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Everything posted by mad_scientist

  1. So, you worked in the construction industry? I heard it's relatively easy to get a job in this field even if you have a criminal record, at least where I am from. Is this something you have noticed in your country as well?
  2. I think the idea behind having a superhero as a role model is because humans are naturally flawed and almost always let us down whereas cartoon characters or superheroes aren't as they can be created a certain way to hide any flaws. Congratulations on raising five well educated daughterd who will undoubtedly contribute greatly to society and earn a high paying salary. How did you manage to raise such successful daughters? E.g. Did you read to them when they were younger or gel them with their homework? How did you influence them to become the successful people that they will become or already have become? How did you learn to become such an excellent father to them?
  3. It's good to have one though as if you dont if you ever become depressed you may consider taking your own life. If you have a life purpose, then your life has meaning and this would significantly improve your quality of life. Typically religious people have a higher goal or purpose in life but it's not just for religious people, many scientists have life purposes as well whether it's unifying quantum mechanics with classical physics or saving money to help build a library in subsaharan Africa to increase literacy rates there.
  4. Was just interested. They seem like normal questions to me that I could ask anybody in real life. Don't really have a motive, just interested in gaining insight and knowledge from the life experiences of others. Both my parents lack life experience and many have often mistook me as someone a few years younger due to lack of a variety of experiences I have compared to others typically people my age have experienced. Generally speaking, would you prefer, to be paid a higher wage but "being a cog in the machine or irrelevant" or making a unique contribution but being paid a lower wage? In the former case above, would you feel guilty being over-paid?
  5. In regards to driving, can't your parents teach you? At what age, did you move out from home? What was your motivation for moving out? Do you think you became more independent through moving out and if so, what skills did you gain and how did it change you? Also, why did you choose to do a PhD in medicinal chemistry? What was your major during undergrad?
  6. How has going on vacation overseas changes you as a person? Do you sometimes ever worry that you are pouring money down the drain when holidaying? How do you decide where to go? Do you sometimes feel nervous about visiting overseas countries you have never been or don't know anyone who is from the country you want to go to?
  7. What is your dream, goal or life purpose? Do you have one? What is your reason for existing? In what ways do you want to serve others or make this world a better place? What problems do you want to see being solved in the foreseeable future?
  8. Sorry, I meant the character. I thought you were asking me a one or the other type question. Have you seen batman vs superman at least? I have not seen wonder woman the movie as I am a man and would not find the protagonist as relatable due to my gender.
  9. https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/women-feel-pain-more-intensely/ Women Feel Pain More Intensely Than Men Do
  10. Oh yeah. Why not? I don't have my full licence as well because I live near the city and dont really need a car at the moment to commute. What line of work are you currently in? Do you enjoy your current job?
  11. If so, why should men/boys care about the issue of empowerment of women? Should this be entirely left to women/girls to debate amongst themselves? I believe it is the woman
  12. She was nominated as a U.N. ambassador. mobile.abc.net.au/news/2016-12-13/wonder-woman-loses-united-nations-ambassador-job/8114832 Many young girls/women look up to wonder woman for empowerment of women. Also, if you are a guy, do you think that you should worry this sort of stuff for the sake of the global female human population?
  13. I watched it in a documentary on tv just now. Here is a link to the trailer: Trailer: Ask The Doctor - Series 1 Ep 5 8:00pm Tue 13 Jun ABC : ABC iview https://www.google.com.au/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=http://iview.abc.net.au/programs/ask-the-doctor/MP1723H077C00DS1&ved=0ahUKEwj1276_z7rUAhWKUbwKHeY-AGwQFggdMAA&usg=AFQjCNGti8_TsxURL4FrYu_r8ufqvJQvqA&sig2=86JOsb3hN84PgL24Z3Pitw The full episode should be available for viewing soon through online through iview.
  14. Yes, but the world seems a more interesting place when you are 8 years old or a baby as when you grow older you acclimitise and have a good idea how people are like, how the world is like etc. You have experienced a lot of things and have a good understanding how matter interacts with other matter and you are no longer in awe as you once were as a child into how the world works. Many have claimed that children are naturally interested in the world around them and make better scientists due to their limited experience of interacting with the world.
  15. But I bet it gave you something else to compare your current role with. I bet it increased your gratefulness when you compare how difficult this other job was to do. Seems really stressful and probably involves a lot of walking. How many kilometres do you think you walked when doing this work for your deliveries? Do you think it was a good stepping stone and opened up opportunities for you in other areas (e.g. If you wanted to be a courier as you grow older and get your car licence)? What skills did you gain from doing this sort of job?
  16. ...and He could turn you into any animal which is alive today on this planet earth (but not homo sapien), what animal would you like to be?
  17. What evolutionary purpose did this have to help the human population survive through hard challenges?
  18. Do you think temporary short travels/holidays overseas has a significant impact on one's own personal development and changes people's perspective on life to a significant extent or are the affects relatively negligible? HahaHaha! I wonder how it got to be like that in the first place! What is your budget for family vacations? What is the best thing about taking a vacation? Is it worth it to go if you don't plan on taking any pictures of your adventures?
  19. Oh yeah? Which countries did you go to? The only place I would really like to go is into out of space if my future employer makes me go due to nature of my job. If they are able to extend the life of the human species to 250 years, would you try to visit every country in the world at least once?
  20. How long did you stay in the job for? Oh no! That's not fair. What was your actual job title? Why was it your least favourite job?
  21. Would life be boring? Would you be happy if the human lifespan could be extended to 200 years instead of 100? If you could live until 200 years, what would you do differently and how would you have planned your life if you are still a teenager now?
  22. ok then, of all the jobs you've ever had, which was your least favourite?
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