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Everything posted by mad_scientist

  1. I have heard that smaller animals which have a high metabolism tend to die earlier on average than bigger animals with a slower metabolism. Does this indicate that if you want to live a long life as a human, it is better to have a slow metabolism by reducing your daily caloric intake? I have heard that exercising regularly and body-building can increase your metabolism as you will need more protein, fuel and nutrients and minerals to replenish your body. However, would the benefits of a high metabolism out weigh cons? What is the general consensus among the scientific community?
  2. Does doing this prevent the bacteria from the toilet bowl from flying off all over after one flushes the toilet? i.e. does toilet seat block any bacteria from flying off had the seat not acted as a barrier for any bacteria to be thrown on your face as you flush? Do you normally close the toilet seat before you flush? What is the science showing in regards to this issue?
  3. Did you learn much from completing highschool? What do you think are some of the problems of the highschool curriculum in your country of origin? Do you recall anything from highschool at all now? Do you use anything practical/useful from highschool today in your day-to-day life? If you could change any one thing about the highschool curriculum in your country what would you change? What was the most useful thing your learnt or benefited from attending and completing highschool? How can the highschool curriculum be changed (e.g. achievement based model with different aged peers in classrooms perhaps?) to make it more relevant and useful gauge/indicator of individual student performance? Is performance in highschool a good reflection of how productive you will be as an employee when joining the workforce as you age? What would you say to your younger self if you could give life advice regarding the highschool journey?
  4. Hi Scienceforumers, The international community have spent trillions and trillions of dollars in aid to Africa in programs designed to alleviate poverty however Africa still lags behind most countries in a variety of measures. Corruption, disease, social injustice, poverty and many other issues are at the forefront for many African communities today. Researchers have spent some time studying the DNA of Africans and have concluded that many Africans have a predisposition to a variety of genetic diseases such as sickle-cell anaemia on top of many others. Studies of African-Americans in the USA have also shown that having an African background can increase the likelihood for someone obtaining a disease. Many in the international community are deeply worried and frightened that Africa will never catch up with the rest of the world and that things may actually be getting worse in some countries! It has been confirmed that Africans lack Neanderthal DNA that people from other continents have. It is estimated that non-Africans possess 2-4% Neanderthal DNA on average. Furthermore, East-Asians have 30% more Neanderthal DNA than Europeans. With the rise of East-Asian economies, many have speculated that East-Asians may be genetically superior to Europeans and Africans due to their higher percentage of Neanderthal DNA which may have increased the genetic fitness of East-Asians in particular. Many have also speculated that East-Asians are genetically superior due to their higher genetic variability which is known to increase genetic fitness over time. My questions are the following: 1) which ethnic group worldwide is least susceptible to genetic disease? 2) does being East-Asian give one a pre-disposition to being intelligent? (if not, then why is hong kong, Singapore , south korea, japan, china and Taiwan ranked highest in terms of average IQ? Is this all cultural or could it be due to superior genes that Africans/Europeans do not possess?) 3) is there such a thing as an inferior ethnic group? 4) which ethnic groups are most closely related to each other genetically speaking? 5) I have heard that race does not exist but ethnic groups do. what does this mean exactly? Hope some people here can help with my questions! Thanks, mad_scientist
  5. Had modern science not arisen in Europe, could it have arisen in other parts of the world (E.g. china, middle-east etc.) with time? Is the scientific method an inevitable discovery?
  6. hey, what does everyone here normally do when they encounter someone they have previously met but don't really know too well and don't have much to talk about with? is it normal and ok to ignore the person and pretend you didn't see them? what does everyone here normally do in these sorts of situations? if i met you before and we are in a public area, would you be ok if i ignored you and pretended that i didn't see you? has anyone ever encountered a situation when someone they knew did this to them?
  7. When will most jobs be lost to robots due to automation? Are robots working and doing all the work for us a good thing? Would you be happy doing what you wanted with a guaranteed basic income instead of having to earn a living and robots making the money for us? What would you do with all the free time?
  8. I belong to an ethnic group which is has the stereotype of being considered lazy, how will this effect my future or my children's future if I marry someone from my parent's country? Are any stereotypes true? Are asian-americans really better at math (here it says no but it is their opinion http://wileyasiablog.com/2014/06/17/asians-math-stereotype/)? If not, then what is the cause for the stereotype? Has negative stereotyping affected anyone here? Is positive stereotyping ever beneficial to anyone? Is it worth it to marry someone of an ethnic/social group who will give your children a positive stereotype advantage?
  9. What is the most lucrative career in the sciences to go into? also, which study area is the most lucrative right now? will genetics be in high demand? what about astronomy with more people going to space very soon?? would it be computer science? is programming really in demand or is it really the problem solving skills that employers are after that you get from programming and not programming itself that is important? i have also heard that technology can now be produced which can program by itself so there may not be any need for any human workers in this area in the coming decades as robots and automation of the workforce happens. does this mean most people would be made redundant? what would we do with all the spare time?
  10. Looking at the world at how it is right now or is going to be, which countries are likely to have the most number of people going into outer space with many space tourism companies sprouting their way into fruition? Some have claimed a price of $250 000 for a 2.5 hour space trip i believe? is this worth it or not? is it really realistic to see most people go into space in our lifetimes at affordable prices or is the price likely to still be too high for the most of us? what are the chances for people in the below age groups: 0-5 5-10 10-15 etc. ??
  11. our current lives could be a simulation to increase gratefulness and be a big learning opportunity. how would you react if this was the case and you woke up suddenly from this simulation into a new more sophisticated world that was not made up of protons/neutrons/atoms/quarks etc.? atoms are merely the buildings blocks of the simulation and not the real world. how seriously do scientists put consideration into this possibility?
  12. oh ok. why did the ripley article column say otherwise though?
  13. Which humans have this FOXO3 gene for shorter height? Is it exclusive to east asians or do all groups of humans have this gene? in the link i provided, the guy also mentions shorter people have higher heart pumping efficiency, does this mean shorter people have an unfair advantage making better long-distance runners where you undertake prolonged endurance activities which require the heart to be pumping efficiently? hmm...interesting. i have heard that the mediterranean diet as well as cultures which place a high emphasis on intermittent fasting actually live longer and are healthier. maybe there is some sort of connection?
  14. Hi guys, I'm just thinking of things that have happened in my life. There was a time when I was younger when I felt and experienced a lot of repressed anger towards others for many, many years. It came about predominantly because of my lack of communication skills and my inability to deal with problems as a young teenager and through a lack of adult mentoring and any support network I was able to turn to. It clouded my vision of reality and made the world appear to be one filled with great injustices and I still do have such a perspective to some extent but not as how bad as how it was before during my transition from teenage-hood to adulthood. This made me feel extreme and intense feelings of anger which I was not able to break out of - although I did not really express these feelings to anyone. I was emotionally unstable and decided to take my anger out on social media on one of the people I believe had been a prime supporter of the same injustice I experienced and I saw her as the cause of my suffering, even though she never inflicted extreme hurt towards me. However, there was a time when I received a little bit of intentional hurt from her as well as other people and would assume the worst in them due to my clouded vision. My thinking and the thoughts in my head were filled with malicious ones and I didn't know what to do with all the repressed anger I had. Looking back, I don't know what I could have done. I was afraid of being perceived as a baby if I raised the issues I had to anyone and a part of me wanted myself to not talk to anyone about them as it gave me a feeling of certainty of how the world was like which I wouldn't have been able to have had I not received such hurt from society and the people within it, as happened initially. I also believed that not talking about it gave me the right to be angry and the thought of lashing out towards others (e.g. through verbal expressions). Had I talked about these issues openly (and I did have an opportunity - although I wasn't ready at the time), I believed that it meant that I couldn't hurt anyone and I had to forgive society from the hurt I experienced. So, I passed the opportunity and chose to lash out on one person in particular and humiliate her in social media. Had a situation arisen of either (a) not talking about the causes of the repressed anger and not lashing onto anyone, how would this have affected my health long term compared to situation (b) where I lashed out onto someone. Is a person in a much better position physiologically, mentally if they lash out and get rid of the anger? Would he/she be healthier overall and live a more fulfilling life in the long-term? Giving hurt towards others was my own way of releasing the anger I had inside of me and "connecting" with people and the world. I would feel more connected towards anyone I released my anger towards if they maintained contact with me and did not cut ties as a result. Had my communication skills been better, maybe I would have been able to figure out a way to express the anger and talk about it without breaking the bonds of any friendships I may have had. Hope to hear some informative replies! Thanks, mad_scientist
  15. if einstein was really a genius why did his math teachers not notice? does this imply he became a genius...did he start off being of average intelligence?
  16. is it true that the maslow's hierachy of needs has been debunked and doesn't make much sense?
  17. hey guys... If you have interest in science and enjoy learning and studying, does this necessarily make you a hard working employee should you join the workforce? In what situations would this be the case and in what situations would this not be the case? What is everyone's personal experiences from viewing the world? I heard people who enjoy learning about science tend to be quite lazy and this explains why they have so much time to ponder upon scientific/philosophical questions ordinary folk don't even bother looking into or thinking about. thanks, mad_scientist
  18. what is the likelihood that everything we see, taste, touch, feel and smell is merely the product of a highly sophisticated simulation? if everything is a simulation, what would happen if we die? if we develop technology to live forever, does this mean that we are stuck and those will be stuck in this simulation and can't get out?
  19. how much mathematics is behind the hypothesis? what is the likelihood such parallel universes exist? is it merely just based on quantum behaviour that is extrapolated on larger objects or is there much mathematics behind the hypothesis? do you believe in the multiverse ideas?
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