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Posts posted by KHinfcube22

  1. Ok, ok....this isn't very good, but my friend got sick and couldn't make one....so I got some pics of the internet and made one myself...hows this?...I hope its not too bad.....It've only made four so far....................


  2. Oh well.....I was just throwing up some ideas.....How do you know the only reason why oxygen is essential to life only because we have been breathing it for millions of years?....I bet if we breathed more excessive amounts of argon than we do now, like 1000% more, it would eventually be ecssential to life.....


    And I only use elipses because its now my tradmark way of typing on the internet now....Check all the sites were I "chat".....

  3. Kedas said in post #2 :

    about what you said: air is a must to survive, a drug isn't. That is a big difference.


    Not neccesarily true....If one smoked crack every day of his life for twenty years staright, assuming they never died from the drug itself, then if they just stopped, they would die of withdraws....Air could just be giving us the same effect....Its just that since our bodies are so adapted to it, we get the withdraws merely minutes of we stop taking it......Also, we've been taking it for so long, our bodies have found a way to use it to our advantage....Say every human smoked crack every day of their life....and so did their kids...in about a few thousand years, or million, I don't know how fast any of this crap happens, then we would also need crack to survive........My point is saying, that if we start breathing slower, and our children more so, we would, (and by we I mean our successors,) eventually be able to not breathe at all....Our bodies would adapt to the no oxygen....And by drug, I didn't mean the definition of what a drug is, I know that, I just didn't know what the word for what I'm thinking of is....Oh well....

  4. Air....I've been thinking in a sense.....I have come to the conclussion, through little dliberation, that air is a drug...When we stop "breathing", we die of withdraws....It would explain much.....well, not really......I would elaborate, but I wish to see your arguments first........(Sorry for all spelling errors in this page...)....

  5. hmmm.....he sounds cool.....maybe I'll read it........rime of the ancient mariner rocks!......but thats not all of it is it..........oh well............................................................................GO POE!!!!!! (that last out burst has about as much to do with the previous sentences as rice and shoe leather......)....

  6. atinymonkey said in post #10 :

    I'll have to side with Dave's GCSE comment here. I won an award for a poem I wrote named 'harbingers of decay' about daffodils, I was trying to mock my teacher through poetry. It backfired. GSCE poetry is goat poo.


    You try appreciating Wilfred Owen when your 13.




    I only read the first sentence....I get what your getting at......I still love poems though...............They are all like meaningful......*Sniff*...........

  7. Sorry....I'll try to be nicer........Here is one of me favorite poem which I have written.......I entered it into a contest....Don't mock it too bad...........


    Forever Illusions


    I can't believe

    The things I see

    Are really whats

    In front of me

    I see her there

    Her eyes so blue

    Like a song

    That I once knew

    But is it her

    Before my eyes

    Or is it just

    A bunch of lies

    I hope its her

    The one I want

    For hopefully

    My eyes not taunt

    And so I sit

    And so I stare

    Wondering if

    Shes really there....

  8. You kind of people should be beaten upon the head with various blunt objects.........If any one wishes to check out any of my other poetry, check out forums.ffextreme.com......Its actually gaming extreme now, but they kept the forum name.......

  9. didn't build mine......not that far into high school yet....thats next year.....Mine is way slower than all of yours....but I do keep up with all the latest sound and video cards with Computer Games Magazine......Alien Ware ROCKS........And just to show how bad my comp. is, its only 800mhz with a bit over 200 mb RAM.....



    But I LOVE the hardware....i have no job or money though....*sits down and cries*........

  10. Ummm....I don't wish to sound mean...and to all those who frequent this site might, and can, call me a hypocrite for saying so........You grammar is not all too well.......And too create with more intelligence is not impossible, just very, very hard........It would have to be able to learn and live for millennium at best.......

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