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  1. ive seen how large groups of bored,restless women can get after while. you need men as a distraction so you dont rip each others faces off. besides,if we all died out,who would you blame all the worlds problems on? you would have to finally admit you are as flawed as we are. as a side note,men do alot more than just donate sperm. WE build nations because we are strong enough to do what women cant or wont. without us,your feminist society would fall apart in a years time. also, if there were less men,we would have to sleep with more women to keep the race alive,and we know how much you jealous women hate sharing your toys dont we? get over yourselves...
  2. question: were you molested? you seem pretty strong in your beliefs. if you were not,then where does this conviction come from? accepting others ideas without first hand experience is kinda like peer pressure isnt it? if you were molested,then im sorry for you. if not,stop acting like you are an authority. "Since when is a pedophile worried that the Aoc laws are unfair for teenagers. Teens have been having sex since the dawn of time. We can do it safely and secretly too. Parents aren't smart enough to catch us, so please save your "Aoc laws are unfair to teens" speeches. We don't need you. The only reason you want them changed is to benefit you....the middle aged adult." how arrogant! pedos think the AOC laws as they currently stand are unfair to all. we need laws to protect kids,yes,but the current laws are bunk. its the AOC laws and peoples fear and ignorance about sex that force you to sneak around and keep secrets from your parents!(POINT!) pedos want the laws changed to benefit kids first(look up youth liberation movements). this includes other laws like working,owning property,and voting as well as sex. some kids are not ready for these things,but others are. again,when i say kid,im not refering to a 4yr old. furthermore,our nation has gotten so hysterical that they are putting kids in jail now for having sex,even when the kids are teens and close to the same age. after all,if you are a horny 14 year old and you have sex with a 13 year old girl,it must mean someone molested you,right? hormones and an oversexualized society dont have anything to do with it. you are a victim,and you are raping the 13 yr old girl and making her into a victim. now you both need lots of expensive therapy so you can be a nice little "survivor" and come to realize how wrong your actions were... its obvious you have been well trained. i equate hostility with fear. change is scary. change is also inevitable... pariah---who is kicking himself for being baited back again. lol
  3. "Ya know I tried looking for a similar forum where the kids actually enjoyed their encounters, strangely enough I couldnt find one." im telling you that i enjoyed it. thats one. you can try the NAMBLA page. thats two. for girls that had sex with uncles and dads you can try logicalreality.com. thats three. how many do you need? you must not have looked very hard...or you didnt look with honest eyes... its ok. i know you will believe as you have been trained to believe. but,even if only 10% of kids enjoyed it,isnt that enough to re-evaluate the laws? what if it is more like 30%? 50%? most kids and adults dont want to talk about it anyway because either it is still going on and they dont want their "abuser" to get in trouble or because they dont want anyone to call them sick. maybe if we lived in a less restrictive environment,you could find more positive stories,but right now they are being buried for the sake of safety and dignity... oh well,see the world as you must. im done with this pointless arguement. thanks for listening... pariah---who has never abused a kid
  4. "a biological/instinct-related reason" wtf??? by the way...short term trauma may not be as bad as they want it to sound. in fact,it almost sounds like a contradiction in terms. trauma is almost always long term when it is real. i suppose you could call the fear and pain from having the hymen broken short term trauma,but is that really trauma? i was nervous as hell the first time i had sex with an older girl,but i got over it pretty quick. does that count as short term trauma? i think people invent alot of stuff on the fly. what exactly do they mean by short term trauma? real trauma causes alot of pain(such as rape) and takes years to get over. short term trauma sounds kinda flakey to me,but whatever...
  5. i have read that before,i was just too lazy to post it since rational arguements rarely pan out on this subject anyway due to misinformation and hysteria. girls are more likely to feel abused because of the attitudes that differ regarding female sexuality and male sexuality. boys are expected to sew their oats,so any sexual encounter can be considered a victory. girls are looked apon as weak,easily manipulated,and pure. basically girls are victims,otherwise they become "dirty whores." i find this common attitude repulsive,regardless of the females age. i guess i would rather be called a survivor than a whore. also you will note in the report that the girls who felt the most abuse were raped and ALSO immediately received survivor services. most victims who receive therapy and other "services" become a survivor for life. this is why the report says that over-reaction to CSA causes abuse. this is what i meant when i said that it wouldnt be such a big deal(in consentual cases) if they would stop making it a big deal. if consentual sex was normalized with minors,there would be much less abuse from both sides.
  6. pariah


    gene splicing could be very dangerous and could create a whole host of new diseases and mutations. it would be better to locate the genes that cause our cells to divide and replace damaged tissue and tweek them to act faster and last longer. this would also slow the aging process. such theories are already on the board,and private R&D is already being done with government grants. one report estimated that by 2035 we could begin using the measures that would allow humans to look and feel like they were in their 20's for a thousand years or more. conservatives scream about moral issues and overpopulation,but the research moves forward. this research could also find ways to reverse things like alzheimers and parkinsons disease...
  7. i read an article in popular science that discussed it and said it was theoretically possible,but we wont have the technology for hundreds of years. in the real-life scenario,it doesnt work exactly like STNG. basically it would scan you(get your exact DNA pattern and record the section of your brain where memory signatures are stored) and keep a digital file of your personal physical pattern. this would be done long before actual teleportation as it is a long process,so it wouldnt be done instantly like on STNG. you would have to set up and appointment with a (doctor?) to get your pattern done. now,when you get ready to teleport,it literally vaporizes your body. poof. the particles are stored for use later when you return. when you get to the other side,it literally reconstructs your body from the DNA pattern. however,unlike the porting in STNG,it doesnt physically transport your atoms. what it does is it re-creates you out of the available materials on the other side.(this could be your own particles mixed with someone elses as well as using neutral particles of matter and energy) so,when you get to the other side,you are literally a whole new you(essentially a cloned version of you)but you still have your own memories,personality traits,and DNA pattern. sound creepy? the reason they could do this is because when you break matter down to a subatomic level,everyone and everything is made from the same basic building blocks. the atoms are just arranged in different patterns. you have the same stuff in you that is in the sun or a sea clam,it is just arranged differently. once you have someones pattern,you can reconstruct them out of any available matter. they could litterally be remaking you out of garbage atoms,or deer atoms,etc. the only question becomes...does my soul go back into my body or is it also capable of being rebuilt from matter and energy? i know it sounds pretty far out,and maybe i didnt explain it very good,but i am not a biologist or a physicist either. its supposed to be within the realm of possibility in the future...
  8. i really shouldnt,especially since i got a 10 point warning for flaming(wtf?) but i cant resist one last post. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- a 9 year old saying boys have cooties? sure,if she grows up in a household where mom and dad plan her every social activity and keep the leash tight. my nieces who are 10 and 11 talks non stop about boys,and they dont spare the inuendo. i cant believe how frank they can be. i guess that comes from going to a public school and not a good christian school eh? cooties is a game played by 5 year olds who really secretly like to be kissed... pedos dont contribute to society?! mmmmkay. lets forget the tax money for a second. what about peterpan and alice in wonderland? what about all the paintings and sculptures? what about all the suggestive lyrics in music? just to name a few... sex is a physical need. true,you wont die if you dont do it,but it is every bit as strong as hunger. i dont know too many people who can go their whole lives without sex of some kind. and once again,being a pedo isnt all about sex. sex is just one aspect... repair the pedos...as if they are damaged? how about first repairing the destructive nature of humans which leads people to hate and be biggots? there is nothing to repair in pedos. they are not broken. why dont you work on repairing your divorced relationship that led to your dysfunctional kids? why dont you repair your compromised morals when you cheat on your spouse? work on yourself first,then you can tinker on others. im guessing you already have your hands full at home. by the way,im on vacation. dont you people have jobs? yak yak yak... you guys can continue to have your romantic views on childhood if you wish,i wont come by to scare you any more with deep thoughts. im just glad i didnt have any of you as parents. then i would REALLY be screwed up! love and light. may the goddess bring you compassion and wizdom...soon
  9. i knew it was only a matter of time before the name calling started. last resort of a feeble mind. but thanks for informing me that i am just a deranged pedophile who wants to screw 7-12 year olds. im glad you know me so well. "but of course your not going to believe me because the only thing you are capable of seeing is the mean, evil, money grubbing government oppressing you and your desire to screw children because you somehow think they are in it soley for profit. the purpose of the government is to support the people. if we had a dictatorship i might worry about them being as corrupt as you think, but we dont. the US govt. is HUGE. each department is covered with checks and balances to the point where one section being corrupt would require most of the rest of it to also be screwed up like that. you cant get an entire goverment, elected by the people, ALL corrupt." they sure have you fooled dont they? good to see that the spin is still working on the masses. well baldur,im not making any progress here it seems,so i think i will leave it in your hands. i dont care for emotional and irrational arguements based on assumptions and misinformation. im going back to less hostile territory. nothing but luv for you all. now if you will excuse me,i have a todler to find. seems he figured out how to get out of his cage again. damn that latch anyway! toodles...
  10. "Dear person who calls himself a pariah, Could you please answer my question in post #644 about feminazis. Are these some sort of European feminists?" hehehehe,no,but funny! not all feminists are bad. some are. the ones that have a grudge against men and claim they want equal rights while simotaneously taking away mens rights and refusing to listen to their more domestic sisters are the bad ones. those are the feminazis. i dont have a problem with you getting equal pay and equal rights. i do have a problem with you being able to take my kids after a divorce,force me to pay alimony and child support whether you deserve to have the kids or not just because you are their mother and have a uterus. most states in the US favor the mother automatically,and it is up to him to prove she is unfit. yeah,i have a problem with that. then,if you do get the kids,you get regular visits from a (usually female) social worker to make sure the kids are well and you,the stupid male are not abusing them or neglecting them. if feminazis true intentions were known,you would know that they think women should rule the world and men should be at their feet. thats just as bad as men treating women badly,yet they claim they want equality. fine,when a woman and a man get divorced,flip a coin. if the man wins,then he gets to sit on welfare with the kids while you work 3 jobs to pay the childsupport. sounds fair to me...
  11. it doesnt take a stupid and deranged person to realize that we already had laws on the books to prevent assault and rape(anyones rape) before they came up with that stupid statutory bullshit. those laws didnt stop kids from getting raped and neither will future laws. it just makes it much harder for the good childlovers to be near kids. laws dont stop criminals. thats why they are criminals. laws make life harder for everyone else. trying to protect kids from rape,abduction,and murder is a noble effort,but trying to prevent their inevitable sexuality is pointless and often counter productive. as far as prisons go...yes,they do cost taxpayers money. we have to pay for everything,which is why i would think you would want less government. BUT....there are all kinds of grants and government programs that pay STAFF and PERSONNELL big bucks for building prisons and capturing prisoners. this is also why they will never cure the drug problem. people get paid to capture criminals and safely store the drugs. they get paid to patrol the borders and streets. they get paid to provide therapy for recovering addicts. they get paid to represent a defendent. they get paid to help them re-enter society. they get paid to heal future problems caused by the drug use. they get paid to educate the kids about how bad drugs are. just to name a few. we have the means to stop incoming drugs for good,but if we did that,how many public and private jobs would be lost? we as a nation are dependent on drug income in some form or another,and the same is becoming true of the sex abuse industry. even though taxpayers suffer,SOMEONE is making money on this. do the math,then try doing some research. follow the money trail. every new government program that goes into affect costs you and me money,but it is making the puppet masters richer. the sex abuse industry is big business,and that is why they try to find victims everywhere. it still doesnt change the fact that some kids can consent and know what they are doing...
  12. "its because thats the kind of interaction that produces children, which is the only purpose nature has. sex between two members of the same sex, or between an adult and a child, does not produce children. thus, it has no natural purpose." wrong. it also has the purpose of causing bonding,grouping,and protection. a 30 year old man may not be able to get a 10 year old pregnant,but if he loves her and is attracted to her,he will nurture her and protect her. that is the other purpose of love and lust. furthermore,why would you want a 10 year old to get pregnant just to prove a purpose? i assume you would then also force the kid into marriage to be proper? maybe the PURPOSE of the pedophile gene is so they will be attracted to young females and love them and protect them WITHOUT making more babies,ever think of that? maybe the gay and pedophiles genes along with disease and aging are natures way of keeping the balance and preventing overpopulation by a race that insists on destroying the balance of the ecosystem. you could theorize all day,but it wont stop people from doing what they want to do. maybe when we have more prisons than Quik Trips and 40 million are on the sex offender registry people will wake up. its not about protecting kids from sex,its supposed to be about protecting them from rape and murder. you seem to forget that. if the kid aggrees to it and is not brutally raped or murdered,then noone should have a problem with it. but as i said before,this is not really a child protection issue as much as it is a political one. follow the money trail. protecting kids has become big business...
  13. things are changing. look at the signs. people are discussing it more,which is the first step to understanding. the issue keeps coming up in movies and tv. psychologists are beginning to recognize the difference between dangerous pedos and non-violent pedos. its happening as we speak. its only a matter of time. it might not happen in my lifetime,but it will happen. the opposition tried to stop women liberation and failed. they tried to stop liberation of blacks and it failed. they tried to stop the gay movement and it failed. they are trying to stop youth liberation....and it will fail. this isnt just about a bunch of crusty old men drooling over timid angels(thats the image you love to picture in your minds)its about giving kids choice. all these people who claim to work to protect kids,yet they never listen to the kids or give them choice. it will be the pedophiles and their allies that help kids realize they are controlled and repressed by the very people who claim to protect them. yes,a young girl has the right to say no. she should also have the right to say yes without worrying about her friend/lover that she chooses going to jail. yes,children will make mistakes. thats a condition of being human. are you telling me that the atomic bomb wasnt a mistake? what about the stock market crash that kicked off the great depression? what about the spanish inquisition? kids cant do any worse than what adults have already done. i think they will do better,because they are motivated by love,pleasure,and forgiveness instead of greed,power,and hate. kick and scream all you want. its just a matter of time. hide your head in the sand like everyone else and say it will never happen. i dont care. i know better.... im out.
  14. "This is an interesting little aside, but somehow I don't think you have quite connected the dots of your argument. How has feminism, in particular, opposed pedophiles? I mean, what would be the motives of feminists in this instance?" 1. feminazis worry that men will groom younger females generation after generation until we have them back in the kitchen barefoot and pregnant. 2. older women hate competition....especially,young,cute,sexy competition. they dont handle getting old very gracefully...
  15. "who said human sexuality was the problem? the problem is a small fraction of society who have something flipped around in their DNA so that they are attracted to children instead of mature, responsible adults that are actually capable of fully understanding what they are doing and the consequences of their actions. i think its similar to homosexuality, in that neither of them serve a natural purpose. however, homosexuality doesnt involve one person who is far too young to be ready and one person who completely understands what they are doing and does it anyway despite the fact that it could cause serious psychological harm to the person they "love", as so many of the pedophiles here seem to be saying." well, at least you got the dna part right instead of saying it is a learned behavior. kudos to you! its not contagious. some adults who were never abused still became pedos. as for the natural purpose part....PLEASE!!!! you know damn well that humans are social creatures and most of the time when people get together to have sex they are not doing it to make babies. they are doing it because it FEELS GOOD. next?
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