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Posts posted by GrandMasterK

  1. Well no doubt my speakers can handle it, and my reciever does all the processing, the signal just goes right through the soundcard. But still, 25Khz......something seems fishy, I could hear it just fine. Judging by how the tone was hitting those different sounding octaves it seemed like I could of went a couple higher. That can't be possible, so I'm skepticial about what the frequency really is of those.


    And I listen to music very loud, for long periods of time, for years now. My hearing has to be below average for my age, which is 19.


    These are the fronts I used to listen on: http://www.av123.com/products_product.php?section=speakers&product=79.1

  2. I can hear them all. That can't be 25,000hz...how could I hear it? Nothing hurts, I wouldnt call it the most enjoyable sound though.


    Thanks guts, so that's why I could always tell if the TV was on without being in the same room, but nobody else could (everybody who tried is much older).

  3. Do we know why gravity emits x amount of force from a y amount of mass? I know we can figure out how much gravity from mass, but do we know why x amount of weight delivers y amount of gravity from a z distance?


    Is there any situation where that can be different? how bout gas, can enough gas accumulate into an area to create gravity? Some people say we are all connected and some say nothing is connected and there are empty spaces between particles. So I'm assuming if we took trillions and trillions of humans and just put them close to each other that we'd combine our force and create a stronger gravity pull or...how does that work?

  4. I'd be scared to death if a lab had created a blackhole on earth, no matter how tiny it is, I'd still have trouble sleeping at night thinking that something could go wrong and just start suckin everything up. Keep that thing a good couple lightyears away from my white pigmented buttocks.

  5. As a simple example. If I have a 4 balls, red, yellow, blue and green, and there are 4 places in which I could place these balls, lets say left, left middle, right middle and right. How do I figure out how many combinations of arrangements there could be? I thought it was multiplying the number of spots by how many different kinds of balls could be in one spot. However that gives me 16, and when I start doing it in my head I realize it's way more then that. If that's two hard to understand then, I want to see how many of these there are:


    red, yellow, blue, green


    yellow, blue, green, red


    blue, green, red, yellow


    etc etc


    After that, how bout a bigger kicker, what if you could have the same color in more then one spot, but limited to those 4 colors?

  6. Do we know why light goes it's speed? Like what dictates that it hits 186,000 miles per second in a vacuum? Light particles are truely absolutely weightless? How can anything even a particle that small, be completely weightless?


    Have we been able to make light heavier?

  7. Woo, been awhile.


    Are there any theories or names for the study of absolutes/constants?


    For instance im curious on whether or not you could say that for all that is and isnt, beyond the universe, that there has to be a tip, a single point at the top of the pyramid of everything, the one constant, that is absolute. Something beyond energy though, something that encompasses things beyond the physical, where everything and nothing can find it's place under this single thing. The theory goes that the energy in the universe has existed forever? Never adding or subtracting, just changing, using itself, never dying out? Like opposites, 0 and 1, A and B, yes and no, positive and negative, particles and anti-particles. Are there any studies that suggest for those to exist there has to be, a tip of the pyramid, a single point, a constant. Something that energy falls under. For some reason it just feels wrong to me that energy be the one to be timeless because it just feels like the only thing that should be the constant is the thing that can do everything and nothing. Maybe im wrong because im not an expert but it seems to me like energy can't do everything.


    I'm not suggesting anything because I dont have enough knowledge to make an accurate theory, I just would like to read something or anything that talks about that kind of stuff. The one thing, that has no bounds, it's infinite in every way possible. I just dont seem to be able to accept the fact that something or someone will never be able to work around the way the universe works. They say lightspeed will never be broken and yet in my bones I feel with absolute certainty without a doubt, that it can and will be done. It's not wishful thinking, as I wont be around to enjoy it anyway, but for some reason no matter what anybody says no matter what hawkings or einstein or anybody says, the certainty remains. I'm not sure why that is.


    I also feel like if we can take care of ourselves and develop and evolve, that one day, most likely billions of years from now, but one day, we no longer work on the universe's shift, it works on our shift. And that by denying it and refusing to let our minds open up and wrap around new ways of thinking, we delay those possibilities.


    I dont know why, like an emotion, that I feel that the only thing that is impossible is something being impossible, it's just hardwired into my system. Smart people dont seem to be able to shake that out of me. Wisom? Insanity? Ignorance? Evolution saying "hey we need to keep these guys guessing or their gonna off themselves"? Knock in the head when I was 9?



    I dont need a god. That I have been given the ability to think and postulate the place I have been temporarly thrown into without being able to figure out a damn thing, with 2 sides of a coin and nothing but contradictions for contradictions. Heck, that's good enough for me. I stand as good a chance in heaven as a porn mag anyway.

  8. -I'm pretty sure it doesnt work when the power goes out, so electricity.


    -We have two things. One is in the attic and one in the basement. If you turn heat/ac on on the first level, it will come out of the vents in the basement and the first floor. The one upstairs just comes out of the vents in the rooms upstairs. I dont think it comes on in the attic but I do know we have a fan in there that is supposed to turn on regularly to keep it cool in there.


    -I live by Chicago, so inbetween. Fairly hot summers with humidity and pretty cold winters.


    -I don't know how well insulted the house is. It's an upper middle class home so I'd imagine rather well?



    -Every vent upstairs except my room is open. It's the pathetic attempt to get more air to come out in here.



    -We have a humidifier downstairs that you have to fill with water. I'm...not even sure what the heck it's supposed to do. My parents got lazy and stopped using it awhile back, would that make it easier to get it cold in a room? I'm kinda frightened to run that thing in a small room, it makes the air seem sorta wet. Breathing in from your nose is a little more intense.


    All I know is, if it passes 90 degrees outside, I can't get it cool in here for the life me no matter how long I run the damn thing. But temperatures like today, 75, there's no problem. Except he's always around to turn it off immediately.

  9. I am getting so unbelievably sick and tired of sweating in the spring/summer because my dad won't let me turn the AC on because it "cost to much". In the winter, he runs the heat constantly. Even now in the spring with 65-80 degree weather, he runs the heat every morning for 3 hours. In here (the computer room) it's always like 15 degrees hotter then it is outside and atleast 5 degrees warmer then the rest of the house.

  10. Well what if the building got blown up in your time. Then you go back in time and prevent it from blowing up. If the building ends up not blowing up in your time, you have no reason to go back and then there's nobody to stop the building from blowing up. So is the building in your time gonna blow up or not!

  11. what is meant by the "fabric" of space?


    Space can't just be a bunch of singularities can it? On some level there has to be space between? I find the big bang not only making energy but making space and time to be a very interesting and hard to understand thing. Do they have theories on what made it do that or does it all just kinda stop with the "this is what happened" and not pose what could of caused it and why.


    Our minds think on 4 dimensions. Knowing that, would it be better to say that those 4 dimensions are just the things WE as humans percieve and that there could be more, or that our minds have been designed for the universe, in which case the unvierse has 4 dimensions, so we evolved to percieve all those dimensions.


    And it's completely unrandom random events that led us to come this far, not shorter or farther. We've evolved into rather smart creatures, pretty far away from all the other animals (dolphin crap aside). We've evolved into such a complexity that we've come close to wiping ourselves out. Now it seems we are smart enough to get to a different place in the solar system but perhaps may never be able to leave and are forced to enivitably die here?


    We unlike other animals we know, have the ability to save ourselves and them. At the sametime we have the ability to destroy ourselves and them. At the sametime we've got a couple others chunks of rock we could move to, like Mars when the sun starts getting hotter but might not ever be able to reach a life supporting planet in another solar system. Even if we do, we just live off the resources the universe has to offer until it one day collapses on us unless we can somehow think in a way where we truely play god. Wow that sucks for us. Anyway I don't know where I was going with that.


    black holes. A collapse in time/space right? They do however occupy space, very effeciently I might add, correct? And they are spherical shaped, equally drawing in gravity on all sides, becomnig sort of a planet that you can't see, correct? A star, being the sons a bitches they are, have the ability to do this, correct? And for whatever reason that may or may not be known (you tell me), pretty much every galaxy has a black hole in the middle of it. At z same time, there's not enough time left in the universe for black holes to suck everything up and really screw everything sideways.


    I just don't really understand the things. What precisely happens. I've seen those digital renderings where space is represented as a flat grid and a blackhole is just those tunnel shaped hole in the grid. Do black holes really tear space a new one or are they just concentrations of ridiculous gravity that for some reason can store alot of energy in a small spot. Are they really holes or is it just a neat name? If you attach an unbreakable string to a planet the size of 99.99999999999% of the universe and chuck the other side into a a black hole taking up that .00000000001%, is the planet still f***ed?


    Or wait a minute....wouldnt a planet that size have a stronger gravity field then a blackhole.....ooooo snap, a black hole getting sucked into a planet, that's comical!

  12. The ole universe created the 3 spacial dimensions that we see and whatever other dimensions that could be there that we don't percieve. or have a hope of comprehending.


    My question is, the theory is without the universe there is no space. Nothing shouldn't be defined as just a black 3 dimensional void right, it should be viewed as nothing. Can't go there, there's nothing there, it's not anywhere, because it's nothing. What exactly...is space. There are no molecules (excluding the spots with molecules) in true space, it's just a vacuum. It's kinda bakin my noodle thinking that universe created space I just....I can't wrap my mind around it. It's not material right, just...how did it get there. If it's not there then what is distance? Is it supposed that on some sort of level something makes up space and it's just not emptyness. Cause to me, anywhere there's a dimension even time, means there isnt nothing, there's something.


    It was never thought that space is infinite and the universe is just a section of matter and energy that from a distance would resemble a galaxy look. I'm trying to stay open to the fact that just because a human being can't comprehend infinity or the shape of the universe, doesn't mean it's not so.


    I just, I could use alittle intelligent insight on this.

  13. I believe I have on several occassions hallucinated for a second when I wake up.


    Twice I've seen the ceiling covered with spiderwebs, flipped out of bed and nothing was there. 3rd time I woke up in the middle of the night and turned over and I saw a giant spider hanging halfway down from the ceiling on a web. That time I yelled at the top of my lungs when I got out of bed, when I stood up and took a look, nothing was there.


    I wish I knew how that stuff works and how my brain makes those connections and why sometimes it happens and other times it doesnt. Either way they weren't there like a daydream, it looked like they were really there.


    Your trying to hallucinate well try and think if maybe something similar has ever happened to you before.


    I believe most ghost sightings are hallucinations. Which would mean the people who experienced them arent really lying at all. Like if you hear a ghost story about a house and you spend alot of time in that house, you might fall subject to your brain pullin a trick on yah. Being affraid even in the back of your mind probably makes it even more likely to happen.


    Just some thoughts.

  14. I didn't sleep for 9 days about 3 years ago. There was this online game I played and they reset the scores and I really wanted to be in first. After 40 hours of playing, I got in first and wanted to stay in first. I only took little breaks but I never slept.


    I've heard it's hard to stay up but what I experienced was very different. It was hard at first but then it got easier. It was interesting how the hardest sleepy hits would always come around the sametime every day. 7 a.m. to 12 p.m. was when the sleepyness hit hard, after I got past that time of the day, I was fine. My eyes were sore but my body wasnt getting any weaker, it was just running on low gas the whole time. What im saying is the 9th day was no harder to stay awake then the 3rd day was. As a matter of fact, making it to day 2 was harder then making it to day 4 5 6 7 8 and 9. I'm sure without all the caffeine and excitement from the game, it would of been a harder task but I kept going.


    The only thing that really happened to me is my center of balance would shift on me every now and then when walking around. I slept for 16 hours when I finally did go to sleep. When I woke up I wasnt even on the top 100 list in the game anymore. I stayed up for another 30-40 hours trying to get back on it before I went to sleep again.


    Nowadays I have trouble making it past the 24 hour mark. Certain things can happen though to charge you up and make it easier. If you sit still watching tv trying to stay awake, your in for alittle trouble. My family doesnt believe me, they think that's impossible. I think you just need the right stimulation, my body never shut down on me or anything like that, I was just running on low the entire time.

  15. Well if that's the way the universe wants to play this game it's messing with the wrong crowd. There's got to be a way to defy the universe and create and destroy energy. The fact that the energy in the universe has existed forever is just as ridiculous as energy being created from nothing and being turned into nothing once more. There's no method for determining how old particles are eh? And what about virtual particles, those are supposed to pop in and out of existence. Oh we'll find a way to cover distance faster than the speed of light, I just need to get some lunch first.

  16. What would be the issue with this? Same old get close to C then stop increasing in speed?


    I'm not entirely sure how magnets get their charge and how much they can handle and how big of a chunk of metal you'd need to get it to pull another peice of metal at it at C.


    However, gravity for example. I don't know the formula but lets say you have a super heavy planet, or just a sphere made the heaviest stuff we got. I'd imagine it would have to be galaxies and galaxies wide just to be massive enough to suck you in like bat out of hell (light speed). So what happens? Your not pushing your being pulled, what happens when you get close to C or on C?

  17. I was cooking a roast on one of those glass pans with the sides only a couple inches tall. Had it in the oven for 45 minutes at 350 degrees. I take it out and let it sit there while I ran back to the TV to see what was happening. All of sudden "KUUURSCH!". I come back, and there is glass and juice all over the kitchen. The roast had glass stuck to it like someone was shooting a glass gun at it. It took me 3 hours to clean up.


    What is the science behind this?

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