pupil to expand,  thus increasing the angle of incidence for reflected light off the inside of the lenses to reach the retina. In bright, snowy environs the risk is significantly higher for uv exposure to the eyes.

    I don't know but I personally believe that our body is naturally born to tackle harsh environment and different challenges so it's not really necessary to put on sunglasses but I always wear a hat or cap, I think they may give some benefits.

  17. Hi. Is there any such apps that I can send a file to someone but he can only read the file with the password that I provide to him? It's like zip files encrypted with passwords on PC. I know that I can do it by sharing on Google drive but is there more convenient way? The data of my file is mostly text, no picture.

  18. 1 hour ago, Phi for All said:

    Not sure you're doing anything more than thoroughly saturating the fibers before you wash the garment, if it's only water and for that long. If the clothes are heavily dirty, I'd pre-soak using some kind of detergent, but only for about half an hour. That's plenty of time for the surfactants to break up any oils or ground-in grime, and then hold on to both water and  dirt so it's washed away. Modern detergents are designed to work with fibers and their colors.

    Why are you listening to anyone who just tells you it's "not good to do that" without explaining why?

    It's because they did not explain why so I am asking why here....

  19. For a long time, I'd like to get a smartphone with a large screen but I haven't yet got one because there are some trade-offs, e.g. weight and convenience. If I don't watch videos or play mobile games, I just use my phone to read ebook and information on the web (mainly text and pictures), will it feel a lot better by using a bigger screen? What's your opinion?

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