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Posts posted by GrandMasterK

  1. Statistically speaking if nothing else, who is more likely to generate the most dangerous men on earth? Or, creative scenario, if I had to choose one person to go on a mission you only see in the movies or video games, where would I be looking? SEALs? Green Berets? Black Ops Agents? Some foreign hardcore special forces unit I haven't heard of? Boxing Federation? Ultimate Fighting Championship? Kung-fu temple in china?

  2. I work out for a couple of months, then stop for a couple of months, then start up again. When I start it up, I usually have to go easy for the first couple of days in order to prevent a horrible muscle spams/cramp/contraction/tight twitching in my biceps while im in the middle of lifting something. After a couple of days the problem goes away and I'm free to max out on anything without getting any.


    Now my serious problem is muscle spasms I'll get in my left calf. It's happened dozens of times in the last 2 or so years. On sunday I was waking up and I stretched my entire body which means I had my toes pointing downward and my calf flexing. Well, that's when my muscle tightened up and horrible horrible pain came rushing through. It's hurt pretty bad before but this was so much I was yelling as loud as I could and I couldn't get it to go away. I was trying to relax my leg as much as possible as I tried to bring my foot back as stretching it in the opposite direction has seemed to calm it quicker in the past. Well in the process I caused two more waves to come at me so the whole ordeal lasted a solid 5 minutes. Usually it comes, hurts like a son of a b for 20-30 seconds, then starts calming down and I can start moving my leg around carefully within 3 minutes.


    This was nonstop unbareable pain for 5 solid minutes. There's something very humiliating and violating about getting hurt that bad from stretching and not knowing what the problem is. Atleast no one was home to hear me yelling cause the door was locked and they'd be sitting there knocking on it like crazy yelling back to me asking me what's wrong and I'd be in too much pain to say anything back. I asked my mom about it and she said "oh that's just a cramp, drink more water and eat bananas" and I was standing there like you got to be kidding me. I tried as much as possible to explain to her what I went through but I can't help but think she thinks I'm talking about something much less severe. I feel very frustrated and for lack of a better description humiliated and violated.


    After that my calf was really sore and up until tuesday I had to walk with a limp and whenever I'd sit down and let my leg get stiff it would take me awhile to be able to start walking with it again. It just now completely healed today and I am absolutely scared to death to stretch my legs in fear of it happening again. My family has been reacting to my worries like im making a big deal out of some minor easy to deal with cramp or tender burning. Apparently I haven't been able to describe it to them good enough for them to take it serious. I feel so small and frustrated I can't even tell you.


    My biggest concern is all I have to do is point my foot down and flex my calf muscle and the spams will come in about 3 seconds and mess my leg up for another half a week.

  3. I was watching that show about einstein on the science channel and there was a sentence on there that said something to the effect of "why does what happen to one atom in one place, happen instantly to another atom a million light years away". Is that or something related to that true?


    And about the reaction thing. Lets say a giant planet, say 10 million miles in diameter, crashes into another giant planet a couple million miles in diameter. Could the reaction to that impact be felt 186,000 miles away faster than a second? Or would it all from a distant eye seem to just be happening in slow motion as everything is so frickin big yet the effects of those causes can't happen any quicker than say if a small planet smashed into another small planet.


    Or lets say the impact displaced the planet. Could the far end of the planet that got nailed start moving away in just a couple of seconds when the thing that's making it moved nailed it in the ass 10 million miles away on the otherside? I say a couple of seconds keeping in mind that light takes alittle less then a minute to cover 10 million miles.

  4. I guess a better question would be when was the universe fit to make life. Obviously not 5 seconds after it's birth, or even a million years after it's birth. I'm not sure how long the universe was in chaos. I read that when the earth was in it's early molten stage it kept being nailed and bashed by all kinds of shit until it ceased and the planet started cooling down.


    Also, are planets the way they are because of their distance and exposure to their star or is it possible for a planet like earth to maintain the same kind of environment and be 10 times further away from our sun than we are now?

  5. I ask this with the evolution of the universe in mind. The universe was born 14 billion years ago, the earth 4.5 billion years ago, and life on earth...I don't know 1.5-2 billion years ago? How much earlier than 4.5 billion years ago could a planet like earth of been created. How about intelligent life. Could people smarter than us of lived 2 billion years ago, which means life on their planet probably started 2-3 billion years before that (if their evolution is anything like ours) or was the universe just not fit to do such a thing yet?


    About stars also. Stars have been observed "burning out" right? Our star's lifespan will be longer than 14 billion years....right? Why did those stars burn out so fast?

  6. Is it realistic to do that? Fly something big to it?


    Well it's either that or calculate the launch times of hundreds of nukes so that they get there in specific spots at specific times, so that when one blows it to a bunch of pieces, the others attempt to blast the pieces into tinier pieces and so on and so fourth.


    You never know, maybe the ground will open up at area 51 and a giant laser will shoot out and completely destroy the meteor.


    If they announced on TV a giant meteor is comming to kill us and there's nothing we can do (which they wouldnt do because 80% of humanity is insane), atleast we all go down together. Me, You, Tom Cruise, Britney Spears, Bill Gates, all the pee-wees playhouse episodes, the teletubbies, da vinci's skeleton.


    It'd be cool if aliens came down and said "We hear you have a meteor problem? Well this thing is frickin huge, so we decided to bring 800,000 gigantic spaceships to hall you guys to our planet."

  7. God: "We had a really good run, couple hundred million years. I can't believe it didnt occur to me that so many dinosaurs would be wiped out by a meteor impact. 1st mars got to cold and now this (little do people know mars was my first choice, looked just like earth back in the day). Ok ok ok ok, this time, I shall evolve an animal capable of protecting itself against anything. However I am not beyond my own rules, all things must be in a balance. So on the downside they are going to be massively self destructive, but the good to bad ratio will be like 70/30, and I'm not argueing with those numbers. Ok, couple million years and they should start getting up and running. I gotta get back to the universe. If I don't hurry up they are gonna figure out I got tired 14 billion light years out and stopped making stuff. Ontop of that, with the way these people like to boink, they'll fill half the universe up with humans before the sun has a chance to turn red. Suppose somewhere between the years 2050-2100 they'll spot that earth like planet I made in the Luyten 789-6 system, 11 light years away. I'm always looking out for my little buddies, anyone who can write orchestra music that good has earned a couple millions years in my book. This time, I won't allow a giant meteor to come their way until they are ready to deal with it. After that, just to not look suspicious, I'm sending a bunch. If I can go off topic for a minute, I'm really glad they put the nuke idea away and dawned on the whole "fly something big into it" idea, thems my little champions."

  8. Could it be because you drank a bunch of pop, milk, gatorade and water trying to quench a thirst? I've had those types of thirst where no amount of water seemed to help and I ended up a bit queasy. I can only imagine what it would have felt like if I'd mixed so many different (and possibly volatile) liquids.


    The drinks were more throughout the day, not close together.


    Have your doctor check you for an overactive pancreas. Otherwise, its rabies and your screwed. LOL.


    Phew, now I feel much better.


    Any sort of water, or just tap water? There may be a contaminant in the water you drink that you are sensitive to.


    All water, bottled water, sink water, those 5 galloon things you put on the water cooler, all of it. It's everytime so that leads me to believe it doesnt have something to do with anything I've eaten before or after.


    I forgot cramping to, it will give stomach/abdominal cramps occassionally.


    I have IBS.....could that for some reason at all be a reason for this?

  9. Whenever I drink water I get a stomach ache, sometimes it makes me nauseous or I feel like throwing up. My family swears up and down that it's probably all the milk I drink and that I'm probably some form of lactose-intolerant, but milk never makes me sick or hurts my stomach it does nothing but make me feel better when I drink it. I felt dehydrated last night and nor pop or milk or gatorade was quenching this feeling, I felt like I was missing something you know and it was making me not feel very good. So I figured I needed water and I got a bottle from the fridge and started taking some drinks. I don't like the taste of water so it wasn't a grand experience. Within minutes, my stomach started feeling....icky. A combination of sort of an acid pain and feeling like my stomach was a half full water balloon (especially when I moved around). Felt like I was gonna throw up for a good hour until it went away, this happens almost everytime I drink water. I can't be allergic to water or anything like that right, what sense would that make?


    The back of my throat always feels weird when I drink water to, not sure if that's normal or not, it's sort of a scratchy sensation.

  10. How bout evolution that doesnt serve much purpose or gain and doesnt necessarly threaten anything else. Would you pass this off as "evolution in the process"? For instace, how good our memory can be, and how bad our memory can be. My physical potential not being greater. this is why I asked of Evolution drives science or if science drives evolution. Perhaps I should say physics instead.


    How does evolution decide that over time, a lizard needs to be able to blend into it's environment? Evolution doesnt decide anything correct? It just slowly transforms itself based on the push of the animal. Which makes me wonder, how did a lizard being able to change colors ever come about from that? If one day humans can become invisible, would a good question be "how in the hell did this come about through evolution, as a necessity"? I ask about the lizard because once again, does evolution run physics or does physics run evolution? Are our muscles this limited because of the way the universe works or because of the way we've evolved. Or should I say, one day could 200lb man bench press 5 times his own body weight? Since we keep pushing ourselves, though not a necessity, how could the process in which we evolve and advance know if it's necessity or not?

  11. Do evolution and meaninglessness fit together? Sometimes I cant help but talk about evolution as an entity of it's own because of how it seems to regulate it's own rules. I live on a planet that has places that are too cold and too hot for me to live. To make up for it, I have an intelligent brain and can fashion myself some sporty duds to keep me warm while I get mauled by a polar bear. I am creative and destructive, when you figure that one you let me know. God forbid humans develop the ability to withstand the hotter and colder temperatures of the world. Do you think science runs evolution or evolution runs science? Instead of really efficient skin, polar bars have alot of fur. Humans get sick, we get head aches, we lose our vision, we lose our hearing and we get depressed. How many species do you know that have frequent intentional suicides based on depression and an unfavored mental state? Whaddya suppose these things mean?


    Why does evolution play fair? Is it because all things in existence advance together? Animals develop offensive and defensive features in their favor, yet not all of them live out their entire lives without being killed. It makes sense, the thing trying to kill them needs to live to, it needs to be able to catch that animal. So, is this a case of evolution moving together, an antelope can improve but so can a cheetah? Or is it a case of evolution taking off on it's own. Is adapting to our environment and shaping around our lifestyle the only thing evolution adheres to?

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