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Posts posted by KHinfcube22

  1. Hey...I'm just as suprised as you this hasn't been closed...but the fact that pure randomness can produce a modern or futuristic society without numbers means that there must be one somewhere...we don't need numbers...only just to explain why something works...not to work...We can have everything and just not know why...oh well....

  2. Dang...and I had a good one...Oh well...the best way to find life outside earth would have to be...ummmm...hmmmm...ome short of scanning wave that is shpereical that the bigger it gets, the stronger it gets...But that would be nearly impossible...obtaining light speed would probably be the next best idea...or faster than light...oh well...They find us...we shoot them out of existence...thats whats going to happen...Enders Game all over again...

  3. I wish to bring this up again...numbers are controversial...there are way too many ways around them...thus making them irrelevent...we only think we need them, because we do not know how to live without them...But I say we CAN have a modern or futuristic society without numbers!...Counting is not mandatory!...WE CAN MAKE WITHOUT THEM!...oh well...

  4. there is only one way to find out...get dave drunk...make the microwaves power more powerful by a hundred fold...cut a hole in the front of it...stick daves head into the hole...set microwave for 99:99 so as to make sure it is maximumly efficient...Oh well...that would make a great story...

  5. X-Mas is evil!...It has old pedifiles climbing into peoples houses and leaving 'presents' under the 'tree' and sticking things into little boys and girls stockings...Disgusting...AND I GIVE ALL OF YOU THE HONOR OF READING THE WORDS I TYPED MYSELF!...merry christmas!...

  6. I know I am not a n00b, but I sure am not a mod right now...I don't know if you moderators already have a thread for this, but I can't find one...Can all you concecutive posters, who have like 300 hours post there favorite things other siye members have said?...Oh well...we shall see....

  7. But if it is zipped, which compresses it...It would be much smaller...How 'bout this then...someone download, zip it, and then upload it onto another server...that way I'm still downloading it off the net, not e-mail, and it is not 84 Mb...All the servers out there so far only have the exe file, not the zip,so it'll take me 4 hours to download it...

  8. Aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it

    deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod

    are, the olny iprmoetnt tihng is taht the frist and

    lsat ltteer be at the rghit pclae.


    The rset can be a total mses and you can sitll raed it

    wouthit porbelm.


    Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey

    lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe.



    Sorry...but it was just too tempting...

  9. Hey...ummm...My friend gave me the game half-life a few days ago...(I know, sad...But the stores would never let me by it...)...And I noticed it was version is the second oldest version I could find...I tried to download the version full client, but It would take my computer a full 4 hours to do so...I don't have that kinda time...I was wondering if any of you could get it, and zip it, then send it to me...That way I can download it on my comp much faster...E-Mail it to AugShadow822@aol.com if you can...thank you for your time...

  10. No...I am just curious...I know the US goverment is screwed up, and I want to know what they were trying to do...All I have learned so far is that they had a thing for time/space travel...All around world war two...Oh well....

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