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Posts posted by Bufofrog

  1. 5 hours ago, Jalopy said:





    in outer space, there is no gravity, therefore;


    = c=√e/0


    So in outer space, where there is no gravity, the speed of light is infinity. Isn't that the definition of dark matter?

    That would also prove that dark matter and antimatter are the same thing. 

    Matter, is what makes up planets and stars etc.

    Dark matter is what lies all around us in outer space. The realms of the universe where the speed of light rises like a phoenix....to infinity.

    I certainly hope you are simply 'pulling our leg' with this.

  2. On 2/23/2022 at 1:27 AM, MICHAELLEF said:

    I think there is another solution. You will feel a rather unpleasant mental resistance when you think about this problem, it is the strength of the will of the Aliens that you will feel

    I recommend you tell your primary care physician about this.

    Good luck!

  3. 15 hours ago, cultsmash said:

    Mainly because what I consider to be the fundamental human right of freedom of speech isn't allowed.

    I don't think it is a fundamental human right.  Freedom of thought certainly is but in much (most?) of the world the freedom of speech is not a right.  In much of the world the wrong words can get you imprisoned or killed.

  4. 18 minutes ago, Externet said:

    When in need to feed a starving -say dog- to keep alive;  is a less valuable and proper choice to feed such dog with a mole or with a chicken ?   We humans can prefer to 'discard' the life of a mole to feed the dog instead of a more 'appreciated' chicken.  If that dog did bite your child, is the value the same ?  Your cat is more valuable to you than a feral cat in Namibia is to that native human there.  Humans can give a value of preference that am trying to take out of consideration

    In your OP you said, "Is there intrinsic value (not given by humans) to different species", but these comments are all about human values, so I am not sure what you are trying to say.

  5. 6 minutes ago, exchemist said:

    No it's never justified. It degrades law enforcement and is likely to result in bad information anyway.

    I agree, the answer is very simple, it is never justified. 

    Yes, yes I know, but it is never justified, even if...

  6. 9 hours ago, iNow said:

    And if not that above, then it’s even worse… the misguided belief that we should’ve evolved our pinky fingers away completely since we barely use them, thus leaving our hands with only 4 digits each.

    Sorry if this is off topic, but try grasping something without using your pinky and then grasp the same thing without using your pointer finger, you should find that your grasp is stronger with you using your pinky.

  7. 1 hour ago, Evomumbojumbo said:

    I appreciate this is a science forum but I must take issue with Christian brothers believing in evolution.

    In another thread you said that you accept that whales evolved to have no legs and that snakes evolved to be legless, so why do you take issue with others who also believe evolution?  Don't you see a problem here??

  8. 1 hour ago, Evomumbojumbo said:

    That is why so many proofs of evolution are actually examples of devolution, whales legs, snake legs, our little fingers etc.

    So you do believe that evolution occurs but you call it something else.  Well that's a rather strange way to deny evolution, just call it something else.   Rather odd rationalization to say the least...

    By the way, I get the whales evolving to be aquatic and snakes evolving to be legless, but what is the little finger thing?   

  9. 22 minutes ago, exchemist said:

    Insofar as they control the behaviours in ADHD patients that lead them to suffer elevated risks of infection, yes. Otherwise, no. Or at least not according to my reading of these links.

    Specifically, there seems to be nothing here to suggest that a non-ADHD person would benefit from taking these medications.

    I agree.  A quote from the first article:

    The scientists posit that ADHD symptoms and traits, including failure to give close attention to detail, impulsivity, forgetfulness, risk-taking behaviors, and more might explain the elevated probability of exposure to Sars-Cov-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, in this group.

  10. You should have named this thread "Things I didn't know about God".

    6 hours ago, Intoscience said:

    I guess if you believe, in the afterlife, heaven etc.. then death is not the end but the beginning. Which can be why many extremists see death and sacrifice as no big deal.

    These stories are in the part of the bible that was before the invention of Heaven so death was a bigger deal in those days.

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